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  1. SimplyLK

    Accepted College Council | Ariyaa Aiki

    OOC SECTION GENERAL INFORMATION What is your Minecraft Username?: SimplyLK Past warns/kicks/bans?: [ Major Avoid RP; October 1st 2020 ] - (Appealed) I was banned from camping in a safe zone. I don’t remember the situation in full, I think I was innocent but looking back, I think I might have...
  2. SimplyLK

    Volleyball Roster Increase: SimplyLK

    IGN: E1Kay - SimplyLK - T0MVB - Log****ot DATE: 6/30/2023 WHAT YOU WANT TO SUGGEST OR MENTION: I believe it would be fair, realistic, and beneficial if the volleyball teams were able to increase roster slots from 8 to 10. HOW WILL THIS BENEFIT THE SERVER/COMMUNITY?: As many are aware just...
  3. SimplyLK

    E1Kay's Police Officer Application

    KARAKURA POLICE DEPARTMENT POLICE OFFICER APPLICATION Out-Of-Character (OOC) Section IGN (In-Game Name): E1Kay Discord Name & Tag: LK GamingYT#1436 Previous bans: [ Major Avoid RP; October 1st 2020 ] - (Appealed) I was banned for camping in a safe zone. I don’t really remember...
  4. SimplyLK

    Cool thread cause it say's LK!

    This posting getting me 250 messages or level 50 on forums so go LK! Want to come hang out? Come find out icly, my characters are in my signature! Want to be friends? Alright your are now my friend!
  5. SimplyLK

    LK's Professor Application

    Out-Of-Character Information What is your Minecraft username?: LK_GamingYT How old are you?: 17 Do you have any previous bans?: 1. Banned in my first month for AvoidRP 2. Banned in December for Advertisement 3. (I don’t even know to count this but bypassing before I was aware I was banned)...
  6. SimplyLK

    Age up

    IGN (Minecraft Username): LK_GamingRP WHAT YOU NEED (ROLE/RANK): [20][College][B] YOUR CURRENTLY ROLE/RANK (IF ANY): [19][College][B] EVIDENCE:
  7. SimplyLK

    [C] LK's College Council App

    GENERAL INFORMATION What is your Minecraft Username?: LK_GamingRP Past warns/kicks/bans?: Ban for AvoidRP; back in September of 2020 (Appealed) Ban for Advertisement; back in early December (Revoked) Ban for Bypassing; literally later the same day as previous (Revoked) Warn for FailRP; for...
  8. SimplyLK

    ERP Adjustments

  9. SimplyLK

    Staff Appreciation Post

    Staff Appreciation I want to to start off with saying how amazing the staff can be. The amount of work they put in the all go behind the scenes are spectacular. I wanted to make this post to show the staff how appreciated there efforts pay off, and for those who don’t respect the staff begin...
  10. SimplyLK


    What little things would be cool to record to record? I need some ideas that would be fun for my friends to watch yet fun to do icly.
  11. SimplyLK

    Lost car -LK

    IGN: LK_GamingYT VEHICLE OR ITEM NAME: Red Mustang "Claw" EVIDENCE: ADDITIONAL INFORMATION: I was driven and uhh it yeeted me off the server again. The images used was for my previous Car Request! Got no...
  12. SimplyLK

    LK's Lost Car

    IGN: LK_GamingYT VEHICLE OR ITEM NAME: Red Mustang "Claws" EVIDENCE: ADDITIONAL INFORMATION: I lost it whilst I was driving. I got kicked from the server for "Badly Compressed Files" When I came back It...
  13. SimplyLK


    Give me some ideas for male outfits please! If you want you may dm them to me on discord! LK GamingYT#1436
  14. SimplyLK

    LK's Police Application

    LK's Normal Police Department Application Out-Of-Character (OOC) Section IGN (In-Game Name): LK_GamingYT Previous bans: Umm so some regretful and false bans in there. I have a false ban for Major AvoidRP which was in my first month. This one was false but I do understand the...
  15. SimplyLK


    Dang the SRP forums activity has been low recently. Let’s start a petition to get the forums active again! Ahhh the conversations can be so fun on here!
  16. SimplyLK

    Congrats.....Again LK

    I am truly sorry I’m positing a lot of threads but I’ve now given exactly 1k likes!
  17. SimplyLK

    Congrats LK

    LK Gaming has now hit level 18 on forums
  18. SimplyLK


    When your life is only SRP. I can see myself spending every moment with SRP. I’m feeling a extreme amount of loyalty and love towards SRP and I want to talk about it. I love SRP so much, I don’t want to be apart of any other servers anymore. At least nothing more than a occasional playing. I...
  19. SimplyLK

    Please fix this issue

    IGN: LK_GamingYT & LK_GamingRP DATE: 01/04/21 WHAT YOU NEED TO SUGGEST OR MENTION: please fix this bike situation! like since bikes have been released public for anyone to buy, they're everywhere at spawn! Now I'm not gonna complain about the bikes themselves but please make them keep the bikes...
  20. SimplyLK

    LK's suggestion

    IGN: LK_GamingYT & LK_GamingRP DATE: 21/12/20 WHAT YOU NEED TO SUGGEST OR MENTION: I am active on the forums, and I checked appeals daily, a common thing I am seeing is Bypassing bans and new players confused to what this means. my suggestion would to make a explanation of what this means in a...