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  1. Latte

    Suggestion : New sports team

  2. Latte

    Yooo Favorite faculty member

    Oh my god so true I. 'Big Mama' Aldridge, Fxxkie I believe
  3. Latte

    Yooo Favorite faculty member

    Olesia De'Bardi, Henry Hamilton, Elizabeth Zennix, Nana Kawa... I mean, Kawakami Tsukumo, and hmm a few others from when I was an employee but these are my current!
  4. Latte

    Layla's intro! :)

    Go away Layla, just kidding... since we call almost everyday I can testify that yes, she has a very high pitched voice. Aside from this now I'm debating an intro. . .
  5. Latte

    Suggestion | New command

    Neat idea, I'm sure there is going to be some sort of reason it cannot be allowed however I like it! +1
  6. Latte


    AYOOO ITS HOLLY! Omg she's so cute stop it
  7. Latte

    Suggestion: Karakura Street Racing Community

    +1 I actually believe in my application for the event team I suggested something similar to this, if not this idea in whole. The idea of illegal racing has always peaked my interested and if this is to be accepted I offer my full support and will help with events. Keep up the incredible ideas...
  8. Latte

    New Biography out!

  9. Latte

    Take HANDS

  10. Latte

    That's very broad pash... thanks for the motivation to continue arson! Just kidding, this is a...

    That's very broad pash... thanks for the motivation to continue arson! Just kidding, this is a nice message keep it up
  11. Latte

    Take HANDS

    @NoodleRP has a hand addiction
  12. Latte


    Snake lov
  13. Latte

    Elias King Kirigaya | Biography

    ;eyes; let me grab my watergun rq hold up
  14. Latte

    Memes of your childhood 2

  15. Latte


    Oh my this is far too amazing
  16. Latte

    The boys

    What in the world are these comments, anyways as per usual stunning art Tobi Tob! Please keep up the great work, don't ever stop- (don't take that literally, take breaks as needed)
  17. Latte

    GangRP | Yakuza ; BAKUTO

  18. Latte

    Advice on trash cans

  19. Latte

    LuxidDream intro ;)

    ^ coolest builder, can tell