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school councillor

  1. That weird guy glaze

    Denied High school councilor

    What is your Minecraft Username?: Glazetv Past warns/kicks/bans?: 1 warning What is your timezone?: (GMT-5) or CT Please provide your Discord tag and Identifier : Weirdsapling Link(s) to all past and present applications on the server (Approved, Denied & Pending): Describe your...
  2. A

    Denied School Counselor Application - BrokenMangle78

    Out-Of-Character Information What is your Minecraft username?: BrokenMangle78 Do you have Discord (If so, what is your discord username?): Abigail_17#2746 Have you ever been banned: I have been banned three times from erp but I have not done it since. I admit, it did take me a bit to learn...

    Denied Application for school councillor ✘

    [OOC SECTION] IGN: PHANTOM_BIRD Role in School Council: Councillor Expected activity (out of ten): 4 RL Age (note that it does not matter how old you are): 15 Previous Applications: N/A Motivation for joining: I wish to represent the school and make a difference to the quality of the other...
  4. LelouchVii

    Accepted Application for School Council ✔

    [OOC SECTION] IGN: LelouchVii. Role in School Council: School Vice-President. Expected activity (out of ten): 8.5 RL Age (note that it does not matter how old you are): 17. Previous Applications: I havent applied for anything previously. this is my first time. Motivation for joining: I dont...
  5. zaeryn-

    [Denied] Application for Student Councillor ✘

    [OOC SECTION] IGN: zaeryn Role in School Council: School Councillor Expected activity (out of ten): 7/10 RL Age (note that it does not matter how old you are): 13 Previous Applications: Student Council Application (old map) Motivation for joining: I want to help. Have you ever been banned?: No...