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Level 7

What is your Minecraft Username?:

Do you have Discord:
Ofc T4URUS#7149

How old are you?: I am 18 years old.

What is your time zone?: My timezone is GMT/BST

Describe your activity on the server:
Daily activity. I pretty much tend to play more towards the later hours of the day and occasionally during mid-day hours as well. This means hours at a time as I have my own active family and friend groups to be around, especially towards school. This means I am mostly on through later in the day. I am free from 6 pm all the way to 2 am on most weeks day's unless it's an urgent event happening, But I would say am on SRP mostly all the time when am free, From the start to when I was a greenie my activity has changed dramatically since then, Also when I joined college I have been on more and more sinse then and I very much enjoy my time playing on the server as of right now

Have you ever been banned:
I was banned around a year ago for arguing with the staff I owned up to and as of now I am on good terms with the staff after that event

Do you acknowledge that if you are inactive you will be demoted?:
I acknowledge that.

School Employee Role you are applying for?:
I am applying for a receptionist position.

In as much detail as possible, describe the employee role you are applying for:
Receptionists are, in my opinion, the face and lifeline of the school. As a receptionist, you would be responsible for greeting visitors, answering phone calls, and assisting with administrative tasks. You would also help with student registrations, maintain records, and provide general support to staff, students, and parents. It plays an important role in ensuring smooth operations at the school. They are also needed to maintain order at the front desk in case there are no teachers/prof around to support them. A fun fact about receptionists is that At the front desk, they have many things they can do. Receptionists can trade in student reward tokens for prizes, ranging from plushies to a single-use allowance of 100k or even a musical instrument. With the usage of the intercom,

What experience, in general, do you have in roleplay?:
I have been on this server for quite some time now, and all of that time has been spent roleplaying in many different places on the server. Whether it’s been on teams, Or working in the Sayonara gift shop, throughout my 2 years on this server I have been temp captain a couple of times, I believe these special roles have given me unique experience to apply for this position
Why do you want to join the School Employee faction?:
The employee faction is something that I have certainly enjoyed from the times I have been role-playing with them, I also enjoy interacting with SchoolRP’s player population, whether it be in-character or out-of-character, where the role of receptionist certainly enables me to do that and to be able to learn more as one and also the school faculty itself. I think it's a great thing to do in my free time as it gives some the chance to enjoy SRP whilst being a receptionist. I find this role extremely chilled and relaxing, It is great to have where I can easily enjoy roleplay at the same time, as well as do the job I am required to do in my role.

Link(s) to any previous applications and appeals on the server:

Korean Application - REJECTED
JSL Application - REJECTED
2nd JSL Application - ACCEPTED
Vietnamese - REJECTED
2nd Vietnamese - REJECTED
3rd Vietnamese- ACCEPTED
Italian Application - ACCEPTED
Korean Application - ACCEPTED
3rd Language Authorization - ACCEPTED
Russian Application - ACCEPTED
Chinese Replacement - ACCEPTED
Col- Councillor Application - Accepted

What are your current role(s) on the server?:
College B - Col-councillor



During a work-shift a student starts cursing at you for being pathetic, how does your character react?:

If a student were to curse out Koji, he would remain calm and professional, meanwhile attempting to de-escalate the difficult situation at hand. Koji would prefer to take them to a quiet office and have a 1 to 1 conversation preventing any unnecessary attention and potentially another argument from bursting out again. He would then talk to the student about their actions and his behaviour making them aware that it is not acceptable in the school. Koji would then listen to the student's complaint and try his best to resolve the issue professionally, and reasonably. Shortly after the situation is resolved koji would escort the student out of the office and send them on their way.

You notice two students are physically fighting in the hallway, – multiple punches have been thrown – how does your character react?:
Koji would quickly rush over to the site of the altercation and try his best to split the two students up meanwhile alerting any nearby staff for assistance. As soon as he has control over the two students and takes both name's he can then file an altercation to the principal or any higher-up within the school. Shortly after documenting the altercation and collecting the names of the two students involved, Koji would ask a staff member to take care of one of the students whilst koji took them one by one to see a nurse to check for any injuries that may have occurred during the incident and to make sure they both get treated as soon as possible

Another school employee is clearly acting inappropriately, doing something very dangerous on the job, how does your character react?:
Koji would casually approach his fellow co-worker asking them to follow him into a more private location within the school and away from any unwanted attention, He would then address the problem and tell his co-worker that what he did was highly inappropriate and very dangerous inside the school ground's and for their job as well, Koji would explain to them that the current situation that he witnessed was totally unprofessional and explain that their actions could get them in serious trouble and potentially cause them to lose their job, After koji is finished talking to his co-worker he would then send him on his way and making sure to keep a note on what happened today so it won't happen again

When in the employee break room, how does your character act?: When entering the break room, Koji would remain calm and professional as usual whilst he has his number one Chinese tea he has every morning, He also uses this time to eat his lunch talk to his fellow co-workers and try to get to know them little by little each day, Shortly after Koji has finished his break he would say Farewell to his peers, and swiftly return to his desk at the front of the school.

Provide us with at least three detailed /me's of your character whilst on your chosen role:
/me stands up from his desk and walks over to the student who looks lost and confused, asking if they need any help finding their way. He would then escort them to their destination and send them a little wave on their way then he would return to his desk

/me would gently close his laptop in reaction to a student approaching him at his desk as he would let out a big smile "How may I be of assistance to you today'' He would then keep his smile as his full attention would be on the student in front of him shortly before responding with a detailed, and descriptive response.

/me leans back in his chair, stretching his arms above his head and letting out a little groan. He glances around the break room, noting the various employees and their conversations. He picked up his coffee cup, took a sip and savouring the warmth and bitter taste of his Chinese tea, He would then smile and join in the convo whenever his name was brought up


In-Character Section

Full Name (First & Last only): Koji, Yao.
Title (Mr, Mrs, Miss): Mr.
Preferred Name: Koji.

Age (Minimum is 25): 25.
Gender: Male.

Academic Degree:
Public Relations & Organizational Communication
Minors: Business.

Nationality: Mandarin.
Known Languages. Korean, Japanese, Russian


Life in Beijing.

On March 9th, at approximately 11:53 PM in Beijing China, Koji Yao was one of many kids his mother Biyu would have but he would be the first child born from her, Koji was raised in a strict Chinese home by his mother, At a young age Koji was recognized by his parents and teachers for being a very dedicated learner which explained why he had seemed to be more the learner then compared to other kid's at his age group, As the years passed Eito became more cognizant of his future. But as Koji grew older, he realized that he had bigger dreams, dreams that existed outside of his home country of Beijing and his family, October 18th, 2004 His mother with the rest of his siblings decided to move to Japan so she could become a teacher, Koji did not like this idea as he knew nothing of the Japanese language and was scared that his dream's and hopes would disappear, With the result of her success in getting accepted into her job his mother told koji that they will be going to japan shortly after hearing the new's she got in. They were moving to Japan. Koji after learning that they were moving to Japan resulted in him having a slight grin even tho he didn't like the idea that was constantly plastered on his face up until the day they boarded the plane that would take him and his family to their new home in Japan.

Life in Japan.
It is now 2016, Koji and his family have now fully settled into the Japanese-style home in the city of Karakura, A year after they arrived in Japan, Koji became more interested in learning the history of Japan and the language as a whole, He began to make more friend's in college and start to study Public Relations & Organizational Communication and also business on the side, Over the course of 3 years Koji would spend at least 3 hours a day for studying Korean and trying his best to perfect his Japanese, in result koji became a quick learner then the rest of his sibling's being able to speak to a Japanese without forgetting how to say a word. he was soon enough fluent in both of those languages in just a year. It is now the year 2021 on graduation day, Koji was thrilled that his hard work has finally paid off and soon enough he will be awarded his diploma and now be professionally qualified in both public Relations & Organizational Communication and Business. He made his way eagerly down to his seat where he would sit and wait anxiously until all the other graduates received their diplomas whilst seeing his mother with the other teachers clapping on the graduates. Soon enough the graduation ceremony would be done with, and Koji would begin to make his way back home accompanied by his mother and his other siblings. He would then make his way to his father's photo on the wall with lit-up candles on the side showing him all the years of work. 2 years would pass and koji would start looking for a job in the city of Karakura, He would see there a job application for a receptionist for the Karakura high school and his face would light up, He would then apply for the job spending day's on the application until it was perfect for him. Koji would then wait anxiously but patiently for the results of his application to be forwarded to him. One week later Koji received a notice from the High School informing him that he had been accepted for the receptionist role. It is now the year 2023 at 6 AM, Koji waves his mother goodbye as he sets off for his first day of work with a black briefcase on him, he then reaches the gate of the school and brings him to his first day of work as a receptionist at Karakura High School.

Motivation for Joining KHS
My motivation for joining Karakura High School has always been there since walking through the doors 8 years ago.I had always wanted to work here since my mother started as a teacher, but I felt like being at the front desk was my calling as I've always dreamed of greeting students as they come into the school each day with a smile on their face and supporting new student's who has come from across the world as I did once,

Do you have any previous experience working in a school environment? If so, please elaborate (If not, respond with "N/A"):NA

Why should you be accepted over the other applicants?:
I believe that I should be chosen over other applicants because of the unique type of abilities and expertise that I can bring to the role of receptionist. And the different skills that can be used in the role of a receptionist, I am a quick learner who can easily adapt to new situations and technologies. I am also highly organized which I believe are essential qualities for a receptionist. I can also work well under pressure and in quick surroundings, both of which are necessary in a school environment. But personally, I see myself motivated for this job as a whole

Additional notes about your application:
Do you have any questions?: N/A

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Level 197
Senior Admin
Employee Lead
Gang Lead

Thank you for taking the time to apply for the Employee Faction, after careful review, we have unfortunately decided to deny your application. We apologize for the inconvenience, however due to the large amount of applications this wave we cannot elaborate further on the reason for denial, however once spots open back up again we encourage those denied to re-apply.

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