players online


  1. W

    /grade not working

    I recently joined the server and tried to use /grade after being on for an hour to theoretically go to 8th grade since I am in 7th, but this didn't work. I try to use /grade and it simply says maximum grade reached. even though I am in 7th grade. I know it has been an hour because I tried the...
  2. frostbite

    My age and grade wont go up

    I am stuck at 14 and I should be 18 my username on minecraft is frosty_blu if that helps and when I go up a grade it says "You are at maximum grade"
  3. frostbite

    Age and Grade

    my grade and age wont go up i am stuck at 14 and when it says 50 minutes and when 50 minutes is over it says im at max grade when im only 14
  4. U

    Grade Request

    So, when you type /grade into chat, it gives you the time you need to be online in order to grade up. For several times I've been online (at age 17), it has said I should've aged up to 18. However, when I check, I remain 17 and it says that I've "maxed" out in terms of my grade. Why is this...
  5. E

    Help I can't get into the RP!

    Hello. When i Join the server and right click the school RP model, it doesn't teleport me and when I tried pressing again it said I was already in the server when I wasn't. I haven't been banned.
  6. fairy-s

    age/grade wont change.

    hi, I've been playing on this server for a couple of days now but my grade and age stays the same. im stuck at grade 8 and i feel like i should be at grade 12 now. i went on discord and they said my grade is glitched and to request for it to be changed. please help! my ign is faerie_ thank you...
  7. C

    I cant join it shuts my game down

    The title says it i cant join it just kicks me out to the multiplayer screen
  8. KeoGIggle1707

    help (grade glitch)

    alright so, I got back on here recently and my grade tag still says [Year-7] and I've mentioned it a few times in /help on the server but I hadn't gotten any replies nor did I get the issue resolved. Is there a way you can fix it for me please? It's been stuck like that for a long time now...
  9. Doke

    Can't join

    Every time I right click the statue or use the star i get sent back to the hub, why is that?
  10. Something Strange

    Grade / rank up not working?

    Ive been playing for a while and Ive yet to rank up. Is there a fix to this?
  11. Something Strange


    I'm having some trouble figuring out how to buy an apartment / house. Help?
  12. aixa_13

    I cant enter the game;I keep crashing ): Please help!!!

    Help me!! This has been happening for over a month and I didn't realise there was an actual website for the game; every time I log in it crashes IMMEDIATELY, I have done many things to try and resolve this for example: Deleting the server and re-adding it, relog-ing more than 20 times (no...
  13. A

    How do I get a job

    My question is pretty self explanatory. How can I get a job or do stuff for money quicker? I am 14 y/o in character and I honestly have no idea what I am doing. Plz send halp.
  14. H

    One thing that would really help me

    My last post was about how I had been asked to change my name because a family already had it. Since then I have changed the name. As to stop further confusion on this perhaps request families that don't want their names used to put it on a list on this site. Unless there already is one in which...
  15. H

    Name confusion

    My character's last name is Takahashi which is a very common name in Japan. Someone has asked me to change the name because someone else also has that last name. I don't want to do this. I haven't found anything in the name rules that says I should change the name. What do I do? I could change...
  16. Werewolf_Will29

    Age Glitch - Still Not Fixed

    Hello there! I've been playing on school rp for awhile and a couple or so months ago, I noticed my grade had been glitched. I have played for over 48 hours. I should be Grade-12 but it says Grade-7. I have requested it to be fixed about 3 or 4 times now yet whenever I go on the server it still...
  17. E

    Help! Anyone else have this?

    Every time I try joining the server it wont let me. It says "There wasn't a lobby server so you were disconnected". It says there's a slot for a player but it still wont let me. Help please!
  18. JPR2014


    Can you become a Dog in the server Please could staff or anyone give me a answer asap
  19. gothling <3

    uhm, this is awkward but...

    can somebody pls remove the "maths-teacher" role from me lol and make it so that im only 16 idk what me a year or 2 ago was thinking, thanks.
  20. Lifty

    age is incorrect

    heyo, it seems that my birthday is wrong and I would like to fix it!! It said in settings to contact admin to for further help so whenever you have time, my birthday is june 25 2003. Hope you can help. Lifty