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  1. S

    Rosa Sketches in!

    This page will be divided in several parts, starting with things you can notice at a first glance all the way down to trivias and characterization. The more you read, the less you are supposed to know ICly Part 1 - First Glance Name: Sakiko "Rosa" Momoiro Age: 18 Gender: Female Physical...
  2. S

    Meet Rosso!

    This page will be divided in several parts, starting with things you can notice at a first glance all the way down to trivias and characterization. The more you read, the less you are supposed to know ICly PART 1 - First glance Name: Rosso Age: 16 Gender: Male Phyiscal Appearence: He is...
  3. S

    Question about age

    Hi! I just wanted to ask a quick question. If I am already 18 and in grade 12, can I roleplay as a younger student? If I ever want to roleplay as a 15 years old but I already am in grade 12, can I just write it in the description? I as k this because I don't know if you can reset your age and...