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  1. whans_whale

    Purchasing Character Slots

    +1 I love srp and all, but I dont have 90 dollars to buy an omega or omega+ rank for a different character slot to rp different factions on! omega doesnt need all the good stuff!!
  2. whans_whale

    Lost vehicle

    IGN:whans_whale Missing A red motercycle context. . . so a while back I took a really long break from minecraft cause yeah, i needed to. and before that i was really burn out. I had a red motorcycle and it disapeared in my inventory one day but I only have THIS screenshot from me losing it...
  3. whans_whale

    Running tailor blacklists through staff members

    +1 this is legit so reasonable
  4. whans_whale

    What show would your character fit in?

    bet Sumi- he woulf totes fit in to owl house or dead end Eli- my little pony or akuma kun Fuaki- mean girls.
  5. whans_whale

    Ketchup on white rice, or eggs?

    nether or all. blend them all together and a tasty smoothie! yummy yum
  6. whans_whale

    super cool sharktism Family (SANG-EO)

  7. whans_whale

    if you were a whale would you/your character be?

    this is copying off of shark cause shark is a big meanie and forgot my birthday and ignored me for three to four months before!! Fuaki- fr a beluga Tsumugi Yoshino- defintly a sperm whale (NOT REAL SPERM JEEZ) Eli- a humpback whale that basic little rat ME- a north pacific right whale! (the...
  8. whans_whale

    What shark species/type would you or your char be?

    a north pecific rifht whale!
  9. whans_whale

    Forums Setting

    +1 PLEASE IT BUURRNS OH IT BURRNS IT BURNS! (its from a show)
  10. whans_whale

    vehicle return

    IGN: whans_whale VEHICLE OR ITEM NAME: red motercycle EVIDENCE: ADDITIONAL INFORMATION: my game crasshed while trying to pick ut up
  11. whans_whale


    the one you can eat
  12. whans_whale

    missing ittem :{

    IGN: whans_whale VEHICLE OR ITEM NAME: drumset kit EVIDENCE: {screenie} ADDITIONAL INFORMATION: I was creating a room and accidentally hit the block that my drum set is with the barrier block and its gone. Please get it back as soon as possible please and thank you
  13. whans_whale

    5-6 Language slots

  14. whans_whale

    What flower would your character(s) be?

    my character tsumugi yoshino (the newerish one) would defintly be a red spider lilly and my cat character is the stem of a lilly not the flower just the stem
  15. whans_whale


    kirkland water is awesome
  16. whans_whale

    im gonna make it shine fr

    omg for my character tsumugi yoshino it would defintly be the song "another beliver" from the meet the robbinson movie for my cat character defintly that chipi chippi daba daba song
  17. whans_whale


    KARAKURA HOSPITAL APPLICATION Out-Of-Character (OOC) Section IGN (In-Game Name): Whans_whale What is your discord username? fanta_boy Describe your activity on the server: The patterns of my online being is subject to some different dispense. Generally, I try to log on daily, but my schedule...
  18. whans_whale

    My items i need them

    IGN:whans_whale VEHICLE OR ITEM NAME: Cap Cat ears Taco (not needed) Glasses (not needed) Onomotone thing (not needed) Cat food (Shrimp Ear peircings Bee plush Bo staff (needed) Crutch (not needed) Black flip phone (needed) White walking blind cane (i need this) Debit car (not needed) Bongo...