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  1. xcqu

    Madara Volkonsky meme collection

  2. xcqu

    xcqu | Psychiatrist Application

    ↪IGN (In-Game Name): xcqu ↪What is your discord username? xcqu ↪Describe your activity on the server: Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday -Free after 10AM. -Free after 10AM. -Free after 12AM. -Free after 12AM. -Free after 5PM. -Depends on OOC. Free after...
  3. xcqu

    who you playing?

    Here's an interesting question I haven't seen asked before (could be wrong), could maybe spark a little conversation. If you were given the chance to play another players character, who would you choose?
  4. xcqu

    Dynamic Music and Ambient sounds

    What's your Minecraft Username?: xcqu What's the title of your suggestion?: Dynamic Music and Ambient sounds What's your suggestion?: I'm unsure if this has already been suggested before but I would be greatly surprised if it hasn't. I propose the idea for a Dynamic soundtrack to begin when...
  5. xcqu

    Thanos moment

    If you could snap ONE character out of existence for good, who you picking?
  6. xcqu

    "From Nothing To Something" | xcqu's long overdue Introduction

    Basic Introduction For those who can't be bothered with a long introduction, Ive simplied much of what I have to say in this paragraph. Hey, The names xcqu, originating from the word 'Execute' shortened to fit into a 4 character minecraft name, it can also sound like 'Execute You' but I'm...
  7. xcqu

    Whats one thing you wish you did?

    WHATS ONE THING YOU WISH YOU DID, THAT YOU STILL HAVENT DONE OR NEVER GOT THE CHANCE TOO?? Note: This isn't limited to srp, you can also include ooc stuff if you really want to talk about it but for those who like their privacy, feel free to keep it icly. My own personal answer to this...
  8. xcqu

    Car got yonked.. :(

    Hello again. Unfortunately, I have to make another item request due to a glitch. For context on the situation, A good friend of mine decided to announce that they were leaving SRP and allowed me to borrow their car while they were away. Everything went smoothly until I decided to refuel the...
  9. xcqu

    Radio furniture request

    Hello, I'm here to request my radio furniture back from a glitch that causes it to get deleted. Below are the following ss in order from the radio being there to when it disappeared and my inventory. Unfortunately I cannot run medal and minecraft at the same time so I was unable to clip it but...
  10. xcqu

    SRP | Prestigious; Volkonsky Family - Introduction & Server invite

    A widely recognised and esteemed family in the town of Karakura. With an innate charm and grace, they create new connections and friendships, fostering a sense of warmth and camaraderie wherever they go. Their unwavering commitment to nurturing these relationships not only bolsters their own...
  11. xcqu

    Denied "Truth in your lies." | xcqu's Lawyer Application

    In-game Name: xcqu Discord Tag: xcqu Do you have a working microphone?: I do have a working microphone and am active on discord on a regular basis. Timezone & Country: BST/GMT, United Kingdom. Links to any current & past applications (Spoiler them): Describe your activity on the server...
  12. xcqu

    Accepted "Class is now in session." | xcqu's Computer Science Professor Application

    OOC SECTION What is your Minecraft username?: xcqu What is your time zone?: BST (British Standard Time). What is your discord username? (eg @muffincats) xcqu Link all previous applications you made on the server: Denied Applications "When the dust settles" | xcqu's BMD Application |...
  13. xcqu

    "Keeping up with the times." | xcqu Reporter Application

    OOC (Out-Of-Character) Information: What is your In-Game-Name (IGN)? Please include ALL your alternative accounts: xcqu (My main account, No alterative accounts). Do you have Discord and a microphone? If so, what is your username?: My discord account is xcqu, and I do have a useable...
  14. xcqu

    "When the dust settles" | xcqu's BMD Application

    IGN: xcqu Describe your activity on the server: IRL Schedule Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday Free all day. Free all day. Free all day. Free all day. Free all day. Free all day. 5pm till 10pm. Family day. Due to summer break and due to finishing...
  15. xcqu

    Hand of God Copy Request

    Username: Execute What is your Minecraft username? xcqu Was your custom model completed after April 2023? Yes What was your Transaction ID? tbx-34717724a1242-a950f9 What is the name of the item you're requesting a copy of? Hand of God What type of item are you requesting...
  16. xcqu

    Accepted Hand of God Copy Request

    Username: Execute What is your Minecraft username? xcqu Was your custom model completed after April 2023? Yes What was your Transaction ID? tbx-34717724a1242-a950f9 What is the name of the item you're requesting a copy of? Hand of God What type of item are you requesting...
  17. xcqu

    KPD application | xcqu

    Note This is an updated version of my application, it contains a few more details and additions from my previous application that I submitted 1 month ago. Thank you. Out-Of-Character (OOC) Section IGN (In-Game Name): xcqu Discord Name & Tag: Madara (xcqu). Which timezone are you in? British...
  18. xcqu

    Missing Jetski

    IGN: xcqu VEHICLE OR ITEM NAME: Red Jetski EVIDENCE: ADDITIONAL INFORMATION: I took it out of the chest to check it out and tried to open the chest to put it back in, but ended up placing it as it was in my hand and I was unable to recollect it again, resulting in it being stuck in the...
  19. xcqu

    Here may you see the tyrant, Madara Volkonsky. [Outdated]

    Proverbs 17:17 "A friend loves at all times, and a brother is born for a time of adversity." Music you can listen to while reading Disclaimer: None of this information should be used in roleplay unless given confirmation, otherwise this is simply for documentation on the character...
  20. xcqu

    Denied xcqu | Receptionist Application

    Out-Of-Character Information What is your Minecraft username?: xcqu Do you have Discord (If so, what is your discord username?): I have Discord, Caprisun#0007 (xcqu) How old are you? (Optional): 18 What is your time zone?: BST Describe your activity on the server: I am very active on the...