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  1. DarkEclipic

    DarkEclipic's Missing Book

    IGN: DarkEclipic Missing Item: Japanese History (The green circle) Extra information: I just woke up and forgot for a half a second that the purple book eats items when in the offhand whilst checking for teacher classes to supervise!! In short, brain went brr and I paid the price
  2. DarkEclipic

    Lore | Mori Rivals; The Kajiyashiki Family

    Credits to The Mori Family for choosing this topic from a list of several topics and my first Lore post of this year! I also want to thank ErikFinster for giving us some other ideas to write on when it comes to The Mori’s, we <3 our #1 supporter! The 11th of Jan is the 2-year anniversary of...
  3. DarkEclipic

    SRP Question - New Player Edition

    What are some of the most asked or most common questions that Newer Players tend to ask? I am not talking about the Trolls, cause they get wild and we all know that. Keep causal chatting to a minimum, but i want to hear what you all have to say!
  4. DarkEclipic

    DarkEclipic's Black Market Dealer Application #1 | 'The Devil of Tyr'

    OOC INFORMATION: IGN: (Please also list any of your alternate accounts) DarkEclipic (LightEclipic, GreyEclipic, BlackEclipic, WhiteEclipic) Describe your activity on the server: 8/10 - I am not as brave enough to put myself 10/10 or even higher than that. We all have lives outside of SRP, that...
  5. DarkEclipic

    DarkEclipic's Missing Book

    IGN: DarkEclipic VEHICLE OR ITEM NAME: Japanese History (Purple Book) [ Note; It was eaten by the am command!! ] PROOF:
  6. DarkEclipic

    You Left or Right handed? [Poll]

    I really wanna know(Im left handed), Shoutout to the Town Discord (GO APPLY FOR THE LAWWWWWW)
  7. DarkEclipic

    DarkEclipic | Re-Introduction!!

    Got games on yo phone? Whell, Whell, Whell. What do we have here? Another on the bandwagon? Yes. Yes I am. Hello One, Hello All! For those who know me, Hello!! Welcome back! For those who do not, I am DarkEclipic! Names I go by are; Liz, Lizzy, Eli, Dark, and much more. I may seem scary...
  8. DarkEclipic

    LightEclipic | Car Request

  9. DarkEclipic

    LightEclipic | Missing Rock

    IGN: LightEclipic REQUEST: Rock Pet "Philip" EVIDENCE: What happened was I was showing my new Custom Rock furniture item to my friend and I let them hold onto it and they gave it back to me. The server crashed and now rock is missing ;-; this is the only photo of rock I have
  10. DarkEclipic

    Accepted Pet Rock 'Philip' Copy Request

    Username: DarkEclipic What is your Minecraft username? LightEclipic Was your custom model completed after April 2023? Yes What was your Transaction ID? tbx-21322924a55796-d79d8b What is the name of the item you're requesting a copy of? Pet Rock 'Philip' What type of item are you...
  11. DarkEclipic

    Accepted LightEclipic | Government Application (Governor #3)

    PLAYER INFORMATION In-game Name: LightEclipic (Reporter, If accepted I will leave this position) (Other accounts: DarkEclipic[Teacher], WhiteEclipic, GreyEclipic, BlackEclipic) Discord Tag: darkeclipic Do you have a working microphone?: Yes I do! Timezone & Country: CST, USA Links to any...
  12. DarkEclipic

    Lore | The History of The Mori Family

    Credits to @Crovantist @Alistarstruck @RippedZan and @SleepyGhostly for sticking with me through thick and thin of many things and now being some of the First Official Mori’s within The Family. Credits to RippedZan for making the Banner and Logo for The Mori’s! Note: My Mori’s are connected to...
  13. DarkEclipic

    Discord: HD School Faculty Additions

    What's your Minecraft Username?: DarkEclipic What's the title of your suggestion?: Discord: HD School Faculty Additions What's your suggestion?: This is something that maybe some of the other school faculty and I have seen within Discord itself. Currently, the bot that was giving the High...
  14. DarkEclipic

    Accepted DarkEclipic's Application | Verified Business

    VERIFIED BUSINESS APPLICATION FORMAT IGN: DarkEclipic (Alts: LightEclipic, BlackEclipic, WhiteEclipic, GreyEclipic) Discord: darkeclipic Describe your activity on the server: 7/10: I would say I am about a 7 out of 10. I do have other roles and factions on the server that I play on. Lore, HD...
  15. DarkEclipic

    BUSINESS | Zennix Corporation

    The Zennix Corporation 'Family Founded, Family United!' Founded in 2024 by Eli Hanazono-Zennix and Family Do you hate planning your own events? Don't have any ideas on how something should run? THE ZENNIX CORPORATION HAS YOUR BACK! Zennix Corporation is an Event Planning Company that helps...
  16. DarkEclipic

    Accepted Kitsune Backpack Copy Request

    Username: DarkEclipic What is your Minecraft username? DarkEclipic Was your custom model completed after April 2023? No What is the name of the item you're requesting a copy of? Kitsune Backpack What type of item are you requesting? Miscellaneous Item (5,000) How many copies are...
  17. DarkEclipic

    Accepted Holy Priest Richie Copy Request

    Username: DarkEclipic What is your Minecraft username? DarkEclipic Was your custom model completed after April 2023? Yes What was your Transaction ID? tbx-81810224a69862-5a8241 What is the name of the item you're requesting a copy of? Holy Priest Richie What type of item are you...
  18. DarkEclipic

    KARAKURA NEWS || Wedding Locations
