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Adult suggestion


Level 87
+1. Going to go against the the majority vote here, but just here me out.

I think players deserve more freedom to choose how they want to roleplay on the server, either that be a pet dog, some crazy ninja assassin with a kill count in the 100s or something else, none of which fit into the SchoolRP theme practically but are still very relevant ideas prevalent on this server. It's time SRP embraces it hasn't been much of a SchoolRP in quite a long time now.

I think the idea of a application process is amazing especially given the extensive, unrewarding and bureaucratic college system in order to get the rank, or simply doing the bare minimum in a faction for a few months (something that needs to be discouraged in general. This would be the way to do discourage it effectively..) is too much just to be given a role that says you can be an Adult. You shouldn't need to work so hard to have a bit more freedom on this server. As for possible biases you think I may have, I want to just state it that I have two active adult accounts, a college and a Grade-12, there isn't a bias to be found, I just think players deserve more choice & freedom. It REALLY shouldn't take at bare minimum 3 months (if your taking the join-and-leave-a-faction route), or at bare minimum 6 months (if your taking the college exams route.)

Going to receive backlash with this one, but I stand firm by it, it isn't exactly an out of the box concept that fun should be made to be had.
Nono you’re right about this though knowing how this kind of suggestion was denied it’s like- will they even reconsider the fact people want freedom?


Level 22
-1 the way it is right now working for the role is better than writing a app and praying for it not really much effort in the process plus if you want to apply for adult just think of it as you applying for a job whether teacher ems or kpd once you get accepted you are a adult same thing really just that you have to stay for 3 ooc months before leaving and you get it forever. Think about it like this you said you want a 500 word mini word backstory in order to have a high chance of getting accepted backstory's are not hard at all least to say 500 word is like what 2-3 paragraphs but the point is if it was that easy to get adult role in srp A LOT of people will go from students to adult in like 1-2 months and to be honest the school side of the faction will probably slowly get lower and lower. I rather it keep it somewhat hard to get adult rank like apply for work or something so i get a sense of accomplishment but thats just me LOL.
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Level 20
Another point to this suggestion. This server is SCHOOL roleplay. Not city roleplay. Yes you can become an adult but that isn't what the servers main focus is. I also see some reasons why you would want to be an adult on the server without a job, but at that point why not go to a server where being an adult is the focus?


Level 53

This takes away the fun of applying for a job and actually earning the rank yourself plus like others said in this the staff and the owners wish to maintain the image of School not city this would take away the School aspect by a lot and would just make it city and if the server it self is called SchoolRP what is the purpose of that name if there's not much happening in the school? Wouldn't be right either for the people who earned the role themselves, this is my take on this.


Level 353
HS Sports Lead
We focus on School being the main aspect of the server, not the City; meaning that we won't allow excess amounts of Adults. Obtaining Adult will always require at least 2-3 active months within a faction, however the choice to give this role is left with the faction lead. As for College, we've made it slightly more realistic & difficult, meaning you must take the Masters -> PHD exam, then choose between staying in College or graduating completely.


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