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  1. SirDerpHead

    who's your favourite animal player (char)

    Tequila Dunn, nuff said
  2. SirDerpHead

    Would You Rather..

    I would be in the negatives so quickly with how often i log on.... so A. RIP my first char.
  3. SirDerpHead

    Vehicle Upgrades Changes

    +1. I like how in-depth this is.
  4. SirDerpHead

    Colourblind people things

    oh yeah no tailoring can be so funky when unable to see half of the colours lmao. I've also found with it that i have absolutely no sense in style.
  5. SirDerpHead


    The idea is cool, though it could be a bit tedious to change for every season maybe? Though I would like to see him in a little elf suit!
  6. SirDerpHead

    i fw solo leveling heavy

    i fw solo leveling heavy
  7. SirDerpHead

    Status update: geekin

    Status update: geekin
  8. SirDerpHead

    Holy Moly i can update my status.

    Holy Moly i can update my status.
  9. SirDerpHead

    Colourblind people things

    My fellow colourblind people, what are some of the funny little issues you run into on SRP? May not necessarily be something big, just a funny little thing you have noticed. Me personally I find the fishing plugin to be quite the fun challenge, its like a guessing game.
  10. SirDerpHead

    SKIN | Wanted to show this off :3

  11. SirDerpHead

    FACTIONS | What faction should you join as a new player?

    this is actually so kewl
  12. SirDerpHead

    What my phone writes in the three worded thjngy

    i was so lost for a moment
  13. SirDerpHead

    Meowzers pookies

    sometimes i wish i could go back in time to unread things ive read
  14. SirDerpHead

    new ways to say things in gangrp

    "Run that mask" <<< "Would you so humbly oblige and lend me that facial apparatus."
  15. SirDerpHead

    Who is the Elon Musk of SRP?

    Das a good ass point, literally the man behind the social media. So probably that guy
  16. SirDerpHead

    In just 4 words...

    An exaggerated popularity contest
  17. SirDerpHead

    The MOST Controversial Question of SRP

    Brown. Tom Brown supremacy.
  18. SirDerpHead

    Night owl or morning person?

    As an Australian, SRP has ruined my sleep schedule (im actually just a silly guy and forget to sleep at a reasonable time.)
  19. SirDerpHead

    Vehicle Request | SirDerpHead
