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  1. spectralUsurper

    Elduin L. De Sylvenus, The Biography | ꕤ

    (?) "The High Priestess is a card of mystery, stillness, and passivity. This card suggests that it is time to retreat and reflect upon the situation and trust your inner instincts to guide you through it. Things around you are not what they appear to be right now." . . . (( Click...
  2. spectralUsurper

    Hart Reicher || Character Bio

    |<♥-> Hart Reicher <-♥>| Character Theme: First Name: Hart Surname: Reicher Gender: Male Age: 18 Height: 6'5 Weight: 228 lb Build: Broad with lanky lower arms and legs Skin Color: Tan Eye Color: Red Hair Style: Mostly bunched up to the right side of the face, otherwise a bit messy...
  3. spectralUsurper

    Lenz "Shade" Falkenrath || Character Bio

    ☽☾~ Lenz/Shade Falkenrath ~☽☾ Character Theme: Shade's RPG Stats: (Measured using D&D dice rolls) Shade is a Celestial Diviner and Keeper of the Stars, loyal to the demon Astaroth, Mistress of the Night and Chaos of Time and Space. Through her power, he could command fate and shape it...
  4. spectralUsurper

    Minoru Laurent (Biography)

    -{-{@ Minoru Alois Laurent @}-}- (School uniform version coming soon to a dank river valley near you) Character Theme: First Name: Minoru Middle Name: Alois Surname: Laurent Gender: Male Age: Beginning of RP: 13 Current Age: 18 Height: Beginning of RP: 5'2 Current Height: 5'8 Weight...