hello ladies and gamermen!
i know graphic design is the least demanded type of service around here, but i am in dire need of money right now sobbing emoji, so i thought hey why not give it a shot? any form of interaction is greatly appreciated even if you’re not interested!
as the title...
i hate some if these but still figure i'd share.
i had to compress most of the imgs due to them exceeding the max upload size lol higher definition is on my pinterest
ignore me getting the words wrong....
i tried to stay on theme with the blue, i wish i'd gone for...
application to be my new best friend
were u born before 2007?:
aespa bias:
brat or charm:
which totally spies girl would u say u are?:
ellie mason:
fav vine:
made posters based on if there were films about characters shay and rikiya!! theyre kinda poopoo but i just wanted to share idk ( peep the gregg araki refrence)
pics used are all from pinterest
What is your Minecraft username?: gyuvinist
What is your time zone?: gmt+7
What is your discord username? @geumjandi. (with the period)
Link all previous applications you made on the server:
Denied applications:
We are looking for volunteers who would like to help us with a short film project that will run through December and January. We are looking for CAMERA OPERATORS, WRITERS, ACTORS, and COSTUME DESIGNERS/TAILORS and any other volunteers who would like to help! This is a student project, so no...
DUDDDEEE okay so I was re-watching mean girls and realized how much Rikiya's speech is influenced by the early 90s and early 2000s teen flick genre of film!! SO I WAS LIKE... Do other people subconsciously make their characters talk like the most recent movie they watched....? Let me know what...
me and xBonnie are on a roll with these general forums posts... anyways, tell me about your character(s) with only three words but DONT give further context.
[ As you click on the report. You see a link on the page. No description, no title. Just a link
The link brought you to a video titled ‘RIKIYA KOZUKA: The return of the king’. The title has Rikiya on it, so you can't help but click it.
The video begins and the camera zooms in on a person on a...
everyone has rlly interesting igns and i always wonder if some of them have a meaning behind them or maybe its a refrence to something or if they just thought it looked/sounded nice or something. share urs please im curious!!
here are mine:
solorize I stole from some random Instagram editing...
Out-Of-Character Information
What is your Minecraft username?:
The account I’m using is devonbosticks.
However, solorize and dreamivorydream are my main and second alt
Do you have Discord (If so, what is your discord username?):
Do you have a microphone?:
I do!
How old are you...
IGN: solorize
VEHICLE OR ITEM NAME: super 8 camera and panda phone and alcohol (i dont remember the exact name but its the one in the picture!)
ADDITIONAL INFORMATION: was in editmode when server restarted :( honestly just need the phone and camera back bc its a custom and the phone...
Spooky season is here, hurray! And with spooky season, comes spooky activity! My first report is going to be all about alleged “Paranormal Activities” in Karakura. Do ghosts exist? And have they haunted the citizens of Karakura? And for how long??
For the past few days, I’ve...
IGN (Minecraft Username):
Need my current role (grade 10) to be set permanently so I don't age up.
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