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▌ Yamaro Kurose Biography ▌ 18/11/2022 ▌


Level 34
Sonchai S. Hamilton

"I found about you on my on at school- Was kinda unexpected... but yk.. Dad is DAD! So I love and accept you!"

"You scared my boyfriend! That was funny as heck, but please don't kill him or you won't see your little son in wedding dress"

"I know Henry... is a bit unique to deal with... he had rather pressuring past... but I love him and accept him.. so you do too.."

i love this ❤️


Level 34
Fumihito Miston Bonheur

"So... I think our first encounter was awkward and you kinda flirted with me- knowing I was dating Isaac- umm... that's totally okay!"

"I am sorry I couldn't save you the day when you had your leg broken... I still feel guilty but I do love you cousin!"

"You have alter? Oh like my dead ex and my dad! That is fin-.... D-Don't hurt me- I am not your type beef heh-"

AHAHAH… Thankfully they aren’t biological cousins


Level 60
Finn Domínguez

"Hi hi Finn! I see you and Fuji are doing great! I am glad!"

"Thank you for defending me... from yk... the alter of Fuji... I love him as my family... and I won't leave him... but if it would be needed.. I could not bring myself to hurt him..."

"I adore you Finn! We both slap!"
Hiroto Zennix Domínguez

"...I see you as my uncle... and I love you just as much I love dad!..."

"..You first hate me? Disliked me? Though I think it is very adorable! You are like Tsundure!"

"I am glad dad has a dear friend like you!"
I love how Hiro softened up with Yama and i love how Finn is defending Yama like a champ

Sonchai S. Hamilton

"I found about you on my on at school- Was kinda unexpected... but yk.. Dad is DAD! So I love and accept you!"

"You scared my boyfriend! That was funny as heck, but please don't kill him or you won't see your little son in wedding dress"

"I know Henry... is a bit unique to deal with... he had rather pressuring past... but I love him and accept him.. so you do too.."
Henry unique to deal with makes me feel special now, Hes a mood at times


Level 34

Brock Kekantsu

"You are first guy... to make a first move on me... so confident and independent... I feel butterflies... in my stomach when I look at you.."

"I want to and I will believe... that you are one... I am tired... of this pain"

"Brocko.. I love you."
they cute together


Level 82


Yamaro Kurose

"I am just a human... I had many regrets in my life.."
"I acted and still act like a spontaneous child... But even so, I don't let down myself and live on.."
"I accept my past and let it go with love... so I could have better now... and future.."


[!] Character art would be included [!]
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[!] Folder would be inserted in the scheme with multiple fingerprints [!]



5’6 or 168 cm

121 lbs or 55kg

Slim – muscular

Skin Color:
European white

Eye Color:

Hair Color:
Natural – Ginger; Currently dyed – Snow blue and Marine Blue

Openminded extravert with high sense of comfortable and joyful environment.

Has a keloid scar on right rib going down to right hip.

Date of Birth:
2nd of October

Place of Birth:


Eastern European with Asian roots

Sexual Orientation:

Religious Beliefs:
Atheist “..Metaphysics and Cognitive Science can explain many things nowadays..”

Yamaro has angular, hazel eyes; greenish in the first part, and a deeper hazel in the second part. He has dyed snow blue and marine blue hair [He dyes it periodically, yet he keeps the bluish tones] that reaches his shoulders. His bangs cut across his forehead and hang just over his eyebrows. On occasion, he sometimes puts his hair up in a small ponytail. He's got a small build but somehow still muscular. Several characters remark him as good-looking and handsome, standing strong with feminine manor. Due to his family bloodline his skin is smoother pale.

Character Voice:

Yamaro is a kind, straightforward, optimistic, yet shy boy who desires to be a stronger individual that is not hesitant and ensures that his social circle (friends, family, lover, work, household) would be always bright and welcoming. While staying positive on daily basis Yama can be depicted rather cool-headed and highly intellectual character when situations become serious or he leads rather detailed chats about life sharing his knowledge and experiences with listener.

After tragic past events he became determined to grow independent so that he could be someone that could stand beside his boyfriend Isaac Green, ensuring they both would have a happy future, no financial needs, becoming reliable emotional support and stay intimidating chat buddy. He seeks to fulfill his own and shared with Isaac goals working hard in multiple places like Joyoung, LCN and online interior companies like Misfits Tailoring and Kosai Tailoring. Nerveless, he also stays active in school keeping good grades and engaging with school activities like baseball.

While staying happy and energetic, Yamaro often observes his relatives and friends and with recent event he recognized that many suffer a lot of psychological pressure and decided to hide his sadness and own depression creating a happy profile for most, so no one would worry about him and would only open up to close friends. He also periodically attends therapies which would boost his motivation to keep happy profile and remain positive adolescent.

Though he gets flustered quite easily from time to time, especially around his boyfriend Isaac, and can appear to be timid, Yamaro does possess a strong will and devotion. His feelings for Isaac are strong enough to grant him courage to overcome his fears and weaknesses. His desire to be outstanding and helpful is rather admirable regarding the life events he went through and amount of mental breakdowns he suffocated from.
Diseases / Illness / Disorders / Flaws / Addictions:

Eating disorder;

Post Amnesia survivor with multiple memory cracks;

Is allergic to bad boys and hot serial killers;

Has strong attachment issues;



Does not know how to love own self.

Interior designing, Baseball, Swimming, Being passionate about his boyfriend, Working, Reading, Sipping teas, Stalking and roasting his homies, Dissecting KPD officers that do bad work.

Has high academic writing knowledge, Great Social working skills, Customer service skills, Parkouring, Driving license and more casual stuff…

Short, Great feminine physique, Has a huge keloid scar, Has very calming smile.

Before moving to Karakura, Yamaro's parents went back to France from England after finishing PhD's to expand their business line and connections where Yama learnt to speak French. For 3 years he was learning in French academy basic subjects and taking extra modules on French extended speaking and Quantum science beginner class. At first French seemed like Everest for junior hiker, but within 6 months Yamaro mastered all basics of language and could start small conversations with class mates and neighbors. After 2 years French writing, speaking, listening and readings skills reached perfection and Fluency. He would live in France with his biological parents that turned out abusive. He lived in small mountain town following strict monotonic routine involving studying, practicing guitar and physical harassment. Male would spend his time in painful environment and grow with lack of support from parents which made him despise bloodlines and own genetics.

After his biological father divorced Yamaro's mother take Yamaro to Asian relatives in Tokyo. Until age of 18 she kept Yamaro in Tokyo and by the mid of Christmas she would take Yama to Karakura where she rented a small apartment and ended up drunk and stabbed her own son, got her crazy lover to forcefully grave a tattoo on Yama's back and that night drove woman to insanity and made her run away leaving her son dying. Luckily male was saved by neighbors and was taken to local town hospital. After months of plain recovering Yama would get back on legs with long term injury and enrolled in KHS where he started his new life, yet remained emotionless until he met people that brought back hope in his life.

At one point Yamaro met an intelligent mimicry crow named Flamenco, that lead male meeting Henry Hamilton who soon adopted Yama when one had horrible mental breakdown and reflected few similarities in Henry's eyes. Henry managed to bring hope in Yamaro's eyes as he soon was able to smile again. Following Yama's adoption in Hamilton's family he was blown away with dozens of siblings and loving parents that had their own personal dramas. After some time, Yamaro would meet Jasmine Hiragi and Sawa Daichi who became Yama's bestfriends and main support becoming socially adapted to Karakura. Within few months Yamaro's social circle would grow and his emotions would fully recover. Male would start new and fresh life completely forgetting his suffocating times at France.

Yamaro's curiosity over town history would lead male into world of criminality and gang fighting where he stayed for rather short time. After some training with his friends he would learn freestyle parkouring and would be able to jump over high fences or run around small house roofs. His boredom would lead him to enter a small gang named Satori where he obtained his title 'Rimuru', trained with hand combating and as time went by left due to interest loss and fear of losing close ones, he would then stay neutral until his uncle would invite him to a private gang Tobaku where he remained as scout but after some family conflicts and fighting with love partner would decide to ditch gang as he realized that being a criminal won't benefit him much and he moved on seeking for new interests.

Continuing his school life he would end up meeting Adrien Smickers who was a former baseball player in Bobcats team and became Yama's close friend. Yama decided it would be interesting to join some sports group and he decided to go with baseball tryouts as it was closest one. He successfully passed the tryouts and became official member of baseball team. He grew deep bond with baseball team players and focused on growing as individual with clean records, no morally damaging activities or connections and continued to study and work out for tournaments where he showed 'hawt hits and thighs' regardless of the loss. Yama is baseball player upon this day and he joyfully continues to play it creating real vibes with his teammates. He especially got close with Neveah Bonheur and Viridis Visconti. He also made some homie bonds with Spartans baseball team member Brandon K.

Probably biggest change that helped Yamaro to become more mature and focused on life goals was when he decided to start working. Not long before he became baseball team player he applied for Joyoung and under Aoi's Masuo regulations exceeded in perfect customer servicing and inventory management. After quite some Yamaro became worthy enough to be noticed by shop owner and got opportunity to work as manager. Yama didn't stop on it as he applied then for La Casa Nostra as waiter and by this day he works in both stores happily. He also applied for position of Interior designing in companies - Kosai Tailoring and Misfits Tailoring where he astonishes his customers with high quality interiors and rather unique design. Yamaro's practical skills would show determination to move forward with no regrets and exceed his working potential in a new level.

One of the most traumatizing life events that male had was his past relationships with Aki Akatsuki who ended up being murdered by a gang and Scott 'Major' Koharu who was by far most influential individual in Yamaro's life. Yama met Aki when he was a gang member in Satori and created a bond with the male after a good moth. Yamaro would see that he was able to help male to overcome his split personality disorder and also developed trust and purity bond towards them, but as time ran Aki would start ignoring Yama and that made their relationship end where Scott came in - friend that Yamaro met around time when he met Sawa and Jasmine. Scott and Yama knew each other for almost a year and both had secret feelings for each other and that was tots wholesome. Yamaro and Scott would hang out a lot together not mentioning that they first met when Yamaro was cosplaying as maid and Scott was doing free Uber rides around town, the two just ended up enjoying each other vibes and became besties that did not hesitate to go out drinking, doing crazy stuff and being absolutely messy adolescents. At one point Yama found out Scott was a gang member, but that didn't change anything as Yama valued Scott for who he is. He even saved Scott once when his bestfriend was dying in sewers with cut off leg, and that was the day when Yama confirmed his feelings for Scott. Yamaro soon had incident where he lost his memory but following the recovery that lead to partial memory gaps he would get back on legs and it was also the day when Yama and Scott started dating. Yamaro saw Scott as one he was ready to give his life for and remain until the end, showing passion and care. Unfortunately he didn't notice that he would influence Scott to feel guilty for all crimes he committed and lead Scott to give in to KPD confessing all series of murders he committed.

When Yama was betrayed by Scott he saw no hope in life and was about to end his life but here comes Isaac Green, who stops Yamaro and after some affairs Yama gives last chance to relationships and falls in love with Isaac. The two would always hang out together even by this day while not officials they do support each other morally and physically. At this stage males are ready to marry each other but waiting for right moment when Yamaro will be a bit older [CRINGE 2 yo diff]. Though the bond he had with Scott will leave a lethal wound to Yama as he deeply loved him and gave all his heart and passion. So hopefully at that stage Isaac and his friends will notice that male is suffering...

[!]Folder would be cropped and locked with timeline records[!]

Recovery after countless losses - friends, family, lovers made Yamaro venerable but that didn't stop male's growth, thanks to Isaac, he would soon get back on the track and continuously work and progress in career plan while partially helped male overcome the hard times he had to suffer from. Yama applied to many different places and successfully got in all of them: astonishing work progression which entitled him as a Junior Manager in Joyoung store, a promoted worker in La Casa Nostra, affiliated inventory and cashier's staff positions in Lightning Electronics, for high interior scheme planning deliberately accepted in online companies of Kosai Tailoring and Misfits Tailoring. He even progressed as writer in the Misfits!

After months of working whilst actively participating in School venues and slowly firing up for exams, male would slowly let go of Scott and endure in joyful yet still partially painful life. Yama would try focusing on his relationship with Isaac, lovely new family members he met over time, like Fumihito who appears to be Yama's cousin?! , Koaru who was met though Sid and Ace and many more... He had interesting relevance that his homie Vi actually had feeling for Yamaro and that gave some moral earthquake to Yama, as he had crush on Vi when they first met in School pool; Though male knew he can't leave Isaac as he purely loves him and decided to propose a possible poly relationship only if Isaac agrees, which the two would have to sort whiteout Yamaro.... How it end? Ehhh who knows, cause Yama now leads rather adult like life, with no too dramatic or character developing events which he also uses to enhance bond with Isaac and preparing to leave high school and dive into college life after exams.

Yama's story went by as changes appeared. He was soon exposed to the fact that his relationship with Isaac was just.. a replacement for Scott and was not healthy, blinding male's eyes making him think he was happy. After consulting with psychiatrists, friends and family he decided to break the relation and went through rather painful period. Though that didn't stop male from living on. While being devoured in depression and regrets for 2 months, he continued working, studying knowing that this was just a life challenge that was brought to him to move on. Yama fought with his ideals, his wishes ignoring people and not opening his heart to anyone. Yamaro was type of person to approach people first.. especially in relationships, but after break up with Isaac he decided not to approach anyone anymore and wait for one... who would open his interest in him for once...

As two months ran by Yama was going with rather intriguing life change. First, Yamaro decided to quit baseball as he was fully focused on studying and working, he managed to write exams.. yet still waiting for results... Leaving the team was rather upsetting for male but he knew he is still friends with members and is always happy to hang out with them. Then, he applied for position working in Shiawasena Konyu and got accepted into trial member position making it his 5th working place, also adding it to his CV growth. Finally, His cousin Fumihito brought him meeting a college jock named Brock, who managed to open up to Yama's heart and soon proposed to male asking male to become his partner. Yamaro decided to give it ago and as classic romance stories goes they enhanced their bonds and became officials.

[!]Folder would be cropped and locked with timeline records[!]
College exams were an easy go for Yamaro and another year passed, being with Brock changed Yama a lot. Brock and Yamaro were keen and loving about each other but soon Bipolar condition of Brock which caused him to ignore all people around him got to Yama's lowest point when individual was on mental breakdown and genially needed Brock. For first time ever, Yamaro and Brock had their fight when they lived together out of town in Brock's apartment in Tokyo. After month passed Brock wouldn't change and Yamaro advised taking a break from their relationship as taking care of Brock, ensuring he is happy and maintaining his own mental state while studying, working and dealing with legal cases was too pressuring for Yama. Yama felt sad and disgusted at his own self that he said to leave Brock and depressed went back to Karakura. Daily he would have an emotional burst when he would lock himself in bathroom and cry to the sink and blaming himself for being weak. But it is not a secret that Brock was 'sweatest' with Yamaro. Brock had alter self conditions and one of them (Eryk) constantly abused Yama and held him his personal toy and property. Regardless of suffering brought by one of sides of Brock Yama always remained positive and supportive about it. He was mindful of male's conditions but as human being his ego limit pushed him to bits. After some time, when Yama was slowly recovering and getting back on his legs, a letter from Tokyo Psychiatric Clinic got to Yama. They informed Yamaro that Brock passed away due to clinical OI. This was moment when Yama drowned in anther phase of emotionlessness.

Yama strolled over his normal routine for 2 months full of questions and fears that he is cursed person seeing that another life left his circle. Male's opinion from philosophy to rationality lead him to come back to normal pace, but this time, reducing his hopes, trust and innocent to best he can. Seeing how people he loves die makes individual to crumble chaining his mind thinking that he is not worth the love that people give in to. When male was in disbelieve... people started to come into his new page of story. He met Matsui and after some time they got together... though after day when they became officials he was arrested and shot by commissionaire Hiroto Akihito... due to self-defense actions. Yama kinda broke harder... yada yada (pls I can't...)

[!]Yamaro in High-School[!]
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Family, Connections, Bonds and Relationships



Biological Mother

Folder part would be burnt[!]

“You left me dying that day… I hope no one will open their trust for you… You are horrible person”

Biological Father

Folder part would be burnt[!]

“You always just stood there and watched… how my skin is being cut… listening to my screams… and left.. fuck you..”


Henry Hamilton

“Thank you for saving me.. you motivated me to not give up… and live further forgetting my past and pain I endured.”

“You are best gay dad… Yuri on Ice is my favorite show as well…”

“I wish you could stop thinking about your past… and move on already… You are strong enough for it… I am sure of it dad..”


Sonchai S. Hamilton

"I found about you on my on at school- Was kinda unexpected... but yk.. Dad is DAD! So I love and accept you!"

"You scared my boyfriend! That was funny as heck, but please don't kill him or you won't see your little son in wedding dress"

"I know Henry... is a bit unique to deal with... he had rather pressuring past... but I love him and accept him.. so you do too.."


Aoi T. Quinn

“Our first meet was rather interesting… I actually liked that I can look up to someone.. who has same taste in clothes like me…”

“I love your hugs… But I am also sad that… my beloved parents separated… I will not stop you… but I wish you could at least make up…”

“I was told papa hurt dad… but you know.. I still give you hope… I know you that people make mistakes and I love you equally to dad… ”


Acie Hamilton O'Sullivan

“You have thicker cake.. but I have better thighs.. I will show you Yama’s class cousin”

“When… I was lost in vain and doubts… you kept motivating me… thank you for that… I will love you always my dear cousin”

“I wish for you and Sid have best wedding ever… I want my favorite couple remain happy forever… you have my fingers crossed..”


Emer O’Sullivan

I don't speak with you too much -, but I had a lot of fun time when we were messing with Ace!"

"I see you around school - But you usually spaced out.... so I ain't bothering your private times- heh"


Celeste Hamilton O’Sullivan

"Wait a minute... you are my manager.. and my AUNTIE!? OMG"

"My dad had a sister all this time and it is still shocking for me to see it- Yes I heard of some crappy Celeste from my relatives, but this dough dope woman cannot be her! I mean look she leggit slaps!"

"You chicken butted me! WHY?"


Fumihito Miston Bonheur

"So... I think our first encounter was awkward and you kinda flirted with me- knowing I was dating Isaac- umm... that's totally okay!"

"I am sorry I couldn't save you the day when you had your leg broken... I still feel guilty but I do love you cousin!"

"You have alter? Oh like my dead ex and my dad! That is fin-.... D-Don't hurt me- I am not your type beef heh-"



Brock Kekantsu

"You are first guy... to make a first move on me... so confident and independent... I feel butterflies... in my stomach when I look at you.."

"I want to and I will believe... that you are one... I am tired... of this pain"

"Brocko.. I love you..."


Isaac L. Green

Folder part would have a glued broken wedding ring and torn flowers[!]

I said you are last… one who I am willing to open.. my heart.. in love way.. I don't know anymore...

"Everything was fine... Why did I have to be so stupid... I am Sorry..."

“Your art… amuses me… know.. I am your #1 fan..”


Scott M. Koharu
“Idiot… you said yourself… that you boned me… and look at this… you are dead… you betrayed our love because of the guilt..”

“I asked you… if you would kill me like you massacred people with serial killer intent… you said no… And I said I was ready to help you overcome it…”

“I thank you for all… teaching me to drive… stand for myself… devil’s tango and all time we had together… rest in peace love…


Akatsuki Aki
“When we met… I felt I as helping you… I did my all to fulfill our relationship… regardless of our stupid acts.. I suppose it didn’t work out”


Raven H. Misono
“You are wonderful person… I am just not strong enough to protect you…”

“I am grateful that we are still friends… I hope you will come back soon… You defiantly will love the flower garden improvements I made…”


Dae-Hyun K. Kikumoto
"I have blurry memory of you.. But I do remember you were nice to me.."

"Why whenever I think of you... I start to fear of heights and trees?"

"Wherever you are... I hope you are with someone who appreciates you"

Strong Bonds

Jasmine K. Hiragi
“You were first person… that I met in Karakura.. I love you like my sister… and I support your life decisions”

“You acted stupid… and impulsive.. it’s fine… I am here.. if you need… cry it all out..”

“Welcome to Nohara 14th! You are my first Lucky Bird! I bet you, this place will slap our vibes!”

Sawa Daichi D.M.
“We met through Oliver… At first I thought you were a bit psychotic because of your speech manner.. after some.. time I started to see the real you… now we are besties!”

“You are just as hurt as me.. love sucks… we are both bottoms… and I feel why you regret many relations you had… don’t worry! We will make it through!”

“You are an actual idiot… why you keep ending in those situations… look how much you are hurt… I hope you will find person who will be your healer… Sadly I am not one…”

Sid Kojuro Omori
“You became a true example for me… I admire you like a teacher and elder brother… I still can’t understand how you fell for Ace, but you know I now ship you super hard!”

“You motivated me to not give up on school sports! Thank you a lot!”

“You are still my favorite brother like figure! You know to tease Ace more hehe..”

Adrien M. Smickers
“You looked for me… when I was just running and yelling from boredom random stuff.. that’s how we met.. funny, no?”

“You told me your secrets… and I told you mine… we are besties alright!”

“Stop drooling over person who hurt you and open your eyes.. You are so hot and great! I bet there are plenty of tops waiting for ya!”

Viridis P. Visconti
“You are my homie husband… I still have no clue how we ended up in this situation.. but I don’t mind it! I love you man! You are just as important to me!”

“You got hurt… and I couldn’t help… you cried on my shoulder and entrusted me with your deeds.. don’t worry… I will be there for you…”

“No one, can tell you what is good or bad! You are not a disappointment! You will soon see..”

Nevaeh Bonheur
“You are my homie girl! We smooch and hug! I am cuddly person alright!”

“You said you see me as angel from skies… I say I am fallen one… I don’t have cleanest history nor do I stay innocent… I follow and break rules.. I am chaotic slay baby!”

“Create social circle.. that will bring you joy and happiness, let go of those that don’t see that you have changed..”

Reasen L. Ryder
“I admire your strength! You are strong from both inside and outside! We are besties with dark backgrounds!”

“You asked me if I would do you if I would be straight.. well yes? But I doubt that straight me would be your type hehe..”

“My cousin died from cancer.. and you lost your lover… I am sad to hear it… but I am sure you have that one.. I vouch for you girl!”

Finn Domínguez
"Hi hi Finn! I see you and Fuji are doing great! I am glad!"

"Thank you for defending me... from yk... the alter of Fuji... I love him as my family... and I won't leave him... but if it would be needed.. I could not bring myself to hurt him..."

"I adore you Finn! We both slap!"

Sasori Hatake
"Aii.. my guy! You have dark backstory but doesn't matter to me! We are homies now!"

"Polish and German songs is what you are listening to? ... ummm... That slaps hard."

"I hope you and Sen work out! And no- I am not saying this to change topic and run away from Casino training.... heh..."

Fae S. Blackburn
"My dear Fae... you are almost a sister to me! Please don't think you are ugly... and don't listen to others! You are elegant girl! People are jealous that is why they insult.... classic humanity..."

"You love Kawashima... if so do what you want... it is your life.. I will only send you love... hoping you won't end up hurt again..."

Amalie Watson
"Amalie stop simping over Gunter... I can't... Just marry him already!"

"That night... in Kodama woods... we saw... paranormal... lets end it there... I don't need more pain..."

Etsuko H. Misono
"You said I am your brother, cousin a relative figure and I totally agree! You are my little sweet princess! I love you my lil Etsu!"

"We been through a lot of pain, you have your backstory, I have mine... both are clumsy yet we rock the cutest midget ranks!"

"Etsu Etsu... WHY DID YOU PUT ME IN A DOLPHIN ONESIE!? He.. s-saw me... and now I CAN'T WALK SMH.."


Ophelia K. Athein
"You slap girl! Super hot and slay! Catch my vibes!"

"I love how you always have great taste in clothes and style, true fashion star!"

Sully M. Misono
“I met you the same day me and Raven started dating.. you are cool dude”

“You have a cute girl.. I am happy for you man”

Ashura S. S-Buono
"You are indeed... complicated person, it is hard for me... to understand what you think, but even so you are fun to hang with!"

"Just like many Karakuran males you have criminal past, don't worry I can ensure you are good person regardless of psychotic drives and so.."

"You sometimes faint due to health issues... it freaks me out.."

Laura D. Ivanovski
“You were dating Jasmine when I first spoke to you… She told me about your past don’t worry, I will keep it between us..”

“I know that you love her a lot… Don’t give up… but don’t end up hurting others because of your strong wishes.. and if you do… make sure you fix it..”

Nikki M. O'Dea
“You are lovely girl! I can’t wait to become uncle for your soon to be born kid! Even if you move out of town, I will still be your friend! You deserve better!”

“I know people bullied you.. don’t give into it… words and actions may hurt… but you will destroy all and show your legacy id you stay happy! Just ignore all bad!”

“We are alike.. that’s why I understand you!”

Kumiko K. Quinn
“We haven’t talked too much… but I like you.. you are neat person..”

“You hurt my dad… Yes.. I am sad and mad.. but it’s not my battle.. I wanna stay neutral.. so I hope you two make up… he does not deserve what you did to him.. nor do you deserve to fall in anger and show ugly side..”

“I am sure time will heal it.. let’s just wait and see”

Ibuki R.K. Koharu
"We met through Flame... He was truly amazing bird and he was loyal to you and me.."

"I hope you will be happy.. You told me you were stupid after you broke up with your girl.. don't worry you are great person, you will fox it someday!"

"I love your session! BEST PROFESSOR! Can't wait for another sticker! tehe"

Tat Ishimaru
“Armin body Pillow- EII! … Fine… keep it.. pfft.”

“We are buddies… thought I don’t see you as much as Nev.. hope we become closer!”

“Suki… sigh… he just went poof… But I shipped him with you!”

Bert 'Curry' Y.
“You and your waifu look adorable together! I am happy for your lovelife!”

“You ONG slap in baseball but I still have what it takes to beat you man!”

“Ace and Sid knows you- dammm what a smol world..”

Brandon Kekantsu
“I like your personality… you remind me a lot of person.. I used to love and trust…”

“I will beat your ass someday! I am can be slay in baseball too!”

“You are good friend…”

Shikichi K.
“I love the outfits you made for baseball! But these shorts… squeeze my cake and thighs… hope it doesn’t rip.. sigh…”

“You did great on practice!”

Marise Ienaga
“You simply said you want to make new friends… well alrighty!”

“I love your red hair! Hey Red!”

“You went fire on last practice! I saw you swim, you do it well!”

Hibiki Yamazaki
"I remember how you kept hanging with Nev and her brother... I think that's how we first met"

"You constantly ask me to play baseball which is fun, but we always don't get right timing and I am kinda sad about it..."

"You said, you always hit balls when you play with Spartans. Well I am sorry to let you know, I am not a spartan not a bobcat like pitcher, I have my own style... SLAY!"

Vegas Nishikawa Williams
"Bro... stop taking about Theo... I feel like I will write a whole ass novel based on you too"

"How the hell you ended up crippled... on the mountains on top of that!? Oh boy... why men are such idiots..."

"We are homies MG! That's ONG!"

Subaru Narusaka
"Oi Captain, need some freak kill balls like that? HAH!"

"You drive... in ghost busters car... you got a ghost busters costume- and that is cool and all- but are you high-"

"I think you dislike me... I don't know why... I am just trying to be friendly with ya.."

Asahi Soji Goro
“You doubted my feelings and loyalty for Isaac… well I proved you wrong even when I was barely in physical sate to stand..”

“You told me that you have love life issues.. well don’t worry if one didn’t work out, surely there is another go.. don’t give up man!”

Kokoro Touma Fumiko
“You said I am your only friend.. well I am glad to be one.. but don’t worry.. I know that even with difficult social qualities that you have… there will be those that will take an interest..”

“You cried to me.. and you teased me about simping for Isaac…”

“Your Halloween costume idea slaps!”

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Kuro Z. Sakura
“I have blurry memory, but I feel that you are amazing person!”

Eiichiro Hiragi
“I will protect your daughter because she is my friend!”

“Scared of animals? Awww… happens..”

Teiyu Nohara
“Sir! You are almost like a father figure to me!”

“Master Nohara! Your interior planning maid is ready for work!”

Jina Hyeong
“By far you are most interesting customer I had! You are great neighbor and I don’t regret spending countless night planning your floor!”

“I didn’t make it in swim team? So what? I have a lot of ways to grow! I mean look at me now, all mighty baseball queen!”

Kazuki Makoto
“You have coke for hair.. hehe..”

“You are chill dude… I like you!”

“My sick neighbor!”

Aoi Masuo
“Damm… I never imagined that store owners could be this sarcastic and cool at the same time! I love it! You earned my respect!”

“I love managing stock! It is very relaxing process for me!”

Lorenza S. Santarossa
"You were first my Manager who said I am fired just to bully me, it was super funny won't lie."

"You leggit work in every store, you are qualified Karakuran Wonder Woman!"

"You said I am furry, I mean I can't deny.. it slaps L"


MinJun Zennix Domínguez
"I don't know why you are so awkward around me, but just so you know I am not mad at you or anything, your paranoia your own sheez, don't bring it on me"

"So... I saw you and Finn on a date? Meet up? At my work? You two were cute together, I guess"

Hiroto Zennix Domínguez
"...I see you as my uncle... and I love you just as much I love dad!..."

"..You first hate me? Disliked me? Though I think it is very adorable! You are like Tsundure!"

"I am glad dad has a dear friend like you!"

Elizabeth Zennix Domínguez
"I remember you were giving biology about plants.. I think uhh- that is tots coolio!"

"Aighty, I saw some drama with you but just so you know, I am not mad! I kinda think you are dope woman!"

Masa Z Domínguez
"You popped out of nowhere, some lost guy that was dragged into streets by Fuji... but you seem nice!"

"You smell straight... nawh, not getting my hot hot compliments."
me who didn't notice my char's name in this bio :

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