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  1. Kandu

    BiggestRoadman car request

    IGN: Biggestroadman (Bought the car on auction on codeinesmasher) VEHICLE OR ITEM NAME: Kia Niro Plug-In Hybrid EVIDENCE: ADDITIONAL INFORMATION: i bought the car on auctionhouse for 1 mil, oh and it got deleted out of no-where proof of last request: mike accepted it last time :)
  2. Kandu

    CodeineSmasher's lost car application

    IGN: CodeineSmasher VEHICLE OR ITEM NAME: Blue Hennessy EVIDENCE: ADDITIONAL INFORMATION: i just placed my car down then it dissapeared btw its mikrosofts car i bought from him (the pictures are old but i still have the car you can ask tippie)
  3. Kandu

    BiggestRoadman Lost car Application

    IGN: Biggestroadman (Bought the car on auction on codeinesmasher) VEHICLE OR ITEM NAME: Kia Niro Plug-In Hybrid EVIDENCE: ADDITIONAL INFORMATION: i bought the car on auctionhouse for 1 mil, oh and it got deleted cause of the settings item so yeah
  4. Kandu

    CodeineSmasher's lost Blue Hennessy car request

    IGN: CodeineSmasher VEHICLE OR ITEM NAME: Blue Hennessy EVIDENCE: ADDITIONAL INFORMATION: it dissapeared out of nowhere btw its mikrosofts car i bought from him
  5. Kandu

    CodeineSmasher's lost car application

    IGN: CodeineSmasher VEHICLE OR ITEM NAME: Blue Hennessy EVIDENCE: ADDITIONAL INFORMATION: my internet shut down and when i relogged as fast as i could but the car was gone btw its mikrosofts car i bought from him
  6. Kandu

    Blue Hennessy car request

    IGN: CodeineSmasher VEHICLE OR ITEM NAME: Blue Hennessy EVIDENCE: ADDITIONAL INFORMATION: my internet shut down and when i relogged as fast as i could but the car was gone btw its mikrosofts car i bought from him
  7. Kandu

    CodeineSmasher2's College rank

    IGN (Minecraft Username): Codeinesmasher2 WHAT YOU NEED (ROLE/RANK) [20][College] YOUR CURRENTLY ROLE/RANK (IF ANY): [17][Grade-12] EVIDENCE:
  8. Kandu

    CodeineSmasher's lost car application

    IGN: CodeineSmasher VEHICLE OR ITEM NAME: Blue Hennesy EVIDENCE: ADDITIONAL INFORMATION: my internet shut down and when i tried to relog it said [Failed to login please restart game and launcher] it said that for like 4 times in a row untill i fixed it. When i came back the car was gone btw...
  9. Kandu

    CodeineSmasher2's Age change

    IGN (Minecraft Username): CodeineSmasher2 WHAT YOU NEED (ROLE/RANK) [Grade-12][18] YOUR CURRENTLY ROLE/RANK (IF ANY): [Grade-7][13] EVIDENCE:
  10. Kandu

    CodeineSmasher's lost item application

    IGN: CodeineSmasher VEHICLE OR ITEM NAME: Can't Remember but there was scythe in it EVIDENCE: ADDITIONAL INFORMATION: It was winter where i bought it from customable where she bought it from aidanator14
  11. Kandu

    CodeineSmasher's lost car application

    IGN: CodeineSmasher VEHICLE OR ITEM NAME: Blue Hennesy EVIDENCE: ADDITIONAL INFORMATION: I just went afk got to lobby didnt realize before i was in my car btw its mikrosofts car i bought from him
  12. Kandu

    CodeineSmasher's Lost items application

    IGN: CodeineSmasher VEHICLE OR ITEM NAME: 1 x taika katana 1 x metal bat 2 x ballistic face mask 2 x gas mask 1 x welding mask 1 x juul EVIDENCE: ADDITIONAL INFORMATION: i lost the items during apartment restart or whatever it was called
  13. Kandu

    YakubiRP's Lost money application

  14. Kandu

    CodeineSmasher's lost car application

    IGN: CodeineSmasher VEHICLE OR ITEM NAME: "code car" EVIDENCE: ADDITIONAL INFORMATION: i plopped my car down then i got kicked when i came back it were missing
  15. Kandu

    CodeineSmasher's lost car application

    IGN: CodeineSmasher VEHICLE OR ITEM NAME: "code car" EVIDENCE: ADDITIONAL INFORMATION: i came on at 08:20 CEST time and plopped my car down after two miliseconds after it dissapeared
  16. Kandu

    CodeineSmasher's lost money application

    done wrongs sorry
  17. Kandu

    CodeineSmasher's Lost apartment items application

    IGN: CodeineSmasher VEHICLE OR ITEM NAME: 1 x fendi backpack bloodsucker mask 1 x Demon mask 1 x bat (Dont have video proof since i never record that stuff) 1 x "kurikara" katana (Dont have video proof since i never record that stuff) 1 x sakino glasses 2 x apple watch 1 x hawaito watch...
  18. Kandu

    Yeah i drew my character

    well i mean it was an attempt
  19. Kandu

    CodeineSmasher's lost items application Part 2

    IGN: CodeineSmasher VEHICLE OR ITEM NAME: This time i can remember the names of the items since Auction is back 2 x Ballistic face mask 1 x gas mask 1 x welding mask 1 x larnon watch (other one got retrieved by slatt ) 1 x rozu glasses (i think they called that EVIDENCE: ADDITIONAL...
  20. Kandu

    I drew this when i was 13...

    i tried