players online


  1. VexViolent21

    Anna's Introduction ♡

    Hello Everyone! My name is Anna, I've been a frequent roleplayer throughout the years and I've honestly never Minecraft roleplayed. I can't wait to try this out as my first experience! I enjoy roleplaying very much <3 I'm Fluent in Spanish and English, I'm a singer and do frequent private...
  2. Squidjees

    Roleplay Help

    Hi~! I'm Squidjees, and I'm looking to step up my roleplay game. As someone coming back into this community after a year of inactivity, I'm having trouble getting back into the swing of things. So, I chose to consult the community for a question I had. What do you wish more of the community...
  3. A

    How to join

    Hi, I'm on mobile for the 2024 MC and it's not letting me join the schoolrp server and I was wondering, how do I join it on mobile? It says I can but it shows I need a port? Can anyone help?