IGN: DioSamaa
Vehicle or Item name: Black Mustang 2021 "Speedster"
Evidence: https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/345921578334158850/903441977771696208/Screenshot_48.png?width=942&height=589
Additional: GodlyRP Blew up my car somehow oocly, and i have ownership of the car. Tried using /qav...
My grandma is in the hospital, and they don't think she will make it. I don't know what to do, or how to feel. I'll keep you guys updated when I can see.
Run that back ⏪⏪ Because that joke was horrible Open your mouth When you speak to me speak with yo chin up like it’s picture day you just got combo’d by Marski Marski SalarskiYou mad as shit because i smacked yo mama the back of her neck with a piece of ham and dat bitch turned into a...
[OOC section]
In Game Name: NikTalks
School Employee Role you are Applying For: Janitor
How often do you log onto the server?: At least once every day for a few hours, more on the weekends
Do you have discord? I do, but cant use right now due to certain circumstances.
Do you have a...
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