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♫ Dylan Miles Edgeworth ♫ - Biography

Mark 9:42

Level 19
Status: Alive

General Information

Full Name: Dylan Miles Edgeworth
Nationality: American/Japanese
Age: 46
Marital Status: Divorced
Occupation: Retired Professor of Music
Current Living Place: Upstate New York

You can learn this character's backstory if you interact with him and develop a decent relationship with him.


Gender: Male
Height: 6'1"
Weight: 76kg
Hair Color & Style:
Dylan would have naturally wavy, jet-black hair. He'd keep it neatly fashioned, tending to have it swept to one side out of his face.
Eye Color: Icy blue

Physical Appearance:
As a confident man, Dylan was someone who believed his appearance mattered. He always wore refined clothing, tending to stray away from cuts or tears in the fabric. One of his most notable features was his piercing blue eyes, which stood out against his tan complexion. If you were caught looking into his eyes you'd feel as though he could read you like an open book. His eyes were intimidating to many; which his smug demeanor didn't help. Dylan had faded scars along his neck, having faded with time.
His hair was wavy, naturally jet-black. His hair would be fluffy and had been trained by years of being brushed to stay to one side. He'd stand at 6'1, weighing 76 kg.
(Credit to atkoi)


Dylan had a confident and somewhat intimidating demeanor. He's very witty and sarcastic. He's professional, yet slightly immature. This allows him to easier teach his students more within his class. He's perceptive and logical, often using words to work out his issues. However, he can lose his temper with others that are blatantly selfish and cruel.


Keiki Zaalate (Alive)
"To this day I still don't understand..."
Son: Atlas Edgeworth O. (Alive)
"My bold, virtuous son with a heart of gold. I'm proud of the man you've become. Your medical career is noteworthy for the history books of the city."
Daughter: Zacharie Edgeworth Adalaide (Alive)
"My sweet girl. I love your tiny voice because it's backed with the biggest heart in the universe. You never, EVER fail to make me smile. Your children are a joy to behold. You will be a greater parent than I could ever hope to be."
Son: Isoroku Edgeworth (Alive)
"I'll always be grateful to you for bringing Atlas' voice back. I'm astonished at your accomplishments within law enforcement."
"But come on man, you can't even get any bitches?"
Sister: Miyako Edgeworth (Alive)
"The epitome of pure chaos. Love you sis, but my kitchen plates are NOT frisbees."
Close Friend: Joutarou Kuujo (Voided)
"The most reliable person I know. His mentality is almost indestructible, yet he's enjoyable to be around. It's nice to have a friend like that."
Close Friend: Snoobs F. Wigglesworth (Alive)
"The man who's saved my life on more than one occasion. We've known each other for years, and I look forward to knowing you for many more. Cheers, Eddie!"
Son-in-law: Taco Boy (You know who you are) (Alive)
Friend: Hikari Haruko Chu (M.I.A.)
"Cool dude I met a few years back. An all-around homie that I've trusted with numerous stories of my past."
Friend: Halo Sugimoto (Alive)
"My god I never knew someone so dense could exist in the world, but I'm glad I met you. I'm so glad we grew up as friends and continue to be friends."
Daughter-in-law: Kotone 'Koi' Edgeworth (Alive)
"It's also nice to have you officially a member of the family. But if I'm being honest, you were always family. I hope you never lose your passion for music."
Friend: Chad Larscea (Alive)
"You're headstrong and bold, not often thinking before you do things, but you always mean the best in everything you do. We make a great team at work"





(By Zacizach)


(By SpeedyBlue45)​
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Mark 9:42

Level 19
Thread starter
  • Added a banner
  • Added fanart. (Thank you... Most of this art that was given to me was unexpected.)

Mark 9:42

Level 19
Thread starter
  • Added Atlas as Adopted Son
  • Added Marriage Dance art.
  • Updated relationship status with Jojaro Kanjo

Mark 9:42

Level 19
Thread starter
  • Added details to relationships
  • Added Koi and Chad in Relationships
  • Cleaned up a few things. (Spoiler tags are still messed up. These forums still hate me.)
  • Updated skin under the Teacher tab.
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