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  1. DivineCaesar

    How's the server?

    Last time I was on RPH and SRP.. School RP was way ahead of FRP, and we easily reached 60 players a day. I talked to someone who claims FRP is now on top and SRP is basicaly dead. Is this true or are their pants on fire? I honestly can't imagine FRP being on top.
  2. DivineCaesar

    Ty @Loooper

    Ty @Loooper
  3. DivineCaesar

    What do you want for Christmas

    Damn man. That's deep. I hope you get your wish, and I hope everyone sorts itself out. Merry christmas
  4. DivineCaesar

    A Mistake In The Appeals?

    I reccomend you DM a staff member directly
  5. DivineCaesar

    How to GangRP like a pro

    Hey, I know you're trying to be nice. But as someone with experience is gangrp, this is how you gangrp like a pro Step 1: Deny everything unless they have evidence. My former gang boss allowed me to leave, fourtunatly I took a screenshot. However later on he claimed he had perms on me and asked...
  6. DivineCaesar

    What do you want for Christmas

    @Tippie You should grant them their christmas wish xD
  7. DivineCaesar

    Change my username?

    Thank you. I'll just try and play the waiting game then!
  8. DivineCaesar

    Change my username?

    When I first started School RP, I wanted to have a language application. And as such I made a fourms account. Pretty simple right? Well, I made this account on Feb 18, 2020. Almost a year ago. And as such I have obviously changed my name a few times. The name I started with was my first ever...
  9. DivineCaesar

    What do you want for Christmas

    For those who celebrate Christmas, as a Social or Religious event, or under a different name, what do you want for Christmas? Do you want money? If so what do you want to spend it on? Do you want presents? If such what do you want. And if you have a special gift, for example a trip, what is it...
  10. DivineCaesar

    Love you all

    I just wanna say merry christmas to you all. Or hanukkah or whatever you celebrate! You're all great.
  11. DivineCaesar

    This is awkward. ;-;

    Not everyone likes roleplay. Seeing how there are a lot of children on the server, It's likely he saw something violent happening or worse something sexual, and as such wants their child to have nothing to due with the server. You should always respect your parents wishes unless it's absoloutely...
  12. DivineCaesar

    This is awkward. ;-;

    I don't think it's possible to delete the accounts. If it is I have no idea. I'd suggest just changing the password to random numbers and logging out. Sure you can always 'forgot password' and get back in, but if you're willing to go along with his ideas, then I'd suggest just doing that. Sorry...
  13. DivineCaesar

    I miss SRP lol

    @Uncapitable I did. It's in the denied section. I took full responsibility and just asked for forgivness, However I was warned multiple times about it and as such my appeal was denied.
  14. DivineCaesar

    I miss SRP lol

    I miss srp lol. I honestly thought when I got banned I wouldn't miss it this much but I have something called an 'Addiction' and I misss srppp why did i commit stoopid actions and get myself banned xD
  15. DivineCaesar

    AOT_RP's Police Application

    Out-Of-Character (OOC) Section IGN (In-Game Name): AOT_RP is my IGN. Previous bans: I have been stupid in the past and gotten myself two bans. Though it should be noted that I went on a long break after my ban for toxicity and since then I haven't been banned for it since. It was just a...
  16. DivineCaesar

    Denied AOT_RP's Teaching Assistant Application

    Out-Of-Character Information In Game Name: AOT_RP Do you have discord? Yes, And it's Mark Antony#1787. Have you ever been banned, If yes when and why?: Yes, I have been twice. Once for ERP, and one for Toxicity. However, They were quite a while ago and I have truley changed since then. I am...
  17. DivineCaesar

    AOT_RP's College Professor Application

    Out-Of-Character Information What is your Minecraft username?: AOT_RP How old are you?: N/A Do you have any previous bans?: I do, One for toxicity, And one for ERP. The toxcicity one caused me to leave School Roleplay for quite a long time, As I wanted to be able to calm down and come back...
  18. DivineCaesar

    AOT_RP's Age Request

    IGN (Minecraft Username): AOT_RP WHAT YOU NEED (ROLE/RANK): 20 (College) YOUR CURRENTLY ROLE/RANK (IF ANY): 19 (College) EVIDENCE: I don't have any evidence, But I joined college months ago, When I asked for age 20 they said people weren't supposed to be 20 or something and they will be put to...
  19. DivineCaesar

    Rule Suggestion

    IGN: AOT_RP DATE: 12/08/2020 WHAT YOU NEED TO SUGGEST OR MENTION: I think that you shouldn't be able to initiate a situation with someone who is AFK. For example, I was AFK and then a bunch of people came up to me and surrounded me and stuff (I only knew about it because they sent me a...
  20. DivineCaesar

