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  1. SimplyLK

    I am sad!

    Hello for a little while I am gonna not going to heavy on DetailRP and spend less time on the server. The reasoning for this, is I am a little saddened right now! A old lady who goes to my church recently passed away to Covid-19, I miss her, although I wasn't close with her, I still care for...
  2. SimplyLK

    Congrats LK!

    I just hit level 10 on forums!
  3. SimplyLK

    Phone Idea

    IGN: LK_GamingYT & LK_GamingRP DATE: 18:12:2020 WHAT YOU NEED TO SUGGEST OR MENTION: I am going to keep this short and simple, I think an updated texture for phones into more modern phones would be nice! I also would to see texting being a thing instead of just calling.
  4. SimplyLK

    Send me some good pickup lines!

    Send me some good pickup lines that aren’t disgusting that are quite funny and less likely to get hit!
  5. SimplyLK

    LK's Police Thread

    Out-Of-Character (OOC) Section IGN (In-Game Name): LK_GamingYT Previous bans: 2 Bans, a False banned accepted and unbanned. It came from a false report with evidence of me AvoidRPing by camping spawn, but in reality it only showed the male finding me in spawn trying to grab me out, no...
  6. SimplyLK

    KJ's Professor App

    Out-Of-Character Information What is your Minecraft username?: LK_GamingRP How old are you?: (Due to Privacy you may leave this question as 'N/A' if you wish to not disclose your IRL age.) 17 Do you have any previous bans?: a false ban and false warning! What Country are you from?: United...
  7. SimplyLK

    I lost my most precious item :(

    IGN: LK_GamingYT VEHICLE OR ITEM NAME: Barb wired bat EVIDENCE: ADDITIONAL INFORMATION: it kind of just glitched into...
  8. SimplyLK

    Ballistic Mask request

    IGN: LK_GamingYT VEHICLE OR ITEM NAME: Ballistic Mask EVIDENCE: ADDITIONAL INFORMATION: I was running along the beachline it just disappeared out of my inventory when i ate an apple. i searched around the beach line retracing my steps and i couldnt find it. it's been days since then and nothing...
  9. SimplyLK

    Request for a item back

    IGN: LK_GamingYT VEHICLE OR ITEM NAME: Ballistic Mask EVIDENCE: ADDITIONAL INFORMATION: I lost the item during a server reset back. I also gained a clown mask and a fake ID during this event. The reset set...
  10. SimplyLK

    Suggestion For Discord!

    Hello my name is LK Gaming#1436 there is a discord bot i think may help out. the discord bot is called Ticket System, it allows a user to create a private chat that can be closed after opening. you can make it to where certain roles are able to view a ticket not opened by them. the only issue is...