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  1. Poseter

    Make Councillors more respectful

    What's your Minecraft Username?: Poseter What's the title of your suggestion?: Make Councillors more respectful What's your suggestion?: Councillors are worse than cheerleaders at this point. They do not respect the teachers in any way shape or form and it's irritating. I've had more bad...
  2. Poseter


  3. Poseter

    5-6 Language slots

    What's your Minecraft Username?: Poseter What's the title of your suggestion?: 5-6 Language slots What's your suggestion?: Each account right now has 3 language slots. The first two are incredibly easy to get with the third one needing more background information. However, due to the change...
  4. Poseter

    The issue with people /spawning during classes

    What's your Minecraft Username?: Poseter What's the title of your suggestion?: The issue with people /spawning during classes What's your suggestion?: Due to the number of people using the command "/spawn" during school after they join a class, it's become a hassle for us teachers to keep...
  5. Poseter

    Glitched blocks

    USERNAME: Poseter (_Maldimare's apartment) APARTMENT COORDINATES (F3 TO VIEW): 1669 24 1309 and 1666 23 1314 ISSUE: glitched blocks ADDITIONAL INFORMATION:
  6. Poseter

    Accepted Cane "Tianlong" Copy Request

    Username: Poseter What is your Minecraft username? Poseter Was your custom model completed after April 2023? Yes What was your Transaction ID? tbx-92831423a10647-635277 What is the name of the item you're requesting a copy of? Cane "Tianlong" What type of item are you requesting...
  7. Poseter

    Denied Kritiqual | Doctor Application

    KARAKURA HOSPITAL APPLICATION Out-Of-Character (OOC) Section IGN (In-Game Name): Kritiqual (Alt, but this is the one I'm applying for) Poseter (Main) What is your discord username? .fvckyou. Describe your activity on the server: I am on SRP daily. I do a lot of teaching on my main account...
  8. Poseter

    Accepted Flag "Quacking" Copy Request

    Username: Poseter What is your Minecraft username? Poseter Was your custom model completed after April 2023? Yes What was your Transaction ID? tbx-11628023a84365-4b6e26 What is the name of the item you're requesting a copy of? Flag "Quacking" What type of item are you requesting...
  9. Poseter

    delete pls

  10. Poseter

    Chests disappeared | Poseter

    USERNAME: Poseter APARTMENT COORDINATES (F3 TO VIEW): 1836 45 608 ISSUE: Chests are missing. There is no way someone could've broken them because they were mine. Is there any way you can figure out who broke them + make them come back? ADDITIONAL INFORMATION:
  11. Poseter

    Property co-owner | Poseter

    IGN: Poseter DATE: 9/24/2023 WHAT YOU WANT TO SUGGEST OR MENTION: Apartment and property co-owner HOW WILL THIS BENEFIT THE SERVER/COMMUNITY?: Properties have admin but do not have a co-owner. I feel it would be beneficial because, for those who buy a house to own it together, only one person...
  12. Poseter

    Claimed Blocks

    USERNAME: Poseter APARTMENT COORDINATES (F3 TO VIEW): 1832 49 602 ISSUE: An old resident of my apartment has moved out and I'd like to remove their claimed blocks. ADDITIONAL INFORMATION: These ones, please! <3 (Don't remove the chests, just the signs.) I didn't even see this until after I...
  13. Poseter

    New School Schedule for 12h

    IGN: Poseter DATE: 6/15/2023 WHAT YOU WANT TO SUGGEST OR MENTION: A new school schedule (or another one) to fit the 12h time instead of the 24h due to people not 100% understanding 24h time. HOW WILL THIS BENEFIT THE SERVER/COMMUNITY?: People who have a hard time understanding 24h time will...
  14. Poseter

    Accepted Poseter | Maths Teacher Application

    Out-Of-Character Information What is your Minecraft username?: Poseter is my main account however I do use Kritiqual as an alt. Do you have Discord (If so, what is your discord username?): Yes, theo 테오#8977. Do you have a microphone?: Yes, however talking is not something I feel very...
  15. Poseter

    Denied Poseter | Art Teacher Application

    Out-Of-Character Information What is your Minecraft username?: Poseter Do you have Discord (If so, what is your discord username?): senpaiセオ#8977 Do you have a microphone?: Yes What is your time zone?: Cst Do you acknowledge that if you are inactive you will be demoted?: Yes Describe your...
  16. Poseter

    Poseter | Housing Issue

  17. Poseter

    AFK Court System Suggestion | Poseter

    IGN: Poseter DATE: 1/11/2023 WHAT YOU WANT TO SUGGEST OR MENTION: If someone goes afk and has the afk tag, sometime afterwards-- AND THEY ARE ON A COURT[Basketball,Football,VB.. etc]-- they should be teleported off. HOW WILL THIS BENEFIT THE SERVER/COMMUNITY?: This will be highly beneficial to...
  18. Poseter

    Byungho "Benny" Lee

    art by my irl friend atticus ╭┉┉┅┄┄┈┈ ┆BASIC INFORMATION↲ ˚➶ Name ↳ Full Name - Lee Byungho ↳ Meanings: First name - celestial, glory, heavenly Last Name - plum / plum tree ↳ Origins- Korea ˚➶ |Nicknames ↳ Nicknames- Benny, Bunny, Bunny Boy ↳ Favorites - Benny, Bunny ↳ Least...
  19. Poseter

    Unable to Place Blocks | Poseter

    USERNAME: Poseter APARTMENT COORDINATES: 1605 36 668 (xkal0's apartment) ISSUE: ADDITIONAL INFORMATION: xkal0 said it's been like this since she got the apartment.
  20. Poseter

    Backpack suggestion

    IGN: Poseter DATE: 11/26/2022 WHAT YOU WANT TO SUGGEST OR MENTION: Since backpacks are already in the game, let's give them a use instead of being a decorative item!! HOW WILL THIS BENEFIT THE SERVER/COMMUNITY?: This will create so much benefit towards the server/community. Not only will this...