Level 6
Ace "Acie" Dominik Lucario Hamilton O'Sullivan

Basic Information
First Name:
Hamilton O'Sullivan (formerly Winters before coming to Karakura)
Preferred Name:
5'5ft (152.4cm)
Skin Color:
Medium/ almost Olive toned
Eye Color:
Naturally, Green, Blue left eye prosthetics,
Hair Style:
Naturally Wavey and long, down to his lower back. Small ponytail tide behind his hair
Hair Color:
Dark brown (Often dyed in different colors)
Punkish/ Casual and comfortable
Missing right pinky, prosthetic blue eye, carvings on his stomach and on his back
Date of Birth:
October 30th 2000
Place of Birth:
Havana, Cuba
Cuban American/ German
Sexual Orientation:
Religious Beliefs:
Spiritual. Ace doesn't exactly follow an exact religion and his beliefs stan more within the understanding of the universe and its working. Often his beliefs could be slightly aligned with Buddism
Political Beliefs:
Spanish, English, Japanese, JSL, Korean
General Appearance
Appearance/ Personality:

Basic Information
First Name:
Hamilton O'Sullivan (formerly Winters before coming to Karakura)
Preferred Name:
5'5ft (152.4cm)
Skin Color:
Medium/ almost Olive toned
Eye Color:
Naturally, Green, Blue left eye prosthetics,
Hair Style:
Naturally Wavey and long, down to his lower back. Small ponytail tide behind his hair
Hair Color:
Dark brown (Often dyed in different colors)
Punkish/ Casual and comfortable
Missing right pinky, prosthetic blue eye, carvings on his stomach and on his back
Date of Birth:
October 30th 2000
Place of Birth:
Havana, Cuba
Cuban American/ German
Sexual Orientation:
Religious Beliefs:
Spiritual. Ace doesn't exactly follow an exact religion and his beliefs stan more within the understanding of the universe and its working. Often his beliefs could be slightly aligned with Buddism
Political Beliefs:
Spanish, English, Japanese, JSL, Korean
General Appearance
Appearance/ Personality:
Ace would stand at 5’5ft, is Average built for his age, and weighs 115 lbs. Ace would be gay and have a carving on his stomach of USUI <3, a friend of his carved on his stomach. Ace has often dyed his hair MANY different colors and would sport a wavey hairstyle that would go down to his back.; Often his hair would be dyed in 2 separate colors or a random unnatural color but as of now his hair is dark brown, his normal hair color. His clothing style consists of usually comfortable sweaters and jeans and a punk style edgy look though he enjoys wearing different types of outfits for particular seasons. Ace would have his ears pierced and sport many different earrings, tattoos on his wrist, and wings on his back. He would have green eyes, though because of being stabbed in the left eye; he would have a prosthetic blue eye to bring a unique sense to him. Because of the trauma, he has witnessed the death of friends and family, and abuse. Ace has suffered from anxiety, depression, PTSD, and schizoaffective disorder, the main results of being locked in spaces he can't break free from. He would also suffers from extreme anger issues when threatened and can be stubborn and aggressive when he or others are threatened but sports a soft and quiet personality.
O V E R A L L: 80/130
S T R E N G T H – How strong the character is physical: 5/10
P E R C E P T I O N – How well they can see/sense/imagine things: 5/10 (prosthetic eye)
E N D U R A N C E- How long they can go on for physically – such as running or being hit: 8/10
C H A R I S M A - Character's charm (How well they can charm others/ affability): 7/10
I N T E L L I G E N C E - Character's intellect (educationally and socially): 9/10
A G I L I T Y - How quick and easily your character is able to move: 8/10
L U C K - Character's luck (Able to get out of tough situations coincidentally, high scores on tests w/o studying, etc…): 5/10
H E A L T H - Character's Physical and Mental health rating: 4/10
M O R A L I T Y - Character's karma in life: 6/10
P R I V I L E D G E - How difficult the character's life has been: 3/10
O B J E C T I V I T Y - Character's impulse/focus: 7/10
S A N I T Y - Character's mental health 5/10
S O C I A L - How well your character interacts with other people: 8/10
Character Voice:
Ace would have a general Western tone to his voice with a hint of a Latin accent being Hispanic and with Spanish being his first language that can be heard when he speaks and his tone. His voice would be a little deep but can be high when he sings holding a baritone vocal range
The closest range of Ace's singing voice:
Ace usually carries a bat on him for protective reasons, Rarely uses it. Usually has a hat with him and different instruments with him in his swim duffle bag. He also carries a chancla on him to throw at people who annoy him
Ace usually wears what is comfortable for him. As he doesn't care much about what others think, he usually sports casual clothing T-shirts and jeans, hoodies, or displays a punk rock type of style. Ace also has no issues when it comes to wearing feminine clothing as he views clothing as a universal thing and not coordinating with gender.
Music: Ace likes to sing and play instruments. Currently knows how to play the piano, guitar, violin, and flute.
Sports: Ace enjoys swimming and being a part of the swim team.
Cooking: Ace enjoys cooking dishes from his home country and learning new recipes that he learns in school
Gaming: Ace loves video games and bought himself a gaming computer to play videogames
Books: Ace is a big book nerd and enjoys reading when he's alone
Serious Problems/Flaws/Addictions/Disorders/Disabilities:
Ace's flaws consist of his emotions getting the best of him. A habit since childhood, his emotions tend to get the best of his judgment, causing him to react now, and think later. In ordeals to getting into arguments or fights, Ace reacts before thinking of his situation which can lead him into danger or trouble. Ace also has a stubborn personality, either when things not going his way or situations not playing out, he often can become stubborn.
Arachnophobia: Fear of Spiders
Coulrophobia: Fear of clowns
Trypopobia: Fear of small holes
Claustrophobia: Fear of small spaces
Ace's current addiction is cigarettes which he needs to use at least 3 or 4 times a day. Ace did have a drinking problem at one point but has vowed to himself to limit himself to only drinking every once in a while.
Depression/ Anxiety: Ace has dealt with depression throughout the majority of his life, starting with his birth father not being in his life because he did not have his papers to come to America, leaving his family behind, and having Ace grow up without a father figure. His depression only got worse throughout his childhood
PTSD: Ace began to endure PTSD during his childhood traumas in America before moving to Karakura. For a while, it was not as severe until he watch one of his first friends in Karakura jump off a building. Since then he had witnessed countless deaths and dealt with gang situations which have made his PTSD worsen.
Schizoaffective Disorder: During this year 2023, Ace began to order with having hallucinations episodes and seeing and hearing things that were not there when he began to become over-emotional. His publications and comorbid dealt with Bipolar disorder and depression had him diagnosed with Schizoaffective disorder
Bipolar disorder: Ace was diagnosed with Bipolar disorder when he was a young child when he moved to Seattle Washington. His birth mother took him in when his teachers notice his erratic behavior with weeks to months of severe depression to weeks of and months of Manic behavior.
Ace loves music and sings. He knows how to play a variety of instruments such as the piano, guitar, violin, and flute. Ace is able to help others in need and has the skill of leadership and empathy when needing to help others with their issues. He is also creative and works well in problem-solving, management, and writing.
Before Karakura:
Alejandro Winters: Birth Father
Kamilla Winters: Birth Mother
Aj Alejandro Winters: Older brother
Julio Winters: Younger brother
Luna Winters: Younger Sister
Klaus Winters: Younger brother
Bellatrix Winters: Younger Sister
Lucinda Moreau - (DEAD) - cousin
Karakura: (Adoptive)
Celeste O'Sullivan: Mother
Henry Hamilton: Uncle
Calico O'Sullivan Omori: Older sister
Emer O'Sullivan: Younger Sister
Mitsu O'Sullivan: Grandmother
Victoria O'Sullivan: Grandmother
Blake O'Sullivan: Younger Brother
Yuieri O'Sullivan: Sister
Ivo O'Sullivan: Brother
Micah O'Sullivan: Brother
Ashai O'Sullivan: Brother
Silas O'Sullivan: Sister
Emiyo O'Sullivan: Niece
Jae O'Sullivan: Nephew
Lily O'Sullivan: Sister
Dionne O'Sullivan: Sister
Sid Omori: Cousin
Laurel Hamilton: Cousin
Rosabella Yoshi: Sister
Sakuya Vasquez: Childhood adoptive Sister/ Friend
Yuhn Hamilton: Cousin
Yamaro Hamilton: Cousin
Haru: Ex (unknown status)
Haruki: (Ex) (Dead)
Klaw: (Ex) (Alive):
Oliver: (Ex) (Dead)
Sid Omori: (Ex) (Alive)
Xander Yuto (Ex)(Possibly dead)
Ace “Acie” Dominik Lucario O’Sullivan (Winters) was born in Havana, Cuba, on October 30, 2000, to Alejandro and Kamilla Winters. He is the 2nd oldest out of 3 brothers and two sisters, Aj (Alejandro Jr) (27), Julio (16), Luna (16), Klaus (13), and Bellatrix (9). When Ace was 6, his family had to leave Cuba and leave for America because of uncivilized and corrupted issues going on in Cuba. However, his father was unable to gain citizenship in America and had to stay behind until recently, in 2005/lan. he lived between Santa Clara and Sacramento for a year. His family finally settled in Seattle. Washington. Because their Mother was the only provider, Andrew had to fluctuate between work and school, eventually dropping out his senior year to focus on work to help provide for their family. Once Ace began high school, money became very tight, and Ace was worried about his brother and Mother not being able to support them financially. However, one day, once beginning ninth grade, he was approached by a gang of individuals outside his school, offering him an income of money to help assist with providing drugs to the town. Ace contemplated but took the offer in hopes this secret quest would help provide for his family and they would be suspicious, lying to his family that he was working at a store in town and studying at school as Ace was a straight-A student. O V E R A L L: 80/130
S T R E N G T H – How strong the character is physical: 5/10
P E R C E P T I O N – How well they can see/sense/imagine things: 5/10 (prosthetic eye)
E N D U R A N C E- How long they can go on for physically – such as running or being hit: 8/10
C H A R I S M A - Character's charm (How well they can charm others/ affability): 7/10
I N T E L L I G E N C E - Character's intellect (educationally and socially): 9/10
A G I L I T Y - How quick and easily your character is able to move: 8/10
L U C K - Character's luck (Able to get out of tough situations coincidentally, high scores on tests w/o studying, etc…): 5/10
H E A L T H - Character's Physical and Mental health rating: 4/10
M O R A L I T Y - Character's karma in life: 6/10
P R I V I L E D G E - How difficult the character's life has been: 3/10
O B J E C T I V I T Y - Character's impulse/focus: 7/10
S A N I T Y - Character's mental health 5/10
S O C I A L - How well your character interacts with other people: 8/10
Character Voice:
Ace would have a general Western tone to his voice with a hint of a Latin accent being Hispanic and with Spanish being his first language that can be heard when he speaks and his tone. His voice would be a little deep but can be high when he sings holding a baritone vocal range
The closest range of Ace's singing voice:
Ace usually carries a bat on him for protective reasons, Rarely uses it. Usually has a hat with him and different instruments with him in his swim duffle bag. He also carries a chancla on him to throw at people who annoy him
Ace usually wears what is comfortable for him. As he doesn't care much about what others think, he usually sports casual clothing T-shirts and jeans, hoodies, or displays a punk rock type of style. Ace also has no issues when it comes to wearing feminine clothing as he views clothing as a universal thing and not coordinating with gender.
Music: Ace likes to sing and play instruments. Currently knows how to play the piano, guitar, violin, and flute.
Sports: Ace enjoys swimming and being a part of the swim team.
Cooking: Ace enjoys cooking dishes from his home country and learning new recipes that he learns in school
Gaming: Ace loves video games and bought himself a gaming computer to play videogames
Books: Ace is a big book nerd and enjoys reading when he's alone
Serious Problems/Flaws/Addictions/Disorders/Disabilities:
Ace's flaws consist of his emotions getting the best of him. A habit since childhood, his emotions tend to get the best of his judgment, causing him to react now, and think later. In ordeals to getting into arguments or fights, Ace reacts before thinking of his situation which can lead him into danger or trouble. Ace also has a stubborn personality, either when things not going his way or situations not playing out, he often can become stubborn.
Arachnophobia: Fear of Spiders
Coulrophobia: Fear of clowns
Trypopobia: Fear of small holes
Claustrophobia: Fear of small spaces
Ace's current addiction is cigarettes which he needs to use at least 3 or 4 times a day. Ace did have a drinking problem at one point but has vowed to himself to limit himself to only drinking every once in a while.
Depression/ Anxiety: Ace has dealt with depression throughout the majority of his life, starting with his birth father not being in his life because he did not have his papers to come to America, leaving his family behind, and having Ace grow up without a father figure. His depression only got worse throughout his childhood
PTSD: Ace began to endure PTSD during his childhood traumas in America before moving to Karakura. For a while, it was not as severe until he watch one of his first friends in Karakura jump off a building. Since then he had witnessed countless deaths and dealt with gang situations which have made his PTSD worsen.
Schizoaffective Disorder: During this year 2023, Ace began to order with having hallucinations episodes and seeing and hearing things that were not there when he began to become over-emotional. His publications and comorbid dealt with Bipolar disorder and depression had him diagnosed with Schizoaffective disorder
Bipolar disorder: Ace was diagnosed with Bipolar disorder when he was a young child when he moved to Seattle Washington. His birth mother took him in when his teachers notice his erratic behavior with weeks to months of severe depression to weeks of and months of Manic behavior.
Ace loves music and sings. He knows how to play a variety of instruments such as the piano, guitar, violin, and flute. Ace is able to help others in need and has the skill of leadership and empathy when needing to help others with their issues. He is also creative and works well in problem-solving, management, and writing.
Before Karakura:
Alejandro Winters: Birth Father
Kamilla Winters: Birth Mother
Aj Alejandro Winters: Older brother
Julio Winters: Younger brother
Luna Winters: Younger Sister
Klaus Winters: Younger brother
Bellatrix Winters: Younger Sister
Lucinda Moreau - (DEAD) - cousin
Karakura: (Adoptive)
Celeste O'Sullivan: Mother
Henry Hamilton: Uncle
Calico O'Sullivan Omori: Older sister
Emer O'Sullivan: Younger Sister
Mitsu O'Sullivan: Grandmother
Victoria O'Sullivan: Grandmother
Blake O'Sullivan: Younger Brother
Yuieri O'Sullivan: Sister
Ivo O'Sullivan: Brother
Micah O'Sullivan: Brother
Ashai O'Sullivan: Brother
Silas O'Sullivan: Sister
Emiyo O'Sullivan: Niece
Jae O'Sullivan: Nephew
Lily O'Sullivan: Sister
Dionne O'Sullivan: Sister
Sid Omori: Cousin
Laurel Hamilton: Cousin
Rosabella Yoshi: Sister
Sakuya Vasquez: Childhood adoptive Sister/ Friend
Yuhn Hamilton: Cousin
Yamaro Hamilton: Cousin
Haru: Ex (unknown status)
Haruki: (Ex) (Dead)
Klaw: (Ex) (Alive):
Oliver: (Ex) (Dead)
Sid Omori: (Ex) (Alive)
Xander Yuto (Ex)(Possibly dead)
However, the truth of the gang was unveiled as it was a ring for trafficking, and they forced Ace to become a part of it, in which customers were able to obtain drugs that they had bought. The threatened family of the gang would kill his family if he did not perform his duties. Because of days where he was forced to stay away from home for a few days, having to lie to his family that he was spending the nights with friends, covering up bruises and marks that he gained from customers beating up on him and gang members beating on him for disobeying and or being jumped by random bullies in school and on the street, Ace would gain a fear of small places and being lock inside rooms from having to spend days of being locked in the bathroom and hotel rooms, while customers would come and go as they please and abuse as other fellow males who were forced as well with others. As a year went by, Ace’s older brother became concerned and noticed Ace’s behavior and actions and eventually found out about Ace’s actions, reported the gang to the police, and had his family relocate to New York City to escape the gang.
Because of this, Ace was sent to Karakura, Japan, to finish his studies and to keep the gang away from him. Once living there, He first met Sakuya Vazquez, being adopted by her family until he left. Sakuya and Ace have remained very close and consider themselves siblings to this day. He then met Calico O’Sullivan and Rosabella Yoshi, who would become his sisters and was adopted into the O'Sullivan and Hamilton family, from Celeste O’Sullivan and Henry Hamilton. Main sister Emer O’Sullivan. Continuing his studies and graduating high school with top marks and continuing education in College obtaining his PhD in clinical and Neurological Psychology, minoring in Biopsychology
Ace recently had to serve a jail sentence from a situation that taken out of proportion with stealing a phone and the person taken the situation out of control with false accusation of physical harm. He served his lesson.
Songs that would describe Ace
Sleeping with Sirens- Grave (Overall would describe his life)
Evanescence - Part of me (describes himself and inner battles)
Willow - Curious/ Furious (he's views of life)
Melanie Martinez - Void (His inner battles)
Evanescence - Lost in Paradise (To his family and friends)
Paramore - You first (Ace's conflict of trying to always be a good person over a bad person)
Evanescence - Part of me (describes himself and inner battles)
Willow - Curious/ Furious (he's views of life)
Melanie Martinez - Void (His inner battles)
Evanescence - Lost in Paradise (To his family and friends)
Paramore - You first (Ace's conflict of trying to always be a good person over a bad person)
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