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  1. amamyo


  2. amamyo

    Enjoy my short story! Don't worry, the first few chapters will be events that happened in 2012...

    Enjoy my short story! Don't worry, the first few chapters will be events that happened in 2012 for Amy, but will get to the present soon!
  3. amamyo

    "A Runner's Faith" ["Short" Story]

    Hope you enjoy!
  4. amamyo

    "A Runner's Faith" ["Short" Story]

    Why Adverb 1. For what reason or purpose. "Why do you have pink hair?" Chapter 1 Pink and Alone I sighed as I stared out into the baseball field. Slowly I opened my lunchbox and, to my delight, I had a can of green tea. I slowly drank it as I glanced at the cafeteria. As usual, the rich...
  5. amamyo

    [Short Story] Life

    I feel so important aaaahh >w< PS Congrats on being seasoned!
  6. amamyo

    [Short Story] Life

    A. Am I Jess? (Cuz me names Amy if ye din nu young potato no offense =3) B. OoOooooO Interesting I liek it =3 C. Pls do. (THATS HOW I ANSWER EVEN IF ITS WRONG. SHUT UP)
  7. amamyo


  8. amamyo

    Lets all have wonderful lives and drink Gingerbread bleach and sing drinking songs until we die.

    Lets all have wonderful lives and drink Gingerbread bleach and sing drinking songs until we die.
  9. amamyo

    Just wait. Once you be on the forums for a while it's undeniable you'll have at least 20 by the...

    Just wait. Once you be on the forums for a while it's undeniable you'll have at least 20 by the time you get to truly truest.
  10. amamyo

    Hailey my beautiful bby buying me richkid on Xmas maybe OML I love yuuuuu

    Hailey my beautiful bby buying me richkid on Xmas maybe OML I love yuuuuu
  11. amamyo

    [Not a short story] Rage,Chapter 1: Shock and Loss (NON CANON)

  12. amamyo

    When you want to make a "short" story like everyone else but don't wanna copy and honestly just...

    When you want to make a "short" story like everyone else but don't wanna copy and honestly just can't be bothered.
  13. amamyo

    [Not a short story] Rage,Chapter 1: Shock and Loss (NON CANON)

    Please do. I LUV IT =3 Its gonna be a pain for you to constantly change wild to waxy whenever i'm talking doe. MWEAHAHAHHAHA
  14. amamyo

    [Not a short story] Rage,Chapter 1: Shock and Loss (NON CANON)

    HELL YEAH I DON'T DIE 'TILL THE END! wait is it because of that crush Auron has on me? Oh wait this isn't canon. NVM
  15. amamyo

    The Lost Soul of Empyrean - Story [WIP]

  16. amamyo

    Wildfire's Biography

    I FELL ASLEEP ON YOU FOR DIS Best friends: Jodie (@Jodiemarsbar) MJ (@MJ_and_MJ) Belle (@B3lle) Etsuko (@xXKawaii_JuliaXx) Wahl (@WahlOfPain) Close friends: Mille (@maddie) Legit (Legit_Tortus) Andre (@AndreMC) Max (@Maxirino) Alec (AlecTheOrange) John (@WolfTheMurderer)
  17. amamyo

    Wildfire's Biography

    PS Preferred name needs to be Waxy. ¬.¬
  18. amamyo

    Wildfire's Biography

    Yes, its COMPLETELY normal to name your child 'WildFire' because reasons.
  19. amamyo

    I cri about having 10 negative ratings and then look at DJLord and he has like 60.

    I cri about having 10 negative ratings and then look at DJLord and he has like 60.
  20. amamyo

    Thank chuuuu any positive rating is appreciated, as long as I know I have your support Mr...

    Thank chuuuu any positive rating is appreciated, as long as I know I have your support Mr AnkleBreaker ^-^