Level 7
Out-Of-Character (OOC) Section
IGN (In-Game Name): 0K_1N
Discord Name & Tag: .voppo.
Which timezone are you in? IST (Irish Summer Time)
List your current and past IC/OOC faction applications:
https://schoolrp.net/threads/n1_kos-history-teacher-application.53317/ [Accepted]
https://schoolrp.net/threads/professor-application-0k_1n.66790/ [Accepted]
https://schoolrp.net/threads/n1_kos-police-officer-application.52361/ [Denied]
https://schoolrp.net/threads/my-counsellor-application.40157/ [Accepted]
https://schoolrp.net/threads/my-counselor-application.40088/ [Denied]
Describe your activity on the server:
IGN (In-Game Name): 0K_1N
Discord Name & Tag: .voppo.
Which timezone are you in? IST (Irish Summer Time)
List your current and past IC/OOC faction applications:
https://schoolrp.net/threads/n1_kos-history-teacher-application.53317/ [Accepted]
https://schoolrp.net/threads/professor-application-0k_1n.66790/ [Accepted]
https://schoolrp.net/threads/n1_kos-police-officer-application.52361/ [Denied]
https://schoolrp.net/threads/my-counsellor-application.40157/ [Accepted]
https://schoolrp.net/threads/my-counselor-application.40088/ [Denied]
Describe your activity on the server:
Monday | Tuesday | Wednesday | Thursday | Friday | Saturday | Sunday |
Free All Day | Free All Day | Free All Day | Free all day | Free all day | Free past 4pm | Free past 4pm |
My activity on SRP had been maintained the same way for the past 4 years I have played. I have kept myself a prominent figure within the server in all aspects of roleplay. I am on pretty much all day everyday however my schedule is bound to change as I approach my final year in school. However this wont make a massive dent in my activity as I plan to play as always. I stay up late despite my time-zone sometimes ranging up to 6am. I can confidently say I spend up to at least 5 hours on SRP daily at minimum.
What is your motivation for applying?: There are multiple reasons why I'm applying First of all, I've always had a fascination with law enforcement and the cops. Following my GangRP tenure on SRP, I developed an interest in the day-to-day activities and routines of SRP police officers. I ran into KPD a lot when I was in GangRP, and we used to write their acts off as meta-gaming. But now that I've passed that stage and expanded my RP expertise, I'm excited to learn more about PoliceRP. I couldn't fully understand KPD's activities and the RP involved by just watching them. In order to actively participate in and witness these situations directly, I would like to join KPD. This particular experience would be noteworthy because it entails defending Karakura's streets and residents, shielding them from the potential danger the city holds.
What knowledge do you have of Police Work?
Over my 4 years on SRP I have a massive amount of knowledge when it comes to police work. Over the 4 years, I've played I won't deny it I always paid close attention to the KPD and how they operate in schoolrp. My knowledge when it comes to Police work not only icly but oocly is massive because one of my close relatives is actually a police officer in Poland! When a police officer is working they must always remain professional they must also look clean and prepared so they are ready to do their job! When an officer is on duty they are required to wear their uniform at all times and their hair must be neat and tidy.
If an officer had really long and unkept hair it can cause a major problem for them if they ever get into a chase with a criminal or someone avoiding them, For example, if they are running after someone the last thing they should see is their hair flopping in there face, They should have a clear view of where the criminal or the person running is going so they could catch them.
When an officer is on duty they must always remain professional, serious, and respectful to not only their higher-ups but citizens too. This is done and needed so that the people around get a good impression of the force and in the long run gives the force a better reputation. If an officer is caught being rude or nasty to any human and treating them unfairly, they can get not only punished for it but also it would have a massive impact on how the force is viewed by the citizens. Another major thing is that when an officer is trying to figure out a situation they should receive both sides of the situation not only one to develop an answer and so they aren't biased toward another person.
And the final main thing is that an officer should always enforce the law in an unbiased way, This must always stay the same no matter the person who breaks the law whether it's a citizen a Co-Worker or a well-known criminal, an officer must always be unbiased and the law must be enforced on that person while they take action.
Officers have many tasks to do while on duty but for example when an officer is around they are either patrolling in a group of 2-3 people, working at the front desk, or looking at CCTV. If an officer receives an emergency call they must respond in a professional manner and need to be cautious when heading to the location and person in trouble cause Karakura is a very unpredictable place. A single mistake could lead to serious injury or even death depending on how severe the situation is. Now the reason the officers patrol in groups of 2-3 people this all depends on how much are online but that's the amount you normally see because they need to be backed up and teamwork is very important in these kinds of situations this means all officers should have great knowledge of teamwork and how to utilize it correctly. One single slip-up from any of the members of the group could lead to disaster! Most officers should also understand and utilize CCTV it can be a massive helping hand for a case they can't solve. An officer should always enforce the law no matter how small the crime is, let's say a person jaywalks an officer should stop and tell them to not jaywalk or it will result in a fine or stop them.
A typical officer would be equipped with certain items to help them enforce the law, for example, the most notable items would be a tranquilizer and handcuffs there are way more items that an officer does have but those are the main. Another major thing is an officer should know when to use Riot gear, They should use it if they receive a call about a dangerous situation and should always be prepared in groups of people to go answer the call for help. Higher-up officers would have access to a police bike and a cruiser as well as pepper spray and a crowbar.
when you first join the KPD if you get accepted you are what's called a cadet which is a probational period within the force where you are tested on many things before being registered and called a real officer. There are many limitations of being a cadet and you can't do as much as a normal officer who past their exam when they got in. If you are to fail this exam you will be given a second chance depending on how badly you failed. As a cadet, you are forbidden to go off duty and you may not leave the station without a higher-up officer with you. If you are caught doing any of these it can result in serious punishment and possibly demotion from the force. Once you pass the exam you will be an official officer and from there on you will have a bit more freedom but also have way more expectations, You will be expected to patrol and respond to emergency phone calls. Promotions above the position will be based on your performance and how you have been doing in general. Each role will come with more responsibilities as you climb up the police ranking system.
Tools used by the KPD
Handcuffs - A restraint device to secure an individual’s wrist, usually to make an arrest.
Breathalyzer - A device used to measure the amount of alcohol in an individual’s breath.
Pepper Spray - A tool that irritates the eyes, causing a burning sensation, and temporary blindness when sprayed.
Baton - An aluminium baton used by officers to sedate criminals.
Police Radio - A communication device used by officers to communicate with emergency services. Consists of multiple channels for officers to communicate with each other in certain situations.
Police Badge - A leather wallet that contains the user’s ID card, along with a badge that shows the officer’s department, badge number, and rank.
Tranquilizer - A ranged weapon that shoots one single dart. It carries a drug which disables a person's ability to walk and navigate blocking the neurotransmitter dopamine in the brain. sedate a dangerous target from a safe distance.
Riot Gear - A suit that provides protection to the officer. This should only be used during dangerous emergencies.
Crowbar - A steel bar with a curved, chisel-like end used for prying open doors.
Police Bike - A small motorbike that allows officers to get around faster which can help in an emergency.
Police Cruiser - A vehicle that allows a group of officers to get around faster and can provide protection inside the vehicle.
The Ranking System
The commissioner is the highest rank in the force and the one who is in charge of the entire police force. They ensure that everybody is not only fit for the job but also that they perform up to standard, Another thing they do is to ensure that the KPD is running smoothly and there are little to no issues within the force. The commissioner is the one who oversees the whole force and has higher-ups who he should be able to rely. The Commissioner should want what's best for the police force and the citizens of this town.
The Captain has a similar role to the commissioner but it's not the same. The Captain isn't the highest ranking officer. The Commissioner watched over the captain to make sure the captain is doing what he's meant to do. The Captain's role is to hand out orders and to oversee what the other officers are doing, They also watch how the officers are performing.
The Lieutenant is the first rank that is seen as a higher-up role in the police force. They will help out cadets and educate them on how things work and how things operate. This means they help them through training. there'll be usually 3 lieutenants on the police force but this can change depending on how many officers are in the police force. They would usually be in charge of different divisions for example the patrolling division or the detective division.
Detective Superintendent
The Detective Superintendent will be the officer involved in major crimes committed in the city. These crimes could take weeks or days to solve. They would also supervise the ranks below to make sure everything is in order.
Chief Detective Inspector
The Chief Detective Inspector will be the officer who will look into bigger crimes like murder and any sort of Black Market dealings They will also look at the ranks below them to make sure they are performing to their required standards.
Detective Inspector
The Detective Inspector would carry out investigations and will collect evidence against a criminal or person in questioning. They would do this to guarantee an arrest of an individual. They would commonly help out with gathering proof for Arrests, Taking reports, and various other tasks.
Sergeants are tasked with supervising the ranks below them, but they're not much different from them. They're the middle ground of the ranks, and the ranks below them can look up to sergeants for guidance and help.
Detective Constable
the detective constable will be tasked with handling investigations. They'll have a higher understanding of how to gather evidence and witnesses to complete their tasks. Their tasks will usually consist of investigating smaller crimes such as theft, burglaries, and assault.
Corporals will spend their time leading small tasks such as patrolling, responding to emergency calls, and making arrests. They'll cooperate with their higher-ups and will give orders to the ranks below them.
Patrol Officer
The Patrol officer is a position for a cadet who passed their test. They will be allowed to leave the station but they are still a low-ranking officer and therefore they would handle smaller tasks. The people who are a part of this rank are newly graduated officers they will most likely be seen patrolling the streets which would explain the title they are given and will be allowed to handle such things as arrests if they need to. They will be able to do things that they would do as a cadet like doing things at the front desk and looking at CCTV.
The Cadet role is the lowest ranking role in the police force but despite this, they still do have the ability to take initiative and do their job when needed. They are not allowed to leave the station alone and must be accompanied by a higher-up officer so during their time as a cadet they should be at the front desk and looking at CCTV and doing various duties at the station while undergoing training.
Service Stripes
What are they?: Service stripes shall be used by any department as a symbol of recognition for years of service by all sworn officers. Each service stripe means 5 years of service.
1 Stripes: 5 years
2 Stripes: 10 years
3 Stripes: 15 years
4 Stripes: 20 years
5 Stripes: 25 years
6 Stripes: 30 years
7 Stripes: 35 years
8 Stripes: 40 years
10-3 | Stop Transmitting – Meaning the radio should be silent allowing detectives and patrol officers a chance to communicate clearer |
10-4 | Acknowledged (Okay) - Simples acknowledging something said over the radio, simple and easy way to respond. |
10-7 | Out of Service - Typically for signing off work and finishing shifts. |
10-12 | Stand by (stop) - can be used in different situations also another simple way to communicate |
10-23 | Arriving on Scene - Best used when arriving on most scenes. |
10-77 | ETA (Estimated time of Arrival) - could be used when backup is required. |
Why is Police important to SchoolRP? The police are important in SRP because firstly it brings in a sense of realism to the server. It also allows players to experience all kinds of roleplay, creates this sense of depth. Let's not also forget the most important aspect... they are the ones who maintain law and order within the city, without them the city would erupt into complete and utter chaos.
Do you acknowledge that if training is held whilst you are online, you are needed to attend or you will be punished? I fully acknowledge and understand that I will be punished if I do not attend training whilst I am online, as it’ll be my responsibility to attend.
In-Character (IC) Section
What's your character's full name?: Izumi Holland-Hinemiya
How old is your character (if accepted)?: 29
What are your character's gender and pronouns?: Male – He/him
Please select your highest academic role at the time of writing this application:
(Grade-12/Bachelors/Masters/PhD): Bachelors
What languages does your character know besides Japanese?: French/Italian
Describe your character; how they look, what makes them unique?
French-Italian man Izumi Hinemiya has a strong build and a somewhat tanned complexion. His brilliant blonde hair is fluffy but glossy, and his dark brown eyes seem to pierce. Izumi, who is around 6'2" and weighs 197 pounds, always looks fresh and has spotless skin, showing that he is very conscious of his appearance.
Izumi rarely shows signs of irritation or distress, therefore he normally wears a look of calmness. Even though he frequently smiles and chuckles, he maintains his composure. He tries to be kind to everyone and likes to tell joke
Izumi has a laid-back manner and demonstrates leadership abilities. He is capable of
exercising effective leadership and making wise choices under pressure. He's got a sleeve tattoo on his right arm, which he hides from work because of Japan's disapproval of tattoos. His standing posture is always straight and he never sags.

How does your character act in a professional/casual situation?
Izumi would always maintain his composure and demonstrate the highest professionalism and civility in a professional context. His countenance would be largely blank, making it difficult to decipher what he may be considering or thinking. When faced with a dilemma, Izumi would remain completely composed while he considered all sides of the argument before expressing his views. In these circumstances, he would try to get a clear mental picture of what might have happened by thinking and listening a lot. He would make an effort to get further information from any witnesses. Additionally, he would interrogate any coworkers he had in order to obtain intelligence from what they could have possibly seen or been told by other civilians.
In a Casual setting, you would meet Shion to be a generally nice guy and a very outgoing type of individual. He would often crack up some jokes and just try to put a smile on others' faces. He would rarely get ticked off by anything so he would still be extremely calm even outside of work. Some would say he is a really mature person and honestly he gets along with most people! His sense of Fashion is pretty whack but that's all him he's a pretty casual individual!
What is their outlook on the idea of co-workers & teamwork?
Izumi would collaborate well with his coworkers to complete the duties assigned to them quickly and effectively. He would conduct himself and his coworkers professionally at all times, just as he usually did. He would admit that the KPD wouldn't function well without teammates and teamwork, thus he wouldn't have any issues collaborating with others to find solutions in such circumstances. Izumi does well in a team environment and completes tasks as assigned. Prior to acting, he considers his options and doesn't jump into things. After deciding on the best course of action, he presents the idea to the other members of the team to receive their feedback and coworkers, the KPD wouldn't have an easy time, which would make it easier for him to collaborate with others to solve specific challenges. Shion does well in a team environment and completes tasks as assigned. Prior to acting, he considers his options and doesn't jump into things. After deciding on the best course of action, he presents the idea to the other members of the team to receive their feedback.
What's your character's backstory?
The dynamic Italian city of Genoa is where Izumi Hinemiya was born and reared. His heritage is wholly Japanese, even though he was raised in Italy. In their mid-20s, his parents—who are both native Japanese—moved to Italy in quest of better prospects and a new beginning. Izumi had to overcome many obstacles as a child growing up in Genoa because of his unusual skin and brilliant golden hair, which frequently made him stand out from the other kids. Because of this, he was frequently the focus of bullying and mocking when he was younger. Izumi persevered in the face of hardship, finding strength in his family's steadfast support. Despite their love and support, his parents were frequently worried about the difficulty his unusual appearance and gregarious nature brought. Although they hoped he would stay out of trouble, Izumi's gregarious nature frequently got him into precarious circumstances. Izumi was ultimately compelled to make a very difficult choice as a result of the ongoing difficulties and growing tension. He made the decision to leave behind his friends, family, and the life he had established in Italy in an attempt to flee the chaos and find calm. He left with a heavy heart for Marseille, a busy French city, coming with nothing but a few possessions and the will to make a fresh start. Izumi was employed in a little bakery on a peaceful street corner in Marseille. Although he felt a feeling of belonging and stability from the honest men he worked with, Izumi believed he was meant for more. His fantasies went far beyond the confines of the bakery. He applied to college, driven by desire, and studied hard to earn a bachelor's degree in criminology. Izumi was committed to creating a future for himself that was in line with his abilities and goals. Izumi's time in Marseilles college changed her completely. Along with meeting others who shared his struggle to make ends meet, he also learnt a great deal. Despite the fact that many of these people had joined the wrong crowd, Izumi's influence frequently helped them choose the right path. His leadership and compassion were evident, leaving a lasting impression on everyone in his vicinity. After earning his degree, Izumi experienced a revitalised sense of direction. He came to see that his true calling lay elsewhere and that his journey was far from over. Izumi made the decision to leave France in search of fresh opportunities and follow his ambitions in Karakura, Japan, a city with great personal meaning for his family. He intended to establish a new life that respected his ancestry and achieved his goals by going back to his cultural roots. Izumi welcomed the chance to start again in Karakura. The city's dynamic citizenry and rich cultural heritage provided him with the ideal setting for him to succeed. Combining his natural passion for success with the lessons he had learnt from his varied experiences in Italy and France, he was determined to make a significant effect. Izumi Hinemiya's path served as evidence of his tenacity, drive, and steadfast dedication to building a brighter future for himself.
General knowledge
Can you legally own a pocket knife in Karakura?
“No, you can't legally own a pocket knife in Karakura. If you're to have a pocket knife on you, you will get arrested for possession of minor illegal weaponry which will also result in a 150k bail.”
Name 5 medical items that do NOT require a prescription
Paracetamol | 5 max amount.
Birth Control | 5 max amount
Lactulose | 5 max amount
Cough Syrup | 2 max amount
Eyepatch | 2 max amount
If you see your co-workers physically abusing an inmate, what should you do?
“ My first course of action would be to step in and try to defuse the situation if I saw a fellow cop abusing an inmate. I would politely but firmly address the officer, stating that we have a duty to enforce the law and preserve the honor of our profession, and that such behavior is not acceptable. Protecting the prisoner and reminding my colleague of the moral principles we have pledged to maintain would be my two main objectives. After failing in my first attempts to intervene and end the abuse, I would turn on my body camera to record the event. This would accomplish two very important goals: it would document the mistreatment, guaranteeing that there is proof beyond a reasonable doubt of the wrongdoing; and it would notify the offending officer that their behavior is being watched over and documented. The camera's existence could act as a deterrent, possibly putting an end to the abuse. I would report the event via the appropriate channels as soon as the situation was under control, making sure that my body camera's evidence was included in the report. This paperwork would be utilized in any subsequent investigations or disciplinary measures against the officer and would be essential in making sure they were held responsible for their conduct.”
What should you do if you see your co-worker being assaulted?
“Regardless of the possible risk to myself, my first impulse would be to step in and attempt to defuse the situation if I witnessed a coworker being abused, whether they were on or off the job. Ensuring my colleague's safety and wellbeing would be my top focus. I would make a fast assessment of the circumstances, including the quantity, ferocity, and presence of weapons of the attackers. I would promptly ask for backup if my attempts to step in and diffuse the situation failed or if the danger got out of hand. I would give dispatch exact information on the location, the type of attack, the number of attackers, and any other pertinent details via my radio or phone. This would guarantee that more police could go to the location as soon as possible to offer the assistance that was required. Following the event, I would see to it that my coworker got any medical care they would require and helped them with reporting the assault and any ensuing investigations. I would show my dedication to preserving the values of justice and duty both on and off duty, as well as my concern for the safety and wellbeing of my coworkers, by taking these actions.”
What do you do if you find out that your co-worker is corrupt and is helping criminal organizations? “I would ensure my body camera is recording to capture everything the co-worker does and says. Once I have gathered sufficient evidence against them, I would proceed to arrest them on the spot. If they are in the company of gang members or other criminals, I would call for backup immediately to ensure I have the necessary assistance to safely and effectively carry out the arrest. My priority would be to handle the situation professionally and securely, ensuring that justice is served while maintaining my safety and the safety of others involved.”
How would you react to a criminal trying to bribe you?
“If someone tried to bribe me, I would turn them down politely and quickly. I would let them know that trying to bribe a law enforcement official is a severe offence and then continue to punish them or take necessary legal action. I will never waver in my dedication to ethics and following the law, no matter how tempting such an offer may be. In addition to betraying my moral principles, accepting a bribe would damage my officer's credibility and sense of accountability. As a result, I would handle the matter with the highest professionalism, making sure that the offender is held responsible for their acts and that justice is served.”
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