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  1. DivingBlues

    Denied DivingBlues || Psychiatrist Application

    KARAKURA HOSPITAL APPLICATION Out-Of-Character (OOC) Section IGN (In-Game Name): DivingBlues What is your discord username? divingblues Describe your activity on the server: Currently I am not the most active person on the server. This is due to demotivation and the lack of passion for...
  2. DivingBlues

    Lost Item: Forbidden Tales Book

    IGN: DivingBlues ITEM REQUESTED: Forbidden Tales Book PROOF: Theres was an issue where the planner basically swallowed my whole book... Uh I had it opened to find some stuff in my settings and it chose to glitch into the spot with my book and replaced it. When I went to click on the planner it...
  3. DivingBlues

    Shift Club Activities to Afterschool!

    What's your Minecraft Username?: DivingBlues What's the title of your suggestion?: Shift Club Activities to Afterschool! What's your suggestion?: After attending a day and a half at a school in Japan I noticed the club activities were hosted after school, ran by the students with a...
  4. DivingBlues

    Who is your favourite SRP character? Why?

    Give me your answers people I’m super curious about it. It could even be your own by try aim for someone else’s character!!
  5. DivingBlues

    DivingBlues AMA (save me)

    I see everyone doing this so I’ll give it a go! Give your worst (please don’t actually), ask me anything people I will try answer everything I can!
  6. DivingBlues

    The Viper of Saiky - Koizumi Saiky Bio

    Q&A about the character coming soon!!
  7. DivingBlues

    FOLKLORE | The Weeping Maiden

    A special thank you to @RexLobo for giving me permission to post this and his encouragement as I struggled to write this. To my lovely proof readers @.Arkkwolf, @Oli and @SIMPL3Z. Also a special thank you to @RandomlyAccepted for the beautiful banner. For those who read this thank you to and...
  8. DivingBlues

    KPD Officer Application || SetteSeas

    SetteSeas Officer Application. Out-Of-Character (OOC) Section IGN (In-Game Name): SetteSeas (Account I'm applying with) DivingBlues (Main) DrivingCrazy (Alt) _CreditCardInfo (Alt) Discord Name & Tag: divingblues Which timezone are you in? AEDT - Australian Eastern Daylight Time (changes...
  9. DivingBlues


    4 years late and still running! Hello everyone I am your local Aussie know as DicingBlues. I have friends! Yes that’s cool I moderate school roleplay and I also build and write LORE Colour of my favourite is blue it’s kind of obvious. I am from Australia and yes I own a pet spider. His name is...
  10. DivingBlues

    The SRP Alphabet

    A - Arson or Attributes B - Bats or Baiting C - CombatRP D - Detention E - E-dating F - FailRP or F2B or fly hacking or fishing G - GangRP or Grab or /Grab or gucci H - HALT I - /it Injuries or Ikigai J - J-walking K - KPS or KPD or KEEP IT ICLY or Karakura L - LOOC or Leave or Log or lag M -...
  11. DivingBlues

    Accepted Dino Plushie "Alex" Copy Request

    Username: DivingBlues What is your Minecraft username? DivingBlues Was your custom model completed after April 2023? No What is the name of the item you're requesting a copy of? Dino Plushie "Alex" What type of item are you requesting? Miscellaneous Item (5,000) How many copies...
  12. DivingBlues

    Accepted Judge Application | DivingBlues

    PLAYER INFORMATION In-game Name: DivingBlues Previous bans (include appeal links): I have no bans to my name Discord Tag: divingblues (Diving) Do you have a working microphone?: Yes I do! Timezone & Country: Australia and my timezone is AEST, Australian Eastern Standard Time Links to...
  13. DivingBlues

    Accepted _CreditCardInfo | Shrine Maiden Application

    SHINSEI SEINARU MONASTERY APPLICATION ─────────────────────────────────────── Out-Of-Character (OOC) Section °。˚ .° 。˚ °。˚ °。˚ . ° 。˚ °。˚ IN-GAME NAME (IGN): _CreditCardInfo DISCORD NAME & TAG: Diving | Diving#5539 WHAT IS YOUR TIMEZONE?: AEDT (Australian Eastern Daylight Time) LIST ANY...
  14. DivingBlues

    Official FOLKLORE | The Forbidden Tales

    Index: First Folklore - The Beliefs of the Caves Second Folklore - Why Ghosts Exist Third Folklore - The Two Soul Sisters Fourth Folklore - Sakura Trees Blessing Fifth Folklore - Fish Spirits Sixth Folklore - Shrine leads The Beliefs Of The Caves Written by Diving The Koi clan, the name...
  15. DivingBlues

    Quill Hanazono's Biography | DivingBlues

    One leaf... Stopped the last one from sending. Wow- ‧̍̊°。˚ .° 。˚ °。˚ °。˚ . ° 。˚ °。˚‧̍̊ Discord - Diving#5539 In Game Accounts - DivingBlues [L.T] - [Teacher] [28] Rini K. Corvid Quillstontavius [F+] - [Fox] [1] Raven / Nokoribi DrivingCrazy [F+] - [Duck] [1] Quillsontavius ‘Quill’ / Aflac...
  16. DivingBlues

    Rini Kōraru Corvid's Biography | DivingBlues | #2

    DM Diving for the link to her backstory. The link isn't working! The backstory is separated because you can only have 10 files it seems... Rini Lore! ‧̍̊°。˚ .° 。˚ °。˚ °。˚ . ° 。˚ °。˚‧̍̊ Discord - Diving#5539 In Game Accounts - DivingBlues [L.T] - [Teacher] [28] Rini K. Corvid...
  17. DivingBlues

    Duck whitelist suggestion | DivingBlues

    DivingBlues' Duck Whitelist Suggestion IGN: DivingBlues DATE: 2/09/2022 (1/09/2022) WHAT YOU WANT TO SUGGEST OR MENTION: I would like to suggest and also mention / or point out the ability of ducks and what they can and can’t do. Realistically you’d see a duck flying around and while it's quite...
  18. DivingBlues

    Rini Y. Kōraru | Character Biography

    Rini Yamada Kōraru Basic Information First Name: Rini Surname: Kōraru Preferred Name: Rini Aliases: N/A Gender: Female Age: 28 Height: 5’0 | 152.4cm Weight: 83 kg | 138ibs Build: Athletic Skin Colour: Light olive skin Eye Colour: Faint Hazel Hair Style: Waist-length straight hair...
  19. DivingBlues

    Glitched Grade #2 (repost wrong place before)

    IGN (Minecraft Username): _CreditCardInfo WHAT YOU NEED (ROLE/RANK): Grade 12 if possible my grade is glitched and not changing or grading up. The time has not changed at all for a while now. I would like if possible to have my grade changed to 12 if allowed. (reposted this because it was in the...
  20. DivingBlues

    Glitched Grade #2

    IGN (Minecraft Username): _CreditCardInfo WHAT YOU NEED (ROLE/RANK): Grade 12 if possible my grade is glitched and not changing or grading up. The time has not changed at all for a while now. I would like if possible to have my grade changed to 12 if allowed. YOUR CURRENTLY ROLE/RANK (IF ANY)...