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5-6 Language slots

lamby :3

Level 39
Community Team
Event Team
not sure if it's still a thing but you can apply for extra languages.... i agree with ghcsted it can be abused.


Level 39

As someone that speaks 5 languages irl, this is absolutely impossible to manage. Now, I understand that char can be as perfect as we want and some may want them to be, but as many people stated already, the issue comes when we use it in actual roleplay;

We can have metagaming information just because one of our characters know the language
We can take advantage of the language slots and start speaking that language without any background nor previous training
And unfortunately both of these things are difficult to regulate.

Solution to these issues as stated from almost everyone here are pretty simple, and I agree with them; Having a character binded language is gonna tackle way more problems, how about we make everything character binded? Not only the language, I mean everything. Sure it's gonna be even more complicated, but if we are able to mess with the code already what's gonna stop us to mess with it a little more? And yeah, don't make it so you have to pay for languages, sounds P2W and I am against giving players unnecessary advantages to someone that maybe just can't pay it.

I would recommend to the staff, if they see this appropriate, to modify the language application (Yes, one more time) to add the IGN and RPname in the application. It's not gonna do much, but I believe it could help you staff moderate it a little better.


Level 113
do yall just want more languages so you can have more languages? this is so stupid.
having three languages is enough, languages aren't like a collection item in srp. if you want another language just apply for it.
speaking from someone who's done a lot of language apps.... it's not that hard.


Level 39
As you can see I did not apply for French on my bird account and I can still use it, so the whole metagaming information issue that you spoke about needs some explaining (Or I might be illiterate)
That is PG. As logic follows a bird cannot speak French, also that is punishable.

Like is the money going to get bound to the slot, and the other slot doesn't get it?
I can't understand this. When did I mention money to get bound to a slot?? I literally said:
sounds P2W and I am against giving players unnecessary advantages to someone that maybe just can't pay it.

I don't think people would want to reapply their language applications, and by everything, you might need to specify more of it
You just proven my point with the image you have set that people use languages that are not meant to certain characters. . . Also when did I say they need to reapply?? They only need to state which character has that language, if they don't mention another char then they would not be able to speak that language. Also as far as I'm concerned this is an Roleplay, the character should have some reason why they know the language, just write it down it's literally one extra application that would deem more help than trouble to everyone.

As you can see I did not apply for French on my bird account and I can still use it, so the whole metagaming information issue that you spoke about needs some explaining (Or I might be illiterate)
Again, that is PG since you did something your character wasn't able to do, which is also FailRP. Lemme be more clear with MG, let's say I have a French character and a German character, they only know they own language, so there's no way the French guy will know German nor the German know French. Now MG happens when let's say I'm with the French char and I can understand something between two German persons, if I take information from that conversation, that is not only PG since I'm taking advantage of something I wasn't suppose to do, that is also counted as MG since I'm taking information out of my character to perform IC actions.
. . .


Level 16
Thread starter

Tying the amount languages with the amount of character slots someone has based on their rank is a bit P2W . We cannot monitor if they would actually use that language for that character or not. Someone could easily just make their character speak five languages, just because they have the Notable rank.

Also, it’s a bit hard to manage rank verification wise because not everyone has their forum account connected to the rank they’re applying for. Which leads us to track down your account and actually verify that you have the rank.

Although, I am all for character language division based on character profiles but only if it looks like:

[Grade-12] character profile only has access to JSL and Spanish

[Adult] character profile only has access to Italian and Korean.
the last part is what i meant. not 1 character knowing a billion languages


Level 39
Is this not saying that IC Money is going to get bound to a slot?
No. What I meant was that let's bind the language to a specific character. Just like they are doing it with the phone thing. I would say that they should bind everything single characters instead of accounts. It has nothing to do with money tho. In a way that's also why I said the thing with the applications, because that way is even easier to determine who can speak a specific language.


Level 355
HS Sports Lead
Thank you for your suggestion! After discussing this with the team we have decided to decline it.

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