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  1. Arocatula

    Can someone check my ban appeal D:

    Bro please be patient, or your thing will be automatically denied.
  2. Arocatula


    Ask @Morke she's not bad at it
  3. Arocatula

    [Day 1] If your character was in a anime, what anime would it be?

  4. Arocatula


    I have nothing to say... shhhhh...
  5. Arocatula

    fun times!

    Life is weird...
  6. Arocatula


  7. Arocatula

    I hate you

    I hate you
  8. Arocatula

    Stop sending everyone dad jokes...

    Stop sending everyone dad jokes...
  9. Arocatula

    Card Suggestion

  10. Arocatula

    A retooling of /spawn

    -1 what atoki said
  11. Arocatula

    Add Animal Lang

    This has honestly been suggestion many times before. They're already making it.
  12. Arocatula

    New Biography out!

    Alright bet
  13. Arocatula

    New Biography out!

    YEAH but I'm nice (most of the time)
  14. Arocatula

    How to make a SchoolRP skin!

    That's a pretty good guide! Also really helpful.
  15. Arocatula

    Yes Monkeys rule

    Yes Monkeys rule
  16. Arocatula

    I'm finished, but I will tell no spoilers :)

    I'm finished, but I will tell no spoilers :)
  17. Arocatula

    The_8eightRP || Baseball suggestion

    Maybe they didn't have that for a reason or they forgot it? +1 though.
  18. Arocatula

    Car re-model suggestion

  19. Arocatula

    guys lets make a story

    Ayo not mini-modding, that would be tell you to stop, I'm just saying. And I am not saying anything is wrong with having some fun, just a concern, that's all.