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  1. RippedZan

    'Zane' A. Zennix | Biography

    This may not be taken ICly, enjoy reading. Basic Information ____________________________________ Art Made by: ItsHadezBTW and KotaroSempaii Legal Name: 'Zane' Alistair [REDACTED] Zennix Given Names: Zane...
  2. RippedZan

    Apartment Fix

    USERNAME: RippedZan and ItsHadezBTW APARTMENT COORDINATES (F3 TO VIEW): 1260 31 1239 ISSUE: I'm looking to remove the walls located inside the apartment, I've placed 2 pink wool located on either ends of the apartment where I would like to have the walls removed. We have cleared the apartment so...
  3. RippedZan

    Accepted RippedZan's Teacher Application

    Out-Of-Character Information What is your Minecraft username?: RippedZan (Main) SnatchedZan (Alt-Account I am applying with) Do you have Discord (If so, what is your discord username?): RippedZan Do you have a microphone?: I do have a microphone! What is your time zone?: EST - Eastern...
  4. RippedZan

    Vehicle Request

  5. RippedZan

    Apartment Edit

    USERNAME: RippedZan APARTMENT COORDINATES (F3 TO VIEW): 1311 45 1306 ISSUE: I've been living in the current apartment I own for a few months now and I am looking to get a wall removed so that I may properly adjust the interior. In the screenshot provided is a wall I would live removed, I am...
  6. RippedZan

    KARAKURA NEWS | Apartment Aesthetics

    By Yamato Munakata-Hanazono [Apartment Aesthetics] The city of Karakura sits on an island, surrounded by mountains on all sides but one. As the days go on, and the city grows older the city has developed more and more over time. Karakura has its own school system, going from Elementary...
  7. RippedZan

    KARAKURA NEWS | The Faction Fiasco

    With the recent arrest of Niibu Tsu, a Shrine Priest, it was obvious that one side of the story would be angered at the other. A statement from the Kannushi stating that the KPD were to not be invited to the ‘Event’ hosted at the shrine. This is simply the beginning of the events. The KPD...
  8. RippedZan

    RippedZan's Reporter Application

    What is your in-game name?: RippedZan Do you have Discord and a microphone? If so, what is your username?: My Discord is RippedZan, and I do have a working microphone. List your timezone and country: EST | United States | Virginia Describe your Activity: Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday...
  9. RippedZan

    Vehicle had disappeared.

    IGN: RippedZan VEHICLE OR ITEM NAME: 4-Runner/Blackbull EVIDENCE: I had stepped out of the car for a few minutes, leaving it in the street beside PWP while I headed into the Zen Garden. I wasn't gone more than 10 minutes before coming back and the vehicle was gone. I had 2 other friends witness...
  10. RippedZan

    Property Disown Request

    USERNAME: RippedZan APARTMENT COORDINATES (F3 TO VIEW): 1799 58 517 ISSUE: Owner has been offline for more than 30 days. ADDITIONAL INFORMATION: Rich+ RippedZan - TIMIDDADI [College] Zaniel "Zan" A. Zennix [Grade-12] Yamato Munakata
  11. RippedZan

    Please remove

    This biography is no longer valid
  12. RippedZan

    RippedZan's SUV

    IGN: RippedZan Vehicle or Item Name: Black Bull / Toyota 4-Runner Evidence: (Image below) Additional Information: N/A
  13. RippedZan

    Unable to break blocks.

    Username: RippedZan Apartment Cordinates: x: 1283 y: 45 z: 1306 Issue: We are unable to break a wall of blocks starting from x: 1288 z: 1322 to x: 1281 z: 1322 to x: 1281 z: 1311. These blocks make up two rooms from floor to ceiling. If possible I would like the unbreakable wall removed on the...
  14. RippedZan

    Unable to break certain blocks in apartment.

    USERNAME: RippedZan APARTMENT COORDINATES (F3 TO VIEW): 1283 45 1306 ISSUE: My friend's apartment has certain blocks that we cannot break. There are the makeshift walls inside the house that came with it when we bought the apartment. We can't break them at all. ADDITIONAL INFORMATION: My friend...
  15. RippedZan

    Denied Shopkeeper Application / Otakaya

    What is your Minecraft username?: RippedZan Do you have Discord (If so, what is your discord username?): RippedZan#3234 How old are you? (Optional): 22 What is your time zone?: Eastern Describe your activity on the server: I'm online daily, unless I have to leave my house for the day. Have...