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  1. Kaii

    DaddyKai's Doctor Application

    Out-Of-Character (OOC) Section: What is your Minecraft Username?: DaddyKai How old are you?: I am currently 14 years of age. Do you have any previous or ongoing bans?: I don't think I have any previous bans but I may be wrong. If I do it was most defiantly over a year ago or some time. What...
  2. Kaii

    Goodbye for now

    In a while crocodile
  3. Kaii


  4. Kaii

    reasons why i deserve to be owner

  5. Kaii

    Ik I am very very VERY late on this but Good luck Ryan on what you pursue next. I remember when...

    Ik I am very very VERY late on this but Good luck Ryan on what you pursue next. I remember when you accepted my KFC shop app and becoming a shop-owner. Thank you for giving me that opportunity. I've met some really good people because of it.
  6. Kaii

    SRP Resignation I guess?

    Goodbye Fayble and good luck with what you go and pursue next.
  7. Kaii

    We were out of it like every other day.

    We were out of it like every other day.
  8. Kaii

    I owned it until we changed to Heartmart.

    I owned it until we changed to Heartmart.
  9. Kaii

    Honoring the Karakura KFC because it needs some true honor.

    Honoring the Karakura KFC because it needs some true honor.
  10. Kaii

    So Kind arent you.

    So Kind arent you.
  11. Kaii


  12. Kaii

    Introduction | greek_lockal

    Welcome to SRP! Enjoy your time here!
  13. Kaii

    Introduction: Shizai

    Welcome Or Welcome back
  14. Kaii

    Welcome back!

    Welcome back!
  15. Kaii

    Wondering what to do with my life

    Wondering what to do with my life