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  1. SIMPL3Z

    KARAKURA NEWS: Sone Takeshi returned with a story

    Sone Takeshi returned with a story 01/03/2023. Good day Citizens of Karakura, today I bring you a news report regarding the occult club and a special interview I have conducted with Sone Takeshi himself. The Occult Club A couple of weeks ago, old newspapers dating back to 1987 regarding the...
  2. SIMPL3Z

    LORE | 'Discover the Unknown' [W.I.P]

    Discover the Unknown. A character lore document / biography of Saito Fumiya Yamagashira. MADE BY SIMPLEZ Before we start : Hey there folks. It's me, your favorite person, the legend the myth simplez. Before you read this massive document I whipped up, it's best that you understand some more...
  3. SIMPL3Z


    I accidently posted something before it was done . . .
  4. SIMPL3Z

    SimpleZ his reporter application!

    SIMPLEZ HIS REPORTER APPLICATION more applications woohoo OOC questions. What is your In-Game-Name (IGN)?: SIMPL3Z and i'm applying with my alternate account: S1MPLEZv2 Do you have Discord and a microphone? If so, what is your username?: Simplez#2390 and yes of course, I have a mic List...
  5. SIMPL3Z

    Massive GangRP suggestion list - Chapter 1

    IGN: SIMPL3Z DATE: 02/12/22 HOW WILL THIS BENEFIT THE SERVER/COMMUNITY?: & WHAT YOU WANT TO SUGGEST OR MENTION: Are combined in the massive paragraph ADDITIONAL NOTES: Welcome to chapter 1 guys SIMPL3Z “What am I doing with my life” GangRP suggestion list, chapter 1 - Weapon prices, Weapon...
  6. SIMPL3Z

    SIMPL3Z | Psychiatrist application

    i spent too long on this.. KARAKURA HOSPITAL APPLICATION Out-Of-Character (OOC) Section IGN (In-Game Name): SIMPL3Z Previous bans: 1 week ban for glitching into Inaccessible areas and stealing 1 day ban (Maxed out warnings) All of these offenses are longer than 1 - 2 months ago...