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  1. IsNate

    only get 10 items back apon them vanishing? / glitching out...

    IGN: IsNate DATE: 21/12/22 WHAT YOU WANT TO SUGGEST OR MENTION: there should be at least 20 items returned if enough and sufficient proof is shown. for example a video of it happening. HOW WILL THIS BENEFIT THE SERVER/COMMUNITY?: To be honest, I just don't think it's fair at all. And there...
  2. IsNate

    allow non school accounts to be able to go into school during try-outs / events.

    IGN: IsNate DATE: 12/08/2022 WHAT YOU WANT TO SUGGEST OR MENTION: I would like to suggest allowing non-school accounts to be able to go into school during try-outs / events. It would be nice for them to be involved, as some of them do not have alt accounts. If they have a family, to go support...
  3. IsNate

    i thought of somthing...

    IGN: IsNate DATE: 08/08/2022 WHAT YOU WANT TO SUGGEST OR MENTION: Okay, to start off IM NOT good at writing a lot, so I'll just put down what I thought of, and any ideas / addons / feedback is welcome. Let's say you make a family or a gang, but BEFORE joining or applying, you are informed that...
  4. IsNate

    lost bike because i'm stupid

    IGN: IsNate VEHICLE OR ITEM NAME: Bike "Peregrine" EVIDENCE: so to explain.. I...
  5. IsNate


  6. IsNate

    NateKPD | Police application

    KARAKURA POLICE DEPARTMENT POLICE OFFICER APPLICATION Out-Of-Character (OOC) Section IGN (In-Game Name): NateKPD Discord Name & Tag: Nate.#6660 Previous bans: ( March 30, 2022 Perma for bypassing and was also banned for abusing...
  7. IsNate

    Denied i changed my mind-

    I changed my mind on the application, sorry for any inconvenience caused.
  8. IsNate

    Denied Plz del

    plz del
  9. IsNate

    only return 10 itmes?

    To be honest, I just don't think it's fair at all. And there should be at least 20 because I cleared my apt and expected my items to drop on the ground so I could pick them up and put them in a new chest, so I ended up losing ALOT of stuff, like i got all my weps, but still lost a mil in balis...
  10. IsNate

    all got sorted and idk how to del a post so i cleared it

    all got sorted and idk how to del a post so i cleared it
  11. IsNate

    Block does not fit the rest of it? i don't think it should be there.

    USERNAME: NateRP_ APARTMENT COORDINATES (F3 TO VIEW): ATTACHMENT ISSUE: blocks dont seem to fit and im not sure they should be that block? could they get changed to blocks not pains? like the rest of it? ADDITIONAL INFORMATION:
  12. IsNate

    Can you unclaim the apt of someone who got perma banned?

    guy got perma banned so i was wondering if his apt can get unclaimed
  13. IsNate

    30 days

    USERNAME: OriginalOdd APARTMENT COORDINATES (F3 TO VIEW): 1247 31 1237 ISSUE: not online for 30 days ADDITIONAL INFORMATION:
  14. IsNate


    IGN (Minecraft Username): NateRP_ WHAT YOU NEED (ROLE/RANK) grade 12 YOUR CURRENTLY ROLE/RANK (IF ANY): suspended EVIDENCE: logs
  15. IsNate

    Missing Cardboard Turtle Shell

    IGN:NateRP_ VEHICLE OR ITEM NAME: Cardboard Turtle Shell EVIDENCE: || ||...
  16. IsNate

    2 items gone cuz of glitch

    IGN: NateRP_ VEHICLE OR ITEM NAME: Horned Hat and Club Master Raynans EVIDENCE: ADDITIONAL INFORMATION: The 1st item was the Club Master Raynans that poofed near the beginning from 0:28 seconds in and the second was my...