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  1. TrisTheWarrior

    TrisTheWarrior | Priest Application

    SHINSEI SEINARU MONASTERY APPLICATION ────────────────୨ৎ──────────────── OOC INFORMATION IGN (In-Game Name): TrisTheWarrior What is your discord username?: tristhewarrior What is your timezone?: Gmt+3(Romania) Describe your activity on the server: My activity depends a lot on school and...
  2. TrisTheWarrior

    Tris Tachitsu | トリス・タチツ | キツネ

    ☫☯Nathen Tris Ketsueki Tachitsu☯☫ Basic Information First Name: Nathen Tris "Name. . Its a bit too much, just call me one or the other. ." Surname: Tachitsu "Woo! Uh. . Will this be much different Masuyo. .? Please tell me it wont be the same. ." Ketsueki "No, don't you ever fucking call...
  3. TrisTheWarrior


  4. TrisTheWarrior

    My last goodbyes, love you all

    With this message i announce my final and last message to SRP. I am fully quitting it, ive been waiting for the past month or more for that spark to bring my interest back. Yet it hasent come and ive found other things to interest my life with. I dont want to keep a place in any group or...
  5. TrisTheWarrior

    KPD Application | TrisTheWarrior

    KARAKURA POLICE DEPARTMENT POLICE OFFICER APPLICATION Out-Of-Character (OOC) Section IGN (In-Game Name): TrisTheWarrior Discord Name & Tag: TrisTheWarrior#2747 Previous bans: Major Offence ;; Player Harassment-Customable. The following ban was 14 days and I appealed it, being...
  6. TrisTheWarrior

    N. Tris. Ketsueki |Biography

    ☫☯Nathen Tris Ketsueki☯☫ Basic Information First Name: Nathen Tris Anguard Surname: Ketsueki Tachitsu Preferred Name: Tris Anguard Aliases: 'WarWick' 'King Yummi' 'Raijin' "All of them bring up a path i used to follow in my past, one being more recent than the other. Or maybe even the...
  7. TrisTheWarrior

    Denied TrisTheWarrior |Teacher Application!

    Out-Of-Character Information What is your Minecraft username?:TrisTheWarrior Do you have Discord (If so, what is your discord username?):TrisTheWarrior#2747 Do you have a microphone?:Yes, and I am able to speak to anyone. How old are you? (Optional):N/A What is your time zone?:GMT+2 Do you...