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a notice


Level 108
Thread starter
this is now classified as terminal

i have over a year left predicted, then who knows whatll happen


Level 82
Hey Kam,

spoke to ya a few times and you were nothing but an amazing person to get along with!! I'll pray for a miracle to keep you safe. This message is really heartfelt and goodness, spend your time well. I'm glad I got to meet you even if it was just a few times!! <33.

shine like a star,


Level 108
Thread starter
Hey Kam,

spoke to ya a few times and you were nothing but an amazing person to get along with!! I'll pray for a miracle to keep you safe. This message is really heartfelt and goodness, spend your time well. I'm glad I got to meet you even if it was just a few times!! <33.

shine like a star,
I'll do my best to shine over you lot when you're gone! OR... not. idk how global warming will like that.


Level 2
hi. im kam

alot of you may know me as that one guy whos always round but never really see much about him. i dont really talk to many but i think this is something suitable worth posting

the following contains mentions of cancer, if thats a triggering thing do not read on. i wont go in too much detail. as well as this if mods believe i should take this down, they may.

im gonna start of with what this is all about. i have suffered from cancer on and off for roughly a year. its caused alot of my inactivity and im afraid to say it but its not really paying off. over the last few months its really took its toll on me. i suffer from larynx cancer and this means that i struggle speaking and often get into situations where i can not talk for days because its so painful. recently, they thought they could remove it! it was a great thing to hear but im being so honest, they couldnt. it began spreading a few days before the surgery was schedueled and they simply told me i had few chances left.
its sad to say but someday soon i may log my last day off when it comes to srp. its getting its toll and im sorry to say but there may be a point where i may not be here. so cou this as a goodbye

id like to say thank you for those whove been here for me. whether thats from the start or during my cancerous journey
cap, cap7aindes7roy, the guardian. thank you for being the one who always spoke to me and was always friendly, you grew up w me in this community and oh my god its amazing to see you doing so well

x4miya, miya, carl - i thank you for constantly being there to talk n listen n even do silly shit randomly on call. each moment ive spent with you has brought a smile to my face and i really appreciate that. you helped me back up when i was down and cant thank you enough

nooksi, nook - you brought me back into gangrp and i appreciate that.

saltyfollicles , salty , child - you got me back into everything. you pulled me back into gangrp and kept me pushing even when i was down. we may not be as close anymore but i still see you as a close friend

miamorchito - our random chess games n silly vcs always helped. i thank you for that

any of the x4 crew - you put a light in my life n helped me be happy again.

e - you did alot to make me who i am today. yes we had our ups and downs but i guess i still miss you. keep yelling at everyone in vc you know their ass deserves it!

kpts - the prophecy of gangrp! youre gonna cook some shit up with that gang man i know it. you lowkey helped me get back into both srp and gangrp and i bet you didnt even know it. im lucky to call you a friend.

those are the main ones, if i come up with more trust me youll be added. and yeah! thats my little rant. im not gone yet dont worry. ill be around for a little while and trust me ill still talk. dont be afraid to reach out. and no, this isnt a beg for attention. just a notice before i leave, incase i cant say goodbye once more

but just know, this server means alot to me. if ive done wrong im sorry, if i have made your life any better than thats all i wanted. until i see you again o7
i love you, kam - "e" </3

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