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  1. Skwooshy

    /looc command

  2. Skwooshy

    Items Lost Playing Basketball

    IGN: Sqxishy VEHICLE OR ITEM NAME: Shiroi Bracelet, Smart Phone (Blue), Peach Crown, Kintsugi Glasses, Water Gun, Jet Ski (Blue), Binoculars, Snow Shovel, Toy AR-15 (i cant remember the name), Saleen S5, Ferrari 458 GT3, Dodge Demon, Ice Trycicle, Nissan Silvia S13. EVIDENCE: Below ADDITIONAL...
  3. Skwooshy

    Sqxishy's Lost Vehicles

    IGN: Sqxishy VEHICLE OR ITEM NAME: Saleen S5, Gray GTR R32, Red and Black Car EVIDENCE: Below ADDITIONAL INFORMATION: Lost them
  4. Skwooshy

    Lost Car

    IGN: Sqxishy VEHICLE OR ITEM NAME: Dodge Demon EVIDENCE: Below, ADDITIONAL INFORMATION: I logged off last night with it in my inventory, and when I got on today it was no longer in my inventory. I...
  5. Skwooshy

    Denied WR1DS Nurse App

    Out-Of-Character Information What is your Minecraft username?: WR1DS Do you have Discord (If so, what is your discord username?): skwooshy#0999 How old are you? (Optional): 17 What is your time zone?: CST Describe your activity on the server: Fluent, I play almost everyday in the...
  6. Skwooshy

    Sqxishy's Missing Furniture.

    IGN: Sqxishy (Alt: Sqwiizy) VEHICLE OR ITEM NAME: Monitor, Stool, Clothes Rack, Coffee Table, S. Paper Wall, 4k Television, Ceiling Fan EVIDENCE: None as I did not expect furniture to break, have messaged Yonio and Tippie about it many times. ADDITIONAL INFORMATION: Items were bought on my alt...
  7. Skwooshy

    Lost Vehicle

    IGN: Sqxishy VEHICLE OR ITEM NAME: Ice Tricycle EVIDENCE: ADDITIONAL INFORMATION: Lost in server reset
  8. Skwooshy

    Perm Grade 8

    IGN (Minecraft Username): Tuliooo [MAIN: Sqxishy] WHAT YOU NEED (ROLE/RANK) Perm Grade 8 YOUR CURRENTLY ROLE/RANK (IF ANY): EVIDENCE: N/A
  9. Skwooshy

    Roze Glock Z (toy)

    IGN: Sqxishy VEHICLE OR ITEM NAME: "Toy Gun" Roze Glock Z EVIDENCE: ADDITIONAL INFORMATION: It glitched in my offhand into a cane
  10. Skwooshy

    Suggestion of new map

    IGN: Sqxishy, Sqxishyy, SalteeKibosh DATE: 9/29/2020 8:03 Central Standard Time WHAT YOU NEED TO SUGGEST OR MENTION: Instead of making a whole new map for SRP, why not make an add-on to Karakura. My point is, we use the tunnel to lead to a NEW town (our new map). and people can travel back and...
  11. Skwooshy

    Sqxishys Police App

    IGN (In-Game Name): SalteeKibosh (main Sqxishy) Previous bans: FailRP, Minge, ERP. This will never happen again, my bad. Describe your activity on the server: I am usually online around 3 hours on a weekday, and 5-6 on weekends. Which timezone are you in? The timezone is CST...
  12. Skwooshy

    Sqxishyy's Col-Role

    IGN (Minecraft Username): Sqxishyy WHAT YOU NEED (ROLE/RANK): Role - College Student YOUR CURRENTLY ROLE/RANK (IF ANY): Grade 7 EVIDENCE:
  13. Skwooshy

    Sqxishys Mustang

    IGN: Sqxishy VEHICLE OR ITEM NAME: 1982 Mustang EVIDENCE: below ADDITIONAL INFORMATION: I lost it due to it just disappearing from my inventory, I dont know just disappeared.
  14. Skwooshy

    Sqxishy Sunglasses

    IGN: Sqxishy VEHICLE OR ITEM NAME: Billy's Sunglasses EVIDENCE: below ADDITIONAL INFORMATION: lost them due to my inventory being full without notice, took shift clicked them off and they disappeared.. had staff check for them in peoples inventories that were around me, no Billy's Sunglasses found.
  15. Skwooshy

    Sqxishy's Items

    IGN: Sqixshy VEHICLE OR ITEM NAME: Variety of Items.. EVIDENCE: ADDITIONAL INFORMATION: When lockettes broke, I logged on and my house was raided. I have video proof of weapons and Item Names. If you wish you can DM me about it and I will show the video.
  16. Skwooshy

    Sqxishys' Reapers

    IGN: Sqxishy VEHICLE OR ITEM NAME: Sword (REAPER) EVIDENCE: (Attached Files) ADDITIONAL INFORMATION: I at one point had 3 total reapers. I lost it due to a glitch right after I bought it. If you'd like to discus it please DM me via Discord @nemici#5239
  17. Skwooshy

    Sqxishys Watches

    IGN: Sqxishy VEHICLE OR ITEM NAME: All watches EVIDENCE: ADDITIONAL INFORMATION: I have the Patek (silver and purple on)
  18. Skwooshy

    Sqxishy Vet App

    What is your Minecraft Username?: Sqxishy How old are you?: 14 Do you have any previous or ongoing bans?: Banned for Constant failrp, avoidrp, and mingery. Banned for ERP What country are you from?: United States of America Do you have Discord?: Yes, ☯スクイーズ☯#5792 How long have you...
  19. Skwooshy

    Sqxishy's Nurse Application

    What is your Minecraft Username?: Sqxishy How old are you?: 14 Do you have any previous or ongoing bans?: Banned for Constant failrp, avoidrp, and mingery. Banned for ERP What country are you from?: United States of America Do you have Discord?: Yes, niko niko neo#5792 How long have...