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  1. pashy

    Feedback | Transfer Apartment Ownership

    IGN: PashOP DATE: 2021, June 11th. WHAT YOU NEED TO SUGGEST OR MENTION: Recently I given someone my apartment that I have owned and paid the monthly 50K for. Though, she had to pay 50K to be able to get it. Do realize I was meant to give it for her for free. I think it's bad that we have to...
  2. pashy

    Feedback | Ratings

    IGN: PashOP DATE: 2021, June the 10th WHAT YOU NEED TO SUGGEST OR MENTION: Getting more modern images for the ratings The current images of ratings are classic and ugly asf, I feel like I'm using MySpace emojis (MySpace is an old social media app that started on 2003.)
  3. pashy

    Feedback | Your Shiz

    IGN: PashOP DATE: 2021, June the 5th WHAT YOU NEED TO SUGGEST OR MENTION: Please inform me if this is a thing already, but I don't believe so because I've lost almost 5 weapons and 1M worth of items due to this issue. ISSUE: Usually you'd store a lot of things in your apartment and when you...
  4. pashy

    Feedback | English Language

    IGN: PashOP cPash DATE: 2021 April 29th WHAT YOU NEED TO SUGGEST OR MENTION: I don't believe this is a thing. If it is so, please inform me below. I understand that the Character Authorization rules stated that the English language is deemed confusing to be added. However, I think we're...
  5. pashy


  6. pashy

    PashOP | Role Request

  7. pashy

    Private Reporting

    IGN: PashOP DATE: 2/28/2021 WHAT YOU NEED TO SUGGEST OR MENTION: So. . . I wanted to suggest making the "BAN REQUEST" forums private only for staff to view. Players, of course, can make their reports, but they can't view each other's reports. It's to keep the reports more confidential. I...
  8. pashy

    HostageRP Rules

    IGN: PashOP DATE: It's the 24th of February WHAT YOU NEED TO SUGGEST OR MENTION: I wanted to suggest adding rules for HostageRP. I have reviewed the rules, and I didn't find anywhere it talks about something such as this. So I wanted to mention it as it goes more for realism. Now, if you...
  9. pashy

    PashOP | Suggestion | 2nd

    IGN: PashOP DATE: February 15th WHAT YOU NEED TO SUGGEST OR MENTION: I wanted to bring back an old rule that was used within gangs. I wanted to bring back the rule about disbanding a gang when the lead dies There must be a way to disband a rival gang. I'm not a ganger IRL nor do I...
  10. pashy

    PashOP | Rank Request

    IGN: PashOP What rank/role do you need? Shinkan Current rank/role: Priest Evidence: I don't know what kind of evidence this needs, but here for any case.
  11. pashy

    PashOP | Karakura PD | 2nd

    Out-Of-Character (OOC) Section IGN (In-Game-Name): I'm planning to use my main account for the role with the username of "PashOP"! Previous bans: I have two old bans that are over 6-8 months. Sine then, I didn't get any punishment from any type in SRP. And I truly apologize for the old...
  12. pashy

    Monastery staff

    IGN: Main: hobointheplate Alt: PashOP2 DATE: 2021 January the 13th WHAT YOU NEED TO SUGGEST OR MENTION: The monastery is an official thing in SRP- yet many people doesn't know it and gets surprised to know there's a Priest role. As well as it's a part of the city and it's not fair how...
  13. pashy

    Bank money glitched

    IGN: PashOP ITEM NAME OR VEHICLE: Yens/ In game money - 399K ADDITIONAL INFORMANTION: I'm sorry for repeating threads this isn't meant for spam. I just want my 400K back as I'm going downhill and broke in SRP. I've been told by some friends that it's from a rollback when it happened at then...
  14. pashy

    No You glitched

    IGN: PashOP VEHICLE OR ITEM NAME: NO YOU card EVIDENCE: ADDITIONAL INFORMATION: I've had my resource pack off when I bought it- I thought it's real- I bought it from the auction house from Newky I think - for 40K I've got it in my inventory...
  15. pashy

    Denied PashOP's janitor app

    Out-Of-Character Information What is your Minecraft username?: Yoffy_CtrlC Do you have Discord (If so, what is your discord username?): Yes, I do have. - PashOP#9244 Have you ever been banned (If yes when and why?): Yes. I've been banned for failure to SRP and for ERP. However, my last SRP...
  16. pashy

    PashOP | bug report

    IGN: PashOP DATE: 2020 - 29th of November WHAT YOU NEED TO SUGGEST OR MENTION: Helmet off when you click inventory. - I think most of us know it. When you open your inventory and click on anything. The mask/hat, or anything in the helmet slot goes off your head back to your inventory. -...
  17. pashy

    Money request

    IGN: PashOP VEHICLE OR ITEM NAME: 399K Yen EVIDENCE: ADDITIONAL INFORMATION: So I had 399K in my bank, and I joined SRP to see 13949 Yen only in my bank, and I found an ss proof of it today. I've got like 320K of it selling a Katana and a Sai and I have the discs of who...
  18. pashy

    Denied PashOP's History teacher 3

    Out-Of-Character Information What is your Minecraft username?: PashOP. How old are you?: 14. Do you have any previous bans?: Yes, I've been banned from ERP and banned because of failure to SRP. What Country are you from?: Jordan. Do you have Discord (if so, what is your discord username?)...
  19. pashy

    PashOP's Shop App

    IGN: PashOP Previous applications: Police application/ Denied Doctor application/ Removed Arabic language application/ Denied...
  20. pashy

    Denied PashOP's history teacher 2

    Out-Of-Character Information What is your Minecraft Username?: PashOP. How old are you?: 14. Do you have any previous bans?: No, I don't have any previous bans. What Country are you from?: I'm from Palestine, but I live in Saudi Arabia. Do you have Discord (if so, what is your discord...