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Accepted 6ravy's Sociology Professor Application


Level 2
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What is your Minecraft username?:


What is your time zone?:

What is your discord username? (eg @muffincats)

Link all previous applications you made on the server:

Previous college application made on another forum account.

Previous Korean Language application on another forum account.


Describe your activity on SchoolRP:

My activity on SRP in the last few months has been low. This is due to me having exam season in college while also having to complete an extra course this year. However, I am coming back to SRP mostly because I want to play the game more and wanted a role that I could fulfill on the server instead of standing around and doing nothing. As a result of my newly found free time, I want to spend my time building into the community of SRP once again, so I am currently more active than usual.


Describe your roleplay experience with SchoolRP and other roleplay networks in general:

My roleplay experience with school RP started around 2019. I found this server because I was previously interested in the idea of roleplaying in an academic scenario. I have always had a keen interest in roleplaying since I was younger, as I did it a lot in my free time as a hobby. In addition to this, I always wrote stories/short literatures that I was interested in at the time, with topics like horror and mainly action, which is a main thing in SRP. As a result, I was able to grow in roleplaying through SRP, as my prior knowledge in literature had helped me. Additionally, SRP has helped me improve my literature—a give and take relationship!

I also enjoy roleplaying in SRP, as I think that it’s a fascinating experience being able to be whatever you want, wherever you want. I love the idea of having full creative control of what I want to do and where I want to go. This sort of goes hand in hand with my love for simulation games as well as Minecraft. I get to do what I want with an objective in mind, and I love Minecraft as it also allows me to have full creative control (as mentioned previously) and do whatever I want.

As a result, I actually wanted to look for servers on SRP that appealed to me in the life-like creativity aspect, which held that professional and academic element in it. I stumbled across SRP and immediately dived into action with roleplaying, as I was previously experienced in literature and roleplay. I was able to form a place in the community not just ICLY but OOCLY by befriending lots of people in the community who have helped me throughout my roleplay journey. Additionally, I earned a place in the tailoring community and had my outfits being displayed for millions at auctions!

Apart from SRP, I was also a role-player on Fantasy RP and was heavily invested in it to the point where I had many skins made for my characters. I also made myself acquainted with the people in the servers, as they stood out to me as people who were accepting and kind. They also helped me excel in roleplaying and being imaginative.

What are your current roles on SchoolRP:

[High-school] [Grade-12] - Hase, Chie

[High-school] [Grade-12] - Fernanda Jaramillo

What is the subject you want to teach?:

I would like to teach Sociology, a social science. I want to teach this as it’s one of my courses I take in school, in real life, at the moment, and I also plan to teach it in real life! Also, because there are no Sociology teachers on the roster, and I believe it’s just as important as Psychology.

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What is your motivation for becoming a professor?:

My motivation for wanting to become a college professor is, first of all, in real life, I’ve been working towards wanting to become a teacher of Sociology. One of my main reasons for this is due to the fact that I really idolize my subject teachers at college at the moment, and I look up to them for what they do. I believe that the work they do allows future generations to work towards creating a better world with even more educated people that will discover revolutionary things. As a result, one of the most motivating teachers would be my OOC Sociology teacher as she is my main base of support. I want to be this support person for students that I could teach in the future and become a support network that I wouldn’t have had as a younger individual.

Another reason I would like to become a professor is because I really enjoy Sociology! I think it’s a subject that really gives you insight into the world and different perspectives like Functionalism, Marxism, Feminism, New Rights, etc. As a result, I am highly knowledgeable about these theoretical perspectives to the point where I remember them like the back of my hand. As a result, I wish to pass on this knowledge as the whole idea of Sociology is understanding new perspectives, and I wish to find out the perspectives of those at SRP, and also play a little devil’s advocate!

Work out two interactive classes you will host if accepted:

The first Idea that I have of a class that would be highly interactive is that at the end of certain types of classes, I will host quizzes on the topics I taught In that particular class, I think this is a good idea as it really tests the ideas of students and what they think is right and wrong and what they truly took away from the class. This type of activity would take place, for example a true or false question:

Functionalists, such as Parsons, would argue that the family adequately socialises children into gender roles.

True | False

And after this question is asked I will ask the students to get out of their seats and either move to the Left (True) or False (Right) side of the class, once students have moved to the designated area I will ask individuals questions on why they think it is true/false and what their opinion is.

Another type of question I could ask is whether or not students agree with theoretical perspectives, this will have the similar principal of the true/false question where students would be asked something like:

Do you agree with the idea that the New Right perspective argues that lone parent female families rely on the welfare state?

Agree | Disagree

And students would move to the designated area, and I would then again ask for individual opinions and arguments, this follows the principal of group interviews, where I can really find out just why people think certain ways on SRP and their viewpoints when put in a group setting with those around the same age and generation as themselves.

2. Another interactive lesson I would do, which is similar to what many teachers do is Hang-man! But there’s a twist, it won’t just be on random words from the English dictionary, but key concepts, idea, theorists, and theories from Sociology, as well as this activity, the lesson will follow onto a peer/table discussion amongst the students and each student on each table will be assigned a number, which corresponds to a theory/concept e.g.:

Partner 1 - Parsons Organic ****ogy

Partner 2 – Durkheim’s 4 functions of the family.

After being assigned this, the class will discuss with their respective partners what they know about that particular topic, and what they have learnt from my lecture, and after they have taught each other everything, they will think of criticisms of that theory, whether direct or from another theorist. While this happens I will also be going around the classroom listening in on conversations.

Work out a field trip (meaning a class outside school grounds) you will host if accepted:

For Sociology there aren’t many field trips that the students can actually take, however if I were to have the chance to have a trip, I would plan one to the courthouse/courtroom for a hearing for a criminal, this is because criminology is actually a huge part of sociology as a topic, and crimes and sentences are focused on heavily, if taken to a court hearing with a real judge, they can see how exactly the court works and how people are sent to specific types of prisons and how police brutality and different groups are treated differently with sentences, this will give them insight on the court system and judicial system.

One other trip which would be a bit more engaging for students would be that a select few would be chosen to be taken to a store, after being taken to the store they would purposely buy bleach and a large suitcase, this would be an assignment type of field trip where they would be testing the publics reaction to the bleach and large suitcases and it's often a method used by murderers and killers to hide and conceal bodies and murders, this would go hand it hand with the crime and deviance module of the class and cover the idea that crimes are attached to norms and values of society and how the public react in different situations such as possible crimes being committed.

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Your character would encounter a group of college jocks surrounding a bobcat jock, what would your character do?

If Chie were to encounter a situation like this, she would first wait and see what the situation actually was before jumping the gun. There are many ways a scenario like this could go, and many ways she would deal with this.

Negative situation

If the situation were to be one where it was out of hand and unethical, Chie would first of all approach the group of Spartan jocks after grasping the situation while observing it. She would do this as she didn’t want to escalate a situation that didn’t need to be escalated any further. She would then work her way into a casual conversation with the individuals involved in the group, putting herself in between the bobcat and the Spartan. This creates a proximity between the individuals involved in the situation in case of any physical harassment or assault. After doing this, she would break down the situation step by step.

First, she would deal with the college jocks and ask them for what exactly happened and why they are loitering. If they were present due to a situation involving harassment or bullying, and if anything physical had indeed happened (SS OOC), she would send those who were a key part of the situation to detention before dismissing the rest of the Spartans.

After this, she would break it down with the bobcat jock, asking them for their side of the story. As this is a situation that has taken place, the bobcat would be witness to their own bullying. As a result, she would use a psychological method of improving eyewitness testimonies by asking the bobcat to put themselves in the shoes of the Spartan, asking them to evaluate and weigh up the reasons why the event took place and how they can avoid it in the future.

Your character would be supervising detention, one of the students constantly disturbs by asking stupid questions, what would your character do?

Chie has a very calm and tranquil personality. As a result, she would initially not escalate the situation. Instead, she would initially ask the student to quiet down and proceed with the work they have been set, asking them if they had any questions about the work and if they needed an explanation, just to clear the air.

However, if the situation were to potentially escalate due to constant disturbances from the student, she would take them to the detention entrance (door). This would be done so the attention does not shift to the individual during detention, as others need to focus in the room. She would tell them that they will be given further sanctions aside from detention as a result of their poor behavior, such as dealing with the Senior Leadership Team and facing possible demotion back to high school.

Assuming this would stop the student from disturbing the sanction any longer, Chie would sit them down in the back corner of the class so they are no longer in the spotlight, stopping them from "attention-seeking".

Your character would be hosting a class, and a group of cheerleaders keeps on playing songs on the phone and calling out other students in the class, what would your character do?

In a situation like this, Chie would be highly experienced due to her previous job at Springfield Elementary School in America, and working with young pupils within a classroom. As a result, she would initially try to de-escalate the situation by telling the cheerleaders to switch off their phones and to quiet down and listen. If the cheerleaders choose then not to listen to Chie’s instructions, she would then start to kick them out, one by one starting with whoever was most disruptive. Chie would have a strict 1 warning policy where she would only correct a student once before having to remove them from the classroom.

Your character would be walking on the school perimeter and encounter a fight between a couple of students, your character tried to break it up but it didn't help, what would your character do?

If Chie's attempt at preventing the fight from happening was unsuccessful, she would call for backup from other members of the staff team to help out. This would help to stop the situation due to power in numbers. After this, she would inform them of their misbehaviour and the sanctions and consequences they will be facing as a result of the fight, such as detentions. If they are a repeat offender, they would be taken to SLT in order to maintain a safe learning environment within the school.

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Tell us everything you know about the character you will be playing in a few paragraphs. What does they look like? What makes them unique and different? What is their outlook on Students? What about the other teachers? What is their personality like? What is their plan for the future?

Chie’s Looks

Chie would be an American born in Japan, she would have blue eyes and blonde hair, her usually attire would consist of something smart but also casual with a touch of profession, however not overdoing it to appear more friendly and approachable.

What makes her unique/different?

Chie would be an approachable individual with a friendly aura. She would seem to be the type of teacher you can confide in anything with! She wouldn’t be particularly strict but she also wouldn’t tolerate any sort of disrespect towards herself or anyone else. She was big on 'putting yourself in the shoes of others', showing that her approach as school faculty was more open-minded and carefree, while holding boundaries. She would display outstanding leadership and teamwork skills, as seen in the past from her previous jobs, whilst also having good communication skills and being a people person!

What is her outlook on students/other teachers

Chie would be seen as a best friend or big sister to those around her. She would see herself as an emotional and psychological support network for those who wanted to talk to her. She would always display an open mindset for other people’s feelings and opinions and take everything into account. As a result, she would see herself as a helpful person to those around her, such as students and her own co-workers. She also believes that respect is a reciprocated and two-way process, where she expects students to respect her as if she were their equal.

Personality & Future Plans

Chie, as mentioned previously, would be an open-minded and calm individual who would see herself as a support network for those around her. For her future, she wishes to become fully qualified as a college professor who’s extremely good at her job, while also being a mentor for those who need her within the school.

Describe how your character ended up becoming a teacher and their previous life. It is optional to include earlier life but recommended.
Make sure this is over 100 words.

Chie had always looked up to teachers from a young age.

As a child

As a child, Chie would be an individual who would excel in her studies in elementary and middle school. As a result, she would seek approval and praise from her teachers from a young age. However, a negative impact of this was that the teachers never really paid much attention to her and even ignored her until it was time to say something 'good' about her academic ability. As a result, she felt neglected by the education system and instead wanted to have a special connection with her teachers to the point where she could trust them.

As a teenager
As a teenager, Chie would have carried on this idea of being neglected by those around her just because they perceived her as an individual who was academically successful. As a result, she felt like there was no one she could look up to that could help her with her emotional and psychological needs as a person. However, coming to the end of high school, she looked up to a certain teacher who was the person that she could rely on if anything had gone wrong during school and any personal problems. Fernanda felt as if she could confide in this person and share her true feelings with them. As a result of this, Chie began to idolize this individual and look up to them, aiming to become like them and help other people. Fernanda would take on the job of being a mentor to a younger person in high school, allowing her to give advice on her experiences and become a 'big sister' to those younger than her. As a result of her idolization, she decided to pursue her career in psychology and anthropology to find out how people have changed over time, how exactly they did this, and why they did this to better understand social change in society.

This led her to do a 3-year Bachelor’s degree in Psychology and then a 4-year Masters in Anthropology. The Bachelor’s degree had also allowed her to do teacher training as a benefit of the course provided by the university, allowing her to be certified with a DBS check. As a result of her interest in pedagogy, she ended up going into teaching.

However, she didn't just want to stick to one country due to her love of traveling the world and exploring different cultures and perspectives of people. As a result, she decided to take a leap of judgment and arrived in Karakura as an adult, seeking to renew her teaching status and aim for college-level teaching.

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(Pretend your character is filling this out, not you, replace the underscores [ _ ] with your answers)


Full Name:

I am called Hase Chie

Title (Mr, Mrs, Miss):

I prefer to go by the title of Ms. Chie, this is because I wish to keep my status private, as opposed to Mrs or Miss.

Given Name(s):

I haven’t really be given an nicknames, usually people call me by my written name, Chie.

Preferred Name:

I don’t have a preference for what I wish to be called, Chie is fine, however if students do not wish to call me by my name, I’m fine with Ms.


I’m 28 this year.

Gender & pronouns:

I wish to stick to my biological gender, a female, and I also go by the following pronouns of She/Her.

Religious Denomination:

I don’t have any religious beliefs.

Marital Status:

I am not married, nor do I plan to be anytime soon.


My father is Colombian, and my mother is from Virginia, making me Mixed with Latino and Caucasian, however my nationality would be Japanese as Japan is the country I reside in.

Current Location:

I have an apartment in Karakura.

SECTION 2: Academic Details

Teaching Experience (# of years):

I have experience working with younger kids ranging from the ages of 5-12 as a classroom/teacher assistant, this is because I did some teaching in an elementary school in Virginia before moving to Karakura, I thought it would give me insight into teaching! I did this for around 2 years.

Working Experience (# of years):

As I said before I worked as an Elementary classroom assistant for 2 years, I also did 1 extra year working at a community library near the Elementary which also specialised as a Learning Centre.

Academic Degree:

A masters degree in Sociology & Anthropology as well as a certificate for teaching!

Year of Graduation:



I have a majors in Sociology & Anthropology.


Minors in Psychology, for aid in Sociological research and concepts that overlap.

Native Languages:

I cannot speak my Native Language as I lived in America, so I mainly spoke English before learning Japanese and JSL.

Other Languages:

I have also learnt Korean through my genuine interest in the culture and language

Preferred Teaching Subject:

Although there are so many good subjects I could teach, I believe I was made for Sociology!


Additional notes about your application (if any):

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Level 99
Professor Lead
Authorization Team
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