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Denied 剣豪亭 - Kengōtei | eucas7 Shop Application


Level 13

Player Information

What is your Minecraft username?:
The username of the account I am applying for is eucas7. I also have six other accounts, the usernames of which can be found in my signature.

Do you have Discord (If so, what is your discord username?):
I do have Discord. I also have a microphone and can talk if needed. My discord username is: @grandiloquence

How old are you? (Optional):
I am 20 years old. My birthday is April 11, 2003.

What is your time zone?:
My time zone is eastern standard/daylight time, GMT-4.

Describe your activity on the server:
I am currently active on the server nearly every day for a few hours at a minimum. There are some days when I am busy doing other things, in which case I won’t play that day, or I’ll only play for a short time. Nine times out of ten, however, I have the opportunity to play on the server for a generous amount of time, where I roleplay across several accounts, which are:
[Grade-12] Kōji ‘Samurai’ Takei | Eucatastrophe
[Grade-10] Annaliese ‘Anna’ K. E. | Eucatastrophe2
[Grade-12] Yoshima ‘Yoshi’ Arita | Eucatastrophe3
[Grade-12] Jóngeirr Ó. Nørgaard | Eucatastrophe4
[Grade-12] Mei Xiaosi Sanbuono | Eucatastrophe5
[Grade-12][Journalist] Yozukinabahimetsu Kuri | eucas6
[Grade-12] Tetsuya Gendo | eucas7
The first is my main account, where I have most of my custom items and developed the most lore. Takei is in the gang Rakkiyatsu, where he commonly takes part in street races and the spray-painting of walls. I have the most playtime in this account, which I have had on SchoolRP since 2017.
The second is my least-played primary account, whose playtime is nearly a day and a half. This account has the least developed lore, but I still enjoy logging on and playing on it occasionally.
The third is a secondary account, which I play when I want to take screenshots with shaders or grind attributes. There’s not much more to it, I don’t have a lot of playtime in this one.
The fourth is an account that I used to play a lot more before switching to my sixth. This account is in the Nørgaard family and can speak Icelandic and Dutch.
The fifth is my third-most played account, a character in the Sanbuono family and the family mafia. She can speak both Mandarin and Italian and is one of my more unique characters. This account has a good amount of playtime.
The sixth is my second-most played account. The character on this one has a long, unique name and is in the journalism club. She is also in the Kuri family, with whom she shares a close bond.
The seventh and final account is the one I hope to make a shopkeeper. Like the third, this secondary account is used for screenshots and attributes. I rarely use this account, but if I were to be a shopkeeper, it would definitely be one of my most played.
In summary, I am a very active player with several accounts that enjoys playing different characters and making new lore, focused mainly on developing characters and making new friends.

Have you ever been banned (If yes, when and why?):
Yes, I have been banned once before. A permanent ban was placed for an attempted EULA break on May 23rd, 2023. I asked in /ooc to buy or trade for someone’s adult account; unbeknownst to me, this was against Minecraft’s EULA and punishable by staff. I was shortly permabanned for this infraction and immediately appealed it. The appeal was denied, and I appealed again. The second appeal was denied, and I applied a third time. That appeal was accepted on June 11th. It is the only ban in my history of playing on SchoolRP and was caused solely by ignorance. I had no intention of purposefully breaking the rules. I’m happy to say that my ban was lifted just a month after it was put in place, so I’d like to thank the staff team for allowing me to return.

Do you acknowledge that if you are inactive you will be demoted?:
I acknowledge that I will be demoted if I am inactive. I’ve already had this happen to me once before, so I understand. I’ll explain more about this later in the application.


Link(s) to any previous applications and appeals on the server:

- Language Applications -
DENIED (later accepted):

- Staff Applications -
DENIED (deleted application):

- Town Applications -

What are your current role(s) on the server? (If you're in college, specify your degree level):
The current roles I have on the server are:

Shop Information

What shop are you applying for?:

I am applying for a new shop to be built at this location:

1867x / 17y / 1334z

It is the lowest floor of one of the apartment buildings and is located to the right of Club Umbra. It is currently unused space and could be used the same way Club Umbra uses the first floor of its apartment complex. I would like to turn this specific location into my new shop. [1867x / 17y / 1334z]
However, if a staff member believes another location is more suitable (for example, where my shop could be a freestanding building instead of being limited by the height restriction of an apartment complex) then I would be more than happy to oblige.

Why is this location suitable?:
This location suits the restaurant because it is next to other shops and would utilize the space beneath the complex like Club Umbra and its neighboring shop do. Aside from that, it is close to the beach, would receive a large amount of traffic, and would be manageable to the surrounding area when large groups of people visit. Additionally, it allows plenty of space to work with, and if I am allowed only to use a portion of the building for a shop, the other spaces could also be used for other shops.

Why do you want to become a Shopkeeper?:
I have several reasons for wanting to become a shopkeeper. Below are a few of them that would be beneficial for me to explain in detail in this application.
  1. I am an active player, and I would like to use my time by opening a shop and connecting with the people of the server while providing them with something new and unique. I remember the last time I was a shopkeeper; it was truly an exciting time to be on the server, and providing other players with food and quality time with their friends is something that I would like to do again. In my previous time as a shopkeeper, I had a dedicated, lovable staff team working for me, and I miss each and every one of them dearly. In fact, I used a screenshot of my staff from the last time I was a shopkeeper as a part of the horizontal separator across this application. I would like to have that again, bringing me much-needed happiness.
  2. I have previous experience as a shopkeeper, and I could use that to my advantage when filling the role again. Though my previous time as a shopkeeper was short, I learned many valuable lessons. It’s easy to want to apply for things and to imagine with it might be like to do them, but filling the role and dedicating your time and effort to it is something else entirely. I had to think long and hard about whether I wanted to take up this responsibility again. After carefully considering and brainstorming some unique ideas, I decided to put forth my application. My previous experience will allow me to professionally and efficiently use the tools provided to me to bring a new and exciting experience to the server that people will enjoy and impatiently wait for another opportunity to experience again and again.
  3. I have unique and exciting ideas that I would love to incorporate into the server, especially in terms of originality and appeal. As I go across Karakura and explore the many different and exciting places it offers, I’ve noticed that there aren’t any restaurants dedicated to the image of Japan. I thought this was a little weird, and I started thinking of new ways for a shop to reflect the image of Karakura while providing something to the public that has never been a part of the community. My ideas for this new shop would be easy to incorporate and provide, all the while giving the citizens an experience they’ll never forget.
  4. Shopkeepers have the possibility of earning over a million yen in a month. This amount of money is extremely appealing to me, and speaking from past experience, earning so much from a shop is most definitely possible. I also want to share this wealth with employees who undergo a complicated and thorough hiring process, allowing those who pass its rigorous procedures to earn steady and generous income for their spending needs.
  5. I would like to make something that truly stands out from the rest. There are many shops selling the same things, and I would like to create something that truly forges an unforgettable experience and makes everyone who hears the name Kengōtei remember what it was like to be there. I know my ideas would appeal to the public, are something new and original, and be easily incorporated into the server, allowing me to accomplish my goal and make something truly wonderful.

What do you plan to do with your shop, and what makes it unique?:
I have a lot of new and exciting ideas to incorporate into the server. These ideas, which I spent several days brainstorming, would allow me to make an unforgettable experience for the players of SchoolRP. I would like to open a restaurant called Kengōtei (剣豪亭), which means “The Swordmaster’s Inn,” that would reflect the image and character of Karakura in a place where people can get together, eat original and unique food, and enjoy new experiences at a shop unlike any other.

The first idea I want to address is the name of my restaurant. It was one of the last things I thought about (since the other ideas were prioritized over this one), but I knew I had to pick something simple, to-the-point, and unique. I had to pick something that truly expressed my idea in a name, something people would remember and recall when talking about it. I chose the name “剣豪亭” (Kengōtei) because it was something that would explain my restaurant in a word while showcasing what the restaurant was and the type of experience people could expect when they visit. I think it is a wonderful name, and I take pride in my ability to design everything about it. This image is a logo for my shop that I spent four hours drawing.

The second idea I would like to talk about is what I like to call the restaurant’s personality; what the restaurant is, why I chose it, and how it would be unique and enjoyable to the citizens of Karakura. To begin, I’d like to say that the best way to describe the restaurant is in two words: Samurai Izakaya. Themed around ancient feudal Japan, this samurai bar would incorporate ancient Japanese ideas into a unique and carefully constructed building to keep crowds coming back and provide them with something that would be hard to forget. My idea for the restaurant would incorporate ancient Japanese history, architecture, dishes and drinks, entertainment, and attire into its being, providing people with something that has never been made in Karakura. It would be something truly unique.

The third idea is the construction of the restaurant. Ideally, the restaurant would incorporate ancient Japanese architecture, featuring wooden and thatch-like materials and colors of red and gold. Around the shop would be traditional Japanese artwork, paper lanterns, and samurai-themed decorations like armor and weapons. Warm lighting will invoke a sense of nostalgia and authenticity in the customers, reminding them of their ancient Japanese roots. The restaurant would also include traditional Japanese table settings, with low tables and tatami mats for seating. Provided to guests would be wooden chopsticks, bowls, and sake cups, which their Japanese ancestors used. It makes them connect with their history just by being there.

The fourth idea revolves around the staff and their attire for the restaurant. Staff members at Kengōtei would dress in traditional samurai attire, including kimono, hakama (wide-legged trousers), and obi. I also will provide a custom samurai helmet for the outfit. Their clothing and accessories would be carefully chosen to resemble the attire of samurai from different periods in the history of Japan, which adds a great deal to the experience. The staff would also engage in performances and demonstrations that showcase samurai skills, like the art of the sword, and for the more musically inclined members of the staff, traditional Japanese music, which samurai were also known to be skilled at. Another important part is the rigorous training process to which I would subject my employees. I want this restaurant to be prestigious, an experience that is not only memorable but exemplary and professional. The staff would use every bit of detail, filling their roles down to the number.

The fifth idea would be performances and demonstrations by the staff for entertainment. For example, live demonstrations of the samurai's way of the sword would be an authentic, history-rich show detailing the concept of Bushido and the delicate details that went into the swordsmanship skills of the samurai. Alternatively, staff can play music for guests, such as taiko or biwa, catered to reflect the authentic and nostalgic personality of the restaurant. On specific openings, it would be possible for customers to sit in on a live play featuring samurai and ninja while teaching about the samurai way of life, the traditions of which connect directly with them.

What kind of food will you serve in your shop?:
The sixth idea would be the menu for my restaurant. To best represent traditional Japanese meals and dishes in my restaurant, I would order different custom items for food with a focus on authentic flavors and traditional ingredients. Here are a few examples:

Samurai Yakitori: A staple of ancient Japan, these skewers feature grilled meats like chicken, beef, or pork marinated in flavorful sauces such as teriyaki, miso, and soy glaze.

Bushido Gyoza: Bushido is the samurai code of conduct. Though it does not have one set description, bushido revolves around respect, honor, and humility. These gyoza, or dumplings, would pay homage to this code of conduct and be filled with a mix of ground pork, cabbage, garlic, ginger, and various seasonings and served with a tangy soy-based dipping sauce.

Shogun Sashimi Platter: This dish would present a visually stunning platter of fresh, thinly sliced raw fish and seafood. This dish would include different types of fish like tuna (maguro), salmon (sake), yellowtail (hamachi), and even octopus (tako). This dish would be garnished with shiso leaves and daikon radish and served with a side of soy sauce and wasabi.

Daimyo Tempura: Introduced to Japan by the Portuguese in Nagasaki through fritter-cooking techniques in the 16th century, Tempura is a common and popular dish in Japan. This dish would have ingredients inspired by the samurai era, such as shrimp and assorted vegetables like sweet potatoes, lotus root, and shiitake mushrooms. It would be served with a traditional tentsuyu dipping sauce and grated daikon radish.

Ninja Maki Rolls: This dish would be a creative sushi roll collection to represent the samurai-era ninja. It would include fresh seafood, cucumber, avocado, and spicy mayo, rolled in black rice to represent ninja attire. This would be served with soy sauce, pickled ginger, and wasabi.

What kind of drinks will you serve in your shop?:
The seventh idea for my shop would be to order and serve different custom drink items. These drinks would be centered around the same principles as the custom food items, instilling a sense of nostalgia in customers while telling the story of the history of Japan. Here are a few of the ideas I have for drinks:

Samurai Sake Mojito: This sake-infused côcktail blends the traditional flavors of sake with other shades and ingredients, such as fresh mint leaves, lime juice, simple syrup, and a splash of soda water. It is an excellent way to pay tribute to the old style of sake brewing while incorporating tasty, unique, and modern ingredients.

Bushido Highball: Much like the Bushido Gyoza, this drink is inspired by the samurai’s sense of honor and discipline. This drink would combine Yamazaki whiskey with sparkling water, a splash of yuzu juice, and a twist of lemon. It would be served over ice in a tall glass garnished with a lemon peel, giving it an elegant look.

Matcha Martini: This drink would combine the traditional flavors of matcha, a popular powdered green tea, with sake and a splash of vodka to create a more distinct and sophisticated drink option. It would also have a touch of honey syrup to add sweetness before being shaken with ice and strained into a chilled martini glass. It would be garnished with a sprinkle of matcha powder and a green tea leaf.

Geisha G&T: This drink would put a spin on the classic gin and tonic by infusing it with floral and citrus flavors of a squeeze of grâpefruit juice and a touch of elderflower liqueur. This drink would be served over ice in a tall glass and garnished with a sprig of lavender.

Sakura Blossom Sake: This drink incorporates the iconic beauty of Japanese cherry blossoms into a côcktail. This drink would begin with sake and be combined with cherry blossom syrup, a splash of fresh lemon juice, and a few dashes of a floral liqueur, such as lychee. It would then be strained into a coupe glass and garnished with a cherry blossom petal to invoke a sense of traditional Japanese elegance.

What else will you sell in your shop?:
In addition to the previous dishes and drinks, my shop would sell basic food on the server already for people not willing to pay the higher prices or with special food needs or requests.
Aside from the food and drink items, I would like to sell a few alternative items in a gift shop that would make up most of the restaurant’s lobby. For sale in this gift shop would be a few accessories like the pink paper umbrella and cherry blossom fan, as well as some ingredients like eggs, meats, and vegetables. Additionally, I would feature a couple of custom items to sell, such as a custom Obi belt with a large bow or samurai-style headbands.

How many employees do you plan to have?:
I plan to have several bar staff, waiters/waitresses, actors/actresses, and two managers. I would hire the first manager for hiring and staff, and the second manager would be an open position into which exemplary employees would be promoted. On top of this, I plan to have a sophisticated and rigorous training profile and I hope to make set schedules for my employees. This will streamline the process of the shop.
[EDIT 05 July 2023]
Staff breakdown:

Pretty self-explanatory. Owns the shop and coordinates with managers.

Manager [General]: Handles more discord-related things as well as the restaurant's social media and overall presence. This position can only be promoted into.
Manager [Employees]: Handles more worker-related things as well as the customer service aspect of the restaurant.

Creates masterful works of art in the form of côcktails and serves them to guests. Applicants for this position must be 20+ to apply.
Uses /me to describe their process of getting ingredients, mixing drinks, and presenting drinks to guests.

Every restaurant needs waitstaff. These individuals take guests' orders, bring them their dishes and drinks, and operate panels to keep track of tabs.
Uses /me to describe their process of unique ways of taking orders, with a side of samurai-style.

Hosts are the people in charge of keeping track of tables, showing guests to empty ones and preparing them for the next group of guests. They also handle cashiering for the gift shop.
Uses /me to describe a pleasant customer greeting, show guests to their tables, and process front-end orders.

Kengōtei is a restaurant about class, honor, humility, respect, and character. In order to best represent this ancient Japanese
atmosphere, the restaurant needs performers to act out the art of the sword, play ancient Japanese instruments, and enact plays.
They use /me the most, giving extensive details on their acting and provide guests a satisfying and entertaining experience. Those
who are not talented with their writing or performing in front of large groups should not apply.

All positions, regardless of rank, must ID all individuals purchasing products that are intended for those 20 and older.

What has changed since you were last a shopkeeper? Why should we let you be a shopkeeper again?:
As stated before, I have experience being a shopkeeper in the past. In 2020, I owned a shop called Tanoshimi, a karaoke bar I opened with a couple of friends. I quickly became bogged down with work, and my schedule became extraordinarily full, especially since it was my senior year of high school. I was demoted for inactivity and left the server soon after that. Since then, I have graduated, gone to college, worked through several jobs and life changes, and returned to the server. It’s been a few months since then, and I can safely say that a lot about me has changed. I am a drastically more mature person, with far more experience dealing with things in real life and managing my time effectively. I have a more thorough, streamlined thought process, and I know to think things through before making decisions while paying extra attention to the more complicated ones. I am a different person now than I was then, and I’d like to make this an opportunity to improve and make myself a big part of the community again.


Additional notes about your application:

Kengōtei has a Discord server [Link]! Please feel free to join.

Do you have any questions?:
I have no questions.

Well, this is the end of my shop application. Thank you for reading! If you have any questions or concerns, please contact me on Discord.
Last edited:


Level 128
Shop Lead

Thank you for applying!
I will be reviewing this at another time.​

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