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  1. Mxxkie

    Mxxkie's Nerf Strike

    IGN: Mxxkie VEHICLE OR ITEM NAME: Nerf Strike Elite Delta Trooper EVIDENCE: @oph ADDITIONAL INFORMATION: For some reason it never lets me send the picture evidence so I sent them to Oph over discord.
  2. Mxxkie

    Mxxkie's Aldous Glasses

    IGN: Mxxkie VEHICLE OR ITEM NAME: Aldous Glasses EVIDENCE: @oph ADDITIONAL INFORMATION: For some reason it never lets me send the picture evidence so I sent them to Oph over discord.
  3. Mxxkie

    Mxxkie's College Council Reapplication

    GENERAL INFORMATION What is your Minecraft username?: My ign is Mxxkie (formerly FluffballBully) Any previous warns/kicks/bans?: Yes I have a few kicks (for re-log purposes), and a ban that I rather not talk about here, but I'd be sure to explain more down the line. What is your timezone in...
  4. Mxxkie

    Mxxkie's Car

    IGN: Mxxkie VEHICLE OR ITEM NAME: Dodge Challenger EVIDENCE: (I can't really upload it here, but an admin has seen it already) ADDITIONAL INFORMATION: It glitched out during the restarts earlier today. @oph
  5. Mxxkie

    Fluff's R.K

    IGN: FluffballBully (formally Zestoi) VEHICLE OR ITEM NAME: The rank of Rich Kid EVIDENCE: (See Attached) ADDITIONAL INFORMATION: I was just unbanned from a perm ban so I think that's what caused this. This is from graudation and I'm Zestoi aka Ricin Pozoia. The bottom pic is like previous names...
  6. Mxxkie

    Denied Zestoi's Culinary Teacher Application

    Out-Of-Character Information What is your Minecraft username?: My minecraft username is Zestoi. How old are you?: I am currently sixteen years old. Do you have any previous bans?: No, I do not have any previous bans. What Country are you from?: I am from the United States of America. Do...