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  1. Kandu

    CodeineSmasher's Lost items application

    IGN: CodeineSmasher VEHICLE OR ITEM NAME: There is alot of items yet i'll try to list them 1 x wooden bat 1 x Demon Mask (i think custom since i bought it via auction) 3 x Nerdy Glasses 1 x Kurikara Katana 5 x Reward tokens 1 x clown mask 8 x Surgical masks 1 x Rozu Watch 1 x gorudu watch (i...
  2. Kandu


    IGN:YakubiRP VEHICLE OR ITEM NAME: there is multiple so cant remember the names of them EVIDENCE: ADDITIONAL INFORMATION: I dont have a video of the katanas or the bat
  3. Kandu


    Hey staff i lost my rank... due to me joining swim team.. i was [F.K] rank also known as Famous Kid... i would be glad if a staff member fixed this my Ign is : YakubiRP i hope this glitch wont be happending to other people