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  1. DivineCaesar


  2. DivineCaesar

    Not Needed

    Awww im your major fwiend :p
  3. DivineCaesar

    Denied Fail_RP's school librarian application

    [OOC section] In-Game Name: Fail_RP School Employee Role you are Applying For: I am applying for the role of School Librarian. How often do you log onto the server?: I log onto the server every day without fail, the only days I can't log on are important holidays such as Christmas or when I'm...
  4. DivineCaesar

    Fail_RP's Age request

    IGN (Minecraft Username):Fail_RP WHAT YOU NEED (ROLE/RANK) College (20) YOUR CURRENTLY ROLE/RANK (IF ANY): College. 19. F EVIDENCE: I don't know how to upload pictures. DM me for proof. Winston_Churchil#6296 Just an extra note. When I made my request I asked to be 20. I was aged 19. Then when...