Level 8
˚ ༘♡ ⋆。˚OOC SECTION˚ ༘♡ ⋆。˚
What is your Minecraft Username?: AAadhira
Past warns/kicks/bans?: ERP (In July) GoreRP (In Oct.)
What is your timezone?: MST (Mountain Standard Time)
Please provide your Discord tag and Identifier (ExampleName#0001): aaadhira
Link(s) to all past and present applications on the server (Approved, Denied & Pending):
Faction Applications!
Describe your activity on the server:
Long ago, I have started this server back in May of 2023. This server introduced me to a bunch of people and organizations that allowed me to gather my thoughts of continuing this journey towards being a known School Roleplay player. Back when I first started out, I started getting into the gang roleplay aspect of things back in August of 2023, bringing me into the main understanding of roleplay when it comes to the server; meeting great people to entice my enthusiasm within the server. From gang to gang, people to people, roleplay after roleplay, I have decided to stop that crime world for a bit to dive into student council back in March of 2024 - (Coincidentally a year after, reapplying once more) I took on both the Highschool roleplay and College roleplay as a student council member to elaborate my thinking and convey my thoughts in meetings, add to the general conversation, and connected with great people. With that being said, I took my time off of Student council 6 months later to enroll into Caretaker with Esrah back in the same year; progressing the idea further in order to grasp a wider aspect. From people, to the community, my name has made a place in this server for the past while I have been here. And I would like to revisit what got me into more roleplay. In conclusion, with work coming up here soon again, and time put aside to play this game, I believe I am extremely active in this server to take a place on the roster.
List your accounts and roles on this server:
[ADULT] Achillies Von Jin-Ryuk
[College][B] Adrian P. Mikhailov - [Applying As]
[Expelled] Adrian V. Otakye
Are you aware that inactivity can result in removal from the council?:
Yes I am very aware that inactivity or anything that does violate the schoolrp rules can result in punishment and further consequences towards my position in the roster.
˚ ༘♡ ⋆。˚TRIVIA QUESTIONS˚ ༘♡ ⋆。˚
What is the student council and what do they do?:
School Student Councils, also known as leaders in the school, connect to the school and students to assist and help out the school with any primary needs such as rules, events and even widespread gatherings. They are a believer in a better school that can console people and to assist them as needed. However, this does NOT mean that they are not to be treated as students as well; they do not have higher or up to the same authority as faculty members do. Student council have the authority to assist faculty with tasks such as applying detentions for the students, giving out warnings or reports to the SLT members, and to make sure that the school is functioning well next to their side.
What motivated you to apply for council? (e.g. Interests, friends, etc.):
As stated before, I used to be in student council in March of 2024, I really did enjoy my time there and really want to relive it once more. I originally left to try out Caretaker for the lore of my character and focused on other aspects to entice my roleplaying experience on the server. Now understanding more about what the student council can do and their primary focus on the server, I am applying once more to rejoin. However I did get friends who are in the council to request me to join their side again as a cast of their own; and I am not complaining about it.
Are you aware that you’ll be having to use your creativity and teamwork ethic within the student council? (e.g. Coming up and helping with events):
After the time being in the council, and assisting people throughout to where they are now - Shout out to you LizzyLittle! - I am aware that my critical thinking for events and ideas to the school is to be expected; working as a team and setting up too in order to elaborate more of my thinking with the group.
Can you list the roles in the council along with other roles that might be important to the council?:
˚ ༘♡ ⋆。˚President˚ ༘♡ ⋆。˚
- Represent the student body of the school
- Responsible for coordinating interviews and give out tasks.
- Supervises the cast and assists those who need help.
˚ ༘♡ ⋆。˚Vice President˚ ༘♡ ⋆。˚
- Represents the student body of the school district
- Coordinates the works of the council.
- Is a co-lead for the student council, steps in if the President is not available.
˚ ༘♡ ⋆。˚Secretary˚ ༘♡ ⋆。˚
- Maintains the student files
- Prepares meeting agendas for the cast
- Take and distribute time for meetings appropriate to the availability
- Signs purchased orders of cosmetics
˚ ༘♡ ⋆。˚Reporter - Media Members˚ ༘♡ ⋆。˚
- Makes posts of student council on public medias
- Organizes publicity of meetings and events for student council.
- Assists the meetings and media aspects of the school.
˚ ༘♡ ⋆。˚IC SECTION - SCENARIOS˚ ༘♡ ⋆。˚
You’re patrolling the school and you walk by two girls verbally harassing each other, but they didn't pay mind to you. What do you think is the correct way to go about this?
Upon patrolling the halls of the school, when I hear the bickering of the two girls. I would approach them to confront the negativity of the two, trying to come down to why they were acting the way that they were. If nothing further is done and they understand their negativity, I would let them go on their way and walk their separate ways. On the other hand, if nothing is to be done upon interacting with them, and higher violence is done to them or myself. I would write them up with a detention slip and be with them until they either finish their task; or stay until 17:45.
A student refuses to take their mask off after you’ve brought up detention and they’ve run away! What do you do?
Approaching the masked individual, I would request for them to take their mask off. Masks are not allowed on school grounds, and to have one covering their face would be disheartening to the school. Upon bringing up detention, if they were to run away, I would radio about the individual and what to look out for with the other council members and let faculty know. CCTV footage could be used as well to track down the individual to better grasp the concept and connections to give the detention slip to its proper owner.
There seems to be a councillor abusing their powers! They’re being exceptionally mean to a student, causing the student to be defensive or scared. How would you step in?
If I were to see another councillor member start to abuse their power, I would confront them about the power that they are using and inform them that is simply not okay to do so. If they failed to realize what was wrong I would clarify what their action was and to talk gently to them about it. If violence strikes or negativity rises, I would then report the student council member to the President/Vice President of the respected occupation and make a note of it for them to look at as well.
You seemed to miss a few pieces of information during a meeting, how would you go about getting that information?
Upon interacting with the meeting, I would keep track of all of the information into a booklet and take the notes as needed. However, people do tend to forget or need clarification about a certain aspect of an idea. I would interact with the other student council members to determine what I may have missed out on and to better my understanding about what we as a council can do for the school and ourselves.
A teacher/receptionist has told you that you are doing something that goes against what you were trained by your higher-ups. How would you react to this?
If I were to not fully grasp the concept, and was told that I was violating a code of the schoolboard. I would take their words into consideration to elaborate my understanding of my position. I am to be a leader and a representative to the schoolboard. To be a figure to those who look up to us. I would take their words into accountability and respect them for informing me about the negative acts I may have done.
Please provide atleast one detailed event that the council can use as a future event to showcase your creativity! (Must be 300 words or more for one event):
˚ ༘♡ ⋆。˚EVENT IDEA: YEN WARS˚ ༘♡ ⋆。˚
The idea for the event is a simple concept that requires the whole school's efforts to make happen. I have seen wider end events take place and I believe that it would be a great concept to the school and the community. The idea is simply labelled 'Yen Wars'. What the idea basically would look like is the whole school is out competing to get the most Yen before a certain time in the day. It can look like a Highschool Vs. College type of game that the school participates in. Where each person can donate money to win a collective reward, where all proceeds go to the EMS officials to support their efforts of saving individual lives. This can also be added into a fair/carnival like setting where the premise requires a purchase to help such as a purchase of freshly baked cookies, brownies, or even simpler school merch. This event could also have EMS officials to start the event idea off, where we can get them to make an intercom announcement or an assembly to gratify the moment of the school. They could assist students win these fair like games to gradually donate to the good cause for the EMS members. I have seen events involving outside factions before, so I believe that they could be all on board over this idea as well if executed properly. We could have this closer in the summer to entice the moment with lemonade and cold beverages in order to continue this main idea for them. Even then, we do not need to have it a primary focus for EMS, we could have these donations also go to KPD and school faculty to assist the education, the safety, and the health of the community of Karakura. I do hope this idea could be done and be properly benefitted from.
˚ ༘♡ ⋆。˚Personal Information˚ ༘♡ ⋆。˚
(in character)
Name: Adrian P. Mikhailov
Gender: Male
Age: 20
Phone number: 030-853-8381
How would you describe your personality?:
I would describe my personality as a passive male who is willing to try new ideas and concepts out. I believe that positions should be ****yzed before jumping into conclusions and to present a fair environment around me. Alongside that, my personality takes a critical approach when it comes to meetings and direct conflictions that can benefit council as a whole.
Appearance/attire (Please provide a picture):

What separates you from other applicants seeking your position?:
I believe my direct problem solving and team work capabilities allow me to connect to those in a realistic manner and not one petty one. I approach situations fairly and allow myself to connect to the people before listening to someones propaganda about a person. I am a strong believer of looking at CCTV cameras before making a full on decision about an individual. I am really easy to work with, allowing conversations about widespread of ideas for events and entertainment for the school to be made to rationalize over all of our understandings.
Why do you want this position?:
My want for my position as a student council member is to take part in helping with the movement of the school and to allow production to be made as much as possible. I want to be there if anyone wanted to have a talk about a situation that has bothered them for quite some time and to conversate over all of the wonders while maintaining a socially acceptable environment. I want to be a figure in the school, to make the location a great place for new and older people who have been here since the schools opening. I want to make a change, and work as a team to get it done.
What interests you the most about student council?:
The concept of being a figure in the student council to assist new and older students of the school fascinated me. I enticed the idea of figuring out what to do with the facility and to elaborate our constructive thinking to better manage the school we learn in. I enjoy speaking to people about what they believe can help out the school as well, and I am glad to try and be apart of the community that made this place a good place for myself.
What could you contribute to make the school a safe and fun environment?:
I could bring my availability to the table to help the students understand that I am to be a trusted individual to assist their problems vocally. I would allow them to inform me about an issue without having to worry about further negativity to happen to them. I want to help other members to contribute in making big events with the school, to firmly grip the ideas of ours and construct a proper school foundation upon our ideas.
ps. I love you all Student Council, I hope you take this application well! - Love AAadhira! <3
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