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  1. Mxxkie

    Missing Item: Fxxkie's "Disciplinarian"

    IGN: Fxxkie VEHICLE OR ITEM NAME: "Disciplinarian" EVIDENCE: ADDITIONAL INFORMATION: Not entirely sure what happened, one moment I had it in my hand, the next I didn't. I thought it glitched out, but it just sorta poofed. I still have the original custom variant on my main account: Mxxkie...
  2. Mxxkie

    Accepted College Council Application | K. ‘Mookie’ Aldridge | Mxxkie

    College Council Application | K. ‘Mookie’ Aldridge | Mxxkie OOC SECTION GENERAL INFORMATION What is your Minecraft Username?: My username is Mxxkie. What is your timezone?: EST (Eastern Standard). Please provide your Discord tag: My Discord tag is Mxxkie1975. Link(s) to all past and...
  3. Mxxkie

    Accepted The Return: Fxxkie's Governor Reapplication

    Art By: Pokuyaki PLAYER INFORMATION In-game Name: The account I’m applying on for this position is Fxxkie. Previous bans: I have one from years ago that can be discussed in dms if need be. Discord Tag: My Discord tag is Mxxkie#1975. Do you have a working microphone?: I do have an...
  4. Mxxkie

    "The Dichotomy" By Pokuyaki

    "The Dichotomy" ft. Former Governors Art by Pokuyaki Annabell Sturm/Aania, Bao Koji/Fxxkie
  5. Mxxkie

    /Stores or /Shops command suggestion

    IGN: Mxxkie DATE: 1/8/23 WHAT YOU WANT TO SUGGEST OR MENTION: A /stores or /shops command. I was told something similar to this may have been reviewed and accepted previously, but I couldn’t find the thread, nor was it listed on the trello from what I could find. HOW WILL THIS BENEFIT THE...
  6. Mxxkie

    Play Ball! By Joifulli

    "Play Ball!" ft. College Baseball Art by Joifulli (From left to right) Tomas Bloomenfeld/Zegevlier, Mikoto Shimada/Atkoi, K. ‘Mookie’ Aldridge/Mxxkie, Eyze Y. Garcia/H3ntq1, Brandon Kekantsu/The_8eightRP
  7. Mxxkie

    Rj by Pokuyaki & Dotstrike

    Art by Pokuyaki Not sure if I've posted more art on the forums aside from the council art so here ya go. This is RJ, used to be Yuri Kurabu's like personal bodyguard/right hand somewhat. Rj by Dotstrike Pictured here ya can see more of their outfit n' weapon of choice, a hidden needle-like...
  8. Mxxkie

    Color Blocker: College Council

    “Color Blocker” ft. College Council Art by Joifulli Top Row (From left to right) Meiqi L. Ling/Joee_exe, Hidekazu 'Kazu' Otto/E1KayVP, Honko Chiba/Mootqvo, Asami Hasegawa/Ahimotu Middle Row (From left to right) Delfina Corsetti/indiantechscam, K. 'Mookie' Aldridge/Mxxkie, Yeosun C...
  9. Mxxkie

    KA Dragging Permissions

    IGN: Mxxkie DATE: 8/4/22 WHAT YOU WANT TO SUGGEST OR MENTION: This suggestion relates more to the Karakura Academics Discord, but allowing Captains/Presidents to drag people to their respective voice chats. HOW WILL THIS BENEFIT THE SERVER/COMMUNITY?: After doing some surveying, I found that...
  10. Mxxkie

    On Patrol P2: Coming Through! By Joifulli

    "On Patrol P2: Coming Through!" ft. College Council By Joifulli (From left to right) Eichi Blackburn/Ordinqry, K. 'Mookie' Aldridge/Mxxkie, Meiqi L. Ling/Joee_exe, Honko Chiba/Mootqvo
  11. Mxxkie

    On Patrol by joifulli

    "On Patrol" ft. College Council By Joifulli (From left to right) {Delfina Corsetti/Hatola, Yeosun C. Hamilton/Tokyohearts, K. 'Mookie' Aldridge/Mxxkie, Asami Hasegawa/Ahimotu, Hidekazu 'Kazu' Otto/LK_GamingRP}
  12. Mxxkie

    Mxxkie's Baking on the Black Poem

    Baking on the Black By Mxxkie It’s June. The boys And I Are on the school’s onyx turf. We sit, We’re lit, But deep down, We worry. Life will not be bound. Soon This will be A distant Memory We joke, We smoke, We’re baking on the black Years from now I’ll look back Will I be proud of...
  13. Mxxkie

    Mxxkie's when the c*ck crows Poem

    when the c*ck crows By Mxxkie Before the c*ck crows, And before the warm morning rays of sun, Like a doting mother to her child, Tap, nuzzle, and gently shake me awake I elude “her” touch, and get out of bed. ‘Jammies and half-a-century's old boots, Tattered and worn by time. I leave my...
  14. Mxxkie

    Mxxkie's Court Trial Poem

    Court Trial By Mxxkie A cloudless Spring day, the sun in full view. A light breeze that danced through the afros of trees, Shaking them to and fro. The singing of birds and buzzing of bees. Geometric shapes, outlined in white. Four sides, all enclosed within a caged wall. A net divided the...
  15. Mxxkie

    Mxxkie's Bars Poem

    Bars By Mxxkie Something silver, Steel, metal, iron, They keep me in. Cold, Like the nights of January. The cell is bleak, Gray and bland. My only friend Goes by the name of Midnight’s moonlight. The sun and I are no longer friends. I missed out on that A long time ago. I’d give...
  16. Mxxkie

    Mxxkie's Midnight Poem

    Midnight By Mxxkie Two hours past midnight, The television would buzz to life, A warning. Who could that be at this hour? A news report, A breaking news report, Warning of the recent asylum escapee Recently spotted in the area. A storm outside. The whipping winds. The phone would ring. Who...
  17. Mxxkie

    Mxxkie's Computer Crazies Poem

    Computer Crazies By Mxxkie My computer has a virus, My son called it “diseased”. So I took it to the doctor’s, He wasn’t all that pleased. So I brought it to the pharmacy, In hope to get some medicine. They called me insane, security came I had no choice but to jettison. So back home I went...
  18. Mxxkie

    Mxxkie's Thunder Poem

    Thunder By Mxxkie It was a loud sound, a deafening sound, It was a clap, a boom; a drummer boy’s marching beat. It was a warning, a harbinger. It signaled a storm was brewing It put terror into the hearts of babies and pups It tore at skies, It ripped through sound, It even made the...
  19. Mxxkie

    Mxxkie's Indigo poem

    Indigo By Mxxkie Like a meteor, She fell from space. A different girl, The same old case. It’s never easy, To fall from grace. A different mask, The same old face.
  20. Mxxkie

    Mxxkie's The color of the fire truck poem

    The color of the fire truck By Mxxkie New York City Circa 2010 The incessant honks Of hundreds of taxi cabs. They hoarded the roads, Like flies buzzing around a decaying carcass. So too was the smell of the city alike. The ground beneath my feet shook, As the subways tunneled below. Seven...