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  1. KimiNoUso

    Information Content Creators | Information, Perks & More

    ───────────────────────────────────────────── INFORMATION Are you interested in creating content for Roleplay Hub? Great! This thread will provide you with everything you need to know about becoming a Creator for SchoolRP; this includes anything from perks to requirements. You will also find...
  2. KimiNoUso

    Announcement July Updates

    UPDATE SUMMARY New features 3rd July 2021 SERVER UPDATES - The friends plugin has been updated with new features (/friends) - Karakura's beach has been renovated and will be implemented on the server within the next week [TEASER] - A 'Government' faction has been made alongside the Karakura...
  3. KimiNoUso

    Official TOWN | Oniqlo NPC Shop, Information, Tailoring & More

    ───────────────────────────────────────────── INFORMATION In this NPC store you'll find a range of: Clothes, accessories, jewellery and much more; everything a fashion star like you needs, all under one roof! Various clothing brands and tailors, each specialising in certain types of fashion...
  4. KimiNoUso

    Official TOWN | Estate Agent, Dock, & More

    Information The following thread includes information about each private property residential or otherwise available throughout Karakura. It will also include information about available watercraft and residences in-game which you can purchase permanently for you and your friends to enjoy, or...
  5. KimiNoUso

    Official SCHOOL | Event Calendar, Information & More

    Karakura Highschool & Community College Event Calendar Welcome to the event calendar, here you'll find all of the events planned for this year and the following listed. Events are pre-planned per month, meaning that it is up to the Senior Leadership to select a date and time for each event to...
  6. KimiNoUso


    INFORMATION This post will attempt to explain the entire Examination, Grading & Graduation Process. Everything has been made to help players better understand the system in the simplest way possible, if you believe anything is missing or believe that something should be elaborated on, please...
  7. KimiNoUso

    BOBCATS | Volleyball Team

    Credit to Melck for creating the banner & kvani for the screenshots. MAIN INFORMATION This thread includes player profiles of each team-member, a brief history of the High-school Female Volleyball team as well as notable moments and members within the team. TEAM ROSTER ────────── C...
  8. KimiNoUso

    Shop Application

    IGN: Yamagou (This is an alternate account of mine as I am not applying for the account 'KimiNoUso'). Previous applications: News Reporter Application | Accepted Application was submitted in oph’s Discord DMs; more info available if needed. Greek | Language Application | Accepted...
  9. KimiNoUso

    Official SHOP | Shinboshi Sakaya

    SHINBOSHI SAKAYA Retail Store ~ Smoke & Liquor INFORMATION Shinboshi Sakaya – previously known as Midnight Tokers – is a retail store specialising in all kinds of alcohol and smoking products alongside the usual convenience items that cater to those below the age of Twenty; phones, foods...
  10. KimiNoUso

    Accepted P.E. Teacher Application (SWITCH)

    Out-Of-Character Information What is your Minecraft username?: Loohk (Alternate account) How old are you?: I’m 17 years old. Do you have any previous bans?: No, I do not. What Country are you from?: I’m from the United Kingdom. Do you have Discord (if so, what is your discord username?)...
  11. KimiNoUso

    Accepted Library Auxiliary Application

    [OOC section] In-Game Name: KimiNoUso (Alternate account) School Employee Role you are Applying For: Library Auxiliary How often do you log onto the server?: In-game, I can spend up to 2-6 hours online a day which I tend to spread out between alternate accounts depending on the need for the...
  12. KimiNoUso

    Accepted ICT Teacher Application

    Out-Of-Character Information What is your Minecraft username?: RasmusSeebach (Alternate account) How old are you?: I’m 17 years old. Do you have any previous bans?: No, I do not. What Country are you from?: I’m from the United Kingdom. Do you have Discord (if so, what is your discord...
  13. KimiNoUso

    Information Server Commands | Combat, Physical, Emoting & More

    ESSENTIAL COMMANDS /rules - This command allows you to read the rules which are posted on the servers forum. /faq - This command will link you to our frequently asked questions thread on the forum. /discord - This command allows you to join the Official Roleplay Hub Discord /vote - This...