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A Guide to REAL GraffitiRP


Level 24

As I've walked around and noticed the walls that are considered to be spray locations, I've noticed that a LOT of the stuff painted on those walls are either gang advertisements or just random stuff put on the wall. With CrimeRP being a very present thing on the server, I thought it may be useful to tell you lot about graffiti as I believe it would be very beneficial to promote more crime on the server that excludes physical combat! I'll talk about how it all works, the different phrases used to describe different types of work, etcetera. Graffiti on the server could go a long way! If those of you who are looking to have your characters be writers and participate in this scale of vandalism, understanding the basics and styles of it is extremely important! It could open up a whole new genre of RP as well. So, here you go! A full on guide to graffiti, the phrases, etc.

I won't go into the history behind graffiti as that would be a lot to explain and I don't see the benefits that would come from it, but I will say that if you were to do your own research, look up the video "Style Wars" on YouTube. It goes into a lot of the details regarding train graffiti, but also has a lot of other useful information as well.
One of the first graffiti styles to pop up in the world is tagging, which I would say is one of the most well known terms on the server.

A graffiti tag is more or less a specific name that one writes. That's the gist of it. Tags are simple writings on a building that typically are done in different hand styles. When I say hand styles, I mean the way the letters look. Lettering on tags are typically meant to flow together and are considered to be one of the first acts of graffiti one takes before moving on to the other forms of graffiti.

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These are various examples of different handstyles and tags that you would see in the streets.
Different ways you can use these on signs include phrases such as:
-A philly style tag RIXER would be seen
-A flared style tag BIKINI would be viewed
-A pain hand style tag TWISTER is present

A throw up, also known as a "throwie" is typically the next form of graffiti one does. It typically also has a specific style, having a fill-in and a basic outline around it. Throwies are also probably one of the most common forms of graff, as they are meant to be quick and easy for a writer to put up. Throwies are probably what you'd see stand out in the most in the streets, considering how quick and easy they're meant to be put up. Different examples of these are as follows:
- The throwie ELIXR would be here

Two letters can basically be described the same as throwies, except they are only two letters of your name, abbreviated. These are typically used for spots that don't have as much space, however are also used simply because they can be put up even faster than a full name throw.
-A two letter SE would be SEEN


Hollows are almost exactly how they sound, all they are is the outline. If that's confusing, imagine one of your throws except not having a fill in. They are often used in order to save paint and to create big, bold letters quickly without having to worry about filling it all in. These are typically harder to do, as the lines have to be just about perfect! At least to some standards.
-A RESIST hollow would be sprayed


Straight letters are exactly as they sound as well! The letters are typically bigger and bolder, having sharper edges and usually can be stylized based on the writers preferences. These take a lot more time, skill, experience, and practice! In my opinion, straight letters are one of the most important skills you can learn in graffiti, as they give you proper knowledge on letter structure and overall allow you to progress way faster in graffiti.
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-A VAYNE straight letter would be painted

Pieces are the next step from straight letters! Pieces typically have an intricate fill in, as well as a bold background and various styled letters that stand out compared to other forms of graffiti. They typically contain the most colors and overall take a fair amount of time to finish! They often feature bold, 3D shadows on their letters as well as characters depending on the writers preferences. Pieces are typically done by those who have been writing for quite some time, and what you would usually see in a calm spot or even on trains! If you get to see some in person, take time to appreciate the dedication it took to be there.
-A graffiti piece CHEK would be seen

Wildstyle is by far one of the most difficult forms of graffiti that there is! Wildstyle graffiti contains extremely complex and intricate letters, often being unlegible to the common people. Those who have been writing for quite some time and understand the different styles typically are the first to be able to read them. They contain some of the most elaborate details, including various techniques such as bold backgrounds, 3D styling, character, arrows, and so much more!
-A wildstyle REVOK piece would be viewed

I saved this one last because it doesn't necessarily talk about the work itself, but more or less what can come out of it. A graffiti crew can be thought of kind of like a gang, except instead of violence its simply just a group of people who write and would go down for each other if the time came to it. This isn't always the case, as some take this game a lot more seriously and are willing to inflict harm on others over their paint being capped (painted over) or someone simply painting on their "terf". Those in the same graffiti crew have a bond of trust, often throwing up their crews names next to their graffiti. Crews are willing to get thrown in jail for each other, always having each others back when things get down into it. Some popular crews that are more well known are MSK (Mad Society Kinds), MSG (Miami Street Graffiti), MUL (Made U Look), HTD, TVX, and so many more I could list them all day!

If you've read this far! Thank you! I didn't include street art or murals simply because I would not consider either of those to be true graffiti. Some may think differently, but based on the culture and history, I would say that graffiti is raw vandalism! I wouldn't consider either of those to fall into the same category as graffiti. On another note, I think that this form of CrimeRP on the server may be easier to maintain, as well as promote those who are wanting to give it a go but are afraid of loosing their characters a chance to participate without the worries that come with it. BE WARNED! Starting beef with people could lead to something much worse! I would love to see more people participate in graffiti on the server and do it in a way that is true to how it is seen in real life! You can promote your name, crew, characters, and so much more!
Again, thank you. I hope I inspire at least one or two players to commit to trying to get their name up! One last thing before I leave, the phrase "up" is used when a writer or name is extremely well known, even amongst those who don't know much about graffiti. Writers irl like Revok, Vayne, Cheak, Soda, Reds, and Ewon would be considered well known enough to say their name is up.
Take it easy!
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Level 34
Pretty cool tutorial explaining stuff for those of us who don't know the graffiti culture, good work and much love!


Level 13
Thank you for bringing this guide up.

Through my experience with gang RP I've seen a lot of spray painters and it is quite apparent that a lot of people needed a post like this.

I encourage anyone reading this to start doing some research of the crazy world of street painting, as well as go out and get some cans to throw up on the wall.


Level 13
thisd all be great if spraycans didnt kick me when ever i used em
If we focus on this style of roleplay and make it apparent that there is a community of proficient and active paintRPers we could get some motion.

I did make a suggestion to staff about three months ago about this issue, hopefully this thread assists with the issue being looked into and a solution fabricated.


Level 24
Thread starter
If we focus on this style of roleplay and make it apparent that there is a community of proficient and active paintRPers we could get some motion.

I did make a suggestion to staff about three months ago about this issue, hopefully this thread assists with the issue being looked into and a solution fabricated.
let's do it!!


Level 133
should touch a little bit on tagbanging cause half the mfs in here think karakura is LA


Level 24
Thread starter
Replying to this again in hopes it gets some more recognition, consider graff rp yall the possibilities could be so fun! Here’s a good example of someone using these graff terms on the server (thank you to the player who put this up and engaging in my forum post) 2024-09-02_17.54.37.png

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