1.21.1 Update
As you all know, SchoolRP currently runs version 1.19 which is now over 2 years old! Since then, there are many new mobs, blocks, features, and items added to Minecraft that we'd love for you to be able to utilise on the server within your roleplay.
There will be a short scheduled downtime as we move to 1.21.1 on the 27th of September at 6pm BST. As you'd imagine, this update will require us to have roughly 30 minutes - 1 hour downtime whilst we upload the updated versions of our plugins and ensure everything is working as it should be.
We will be posting periodic updates during the downtime to keep you informed about how far along we are, as well as when you'll be able to re-connect via our Discord server in #announcements.
Do I need to change my Minecraft Version?
We'd strongly recommend updating your version and mods to the latest version (Currently 1.21.1) for the best experience on the server. This will allow you to see different blocks and entities around the map.
In a couple of weeks, we will be completely dropping support for versions below 1.19.4 as the new entities we'll be using cannot be displayed on lower versions. We understand that for some this may be disappointing, however the majority of common Mods are currently available to download for 1.21.1.
What about my Mods?
You should update them along with your client! You can find updated versions online, however we've created a short list of links for mods that we know are popular to use on our server. click here for help updating your mods.
What is new in this version?
There's a bunch of new mobs which may be utilisated for events, as well as entities which will replace our current Furniture entities which should both improve performance and their hitbox. Alongside this, there are a plethora of new blocks, inlcuding: Bamboo Wood, Cherry Wood, Pots, Hanging Signs, Pink Petals, Pitcher Plants, More Copper Blocks, and much more!
Any questions? Reply to this thread!