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  1. pashy

    Denied PashOP's history teacher

    Out-Of-Character Information What is your Minecraft username?: PashOP. How old are you?: 14. Do you have any previous bans?: No, i don't have any previous bans. What Country are you from?: I'm from Palestine, but I live in Saudi Arabia. Do you have Discord (if so, what is your discord...
  2. pashy

    PashOP Doctor App

    That thread was removed by the owner.
  3. pashy

    Police Application

    Out-Of-Character (OOC) Section IGN: PashOP. Previous Bans: 000. Describe your activity on the server: In weekdays i am active for 6-7h But in weekend i am being active for 7-9h Unless having something important In that day. Do you have a discord? Yes, i do, it's "♛JK | PashOP#7884" Do you...
  4. pashy

    Problem fix "the lobby wasn't available, so you were kicked from the network"

    Deleted Non-important thread