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Allen Black (Mr. B) | Biography [COMPLETED CHARACTER]


Level 88
Thread starter
LAST UPDATED: 11/08/22 -04:30 PM ,

Updated RP Family section
Updated RP Lover section
Updated RP Friends section
Updated Notable student section

-Will soon be adding a place w/ screenshots of his skin
-Will soon be adding a 'Dislike' section for the character relations section
Gonna be doing a big update soon. This one was just me adding a few things here and there. Next one I'll be doing a whole lot more


Level 88
Thread starter
Updated RP Lover section
Updated LORE Friends section
Updated Notable student section
Mainly spelling corrections, like spelling Keikis last name right, fixing some students names, etc. + some added stuff to the lore friends section

Mark 9:42

Level 19
He'll never admit it to her, but he understands Dylans POV and why he must've been so desperate to keep her around.

Hopefully, I'll see you around IC'ly sometime soon. It would be interesting to have the two talk about this.


Level 88
Thread starter
LAST UPDATED: 12/25/22 -2:06 PM ,

-updated character relationships
(Mr. Black officially adopted the twins!!)
-Will soon be adding a place w/ screenshots of his skin
-Will soon be adding a 'Dislike' section for the character relations section
He got kids now guys, official kids crayzee

The English teacher with a law degree... Allen Black!

BTW discord is Mayios#3276 !!! Feel free to msg me there !!! Also feel free to use
IGN: AllenBUwU

LAST UPDATED: 12/25/22 -2:06 PM ,


-updated character relationships
(Mr. Black officially adopted the twins!!)
-Will soon be adding a place w/ screenshots of his skin
-Will soon be adding a 'Dislike' section for the character relations section

Basic Information

First Name: Allen
Surname: Vinogradov-Black
・┇Preferred Name: N/a
・┇Aliases: Mr. B
・┇Gender: Male

・┇Age: 36
・┇Height: 5'4"
・┇Weight: 143 lbs
・┇Build: upside-down triangle

・┇Skin Color: Caucasian w/ sun tan
・┇Eye Color: green
・┇Hair Style: shoulder length hair eith a side part that's wavy. idk if i should add this here but, he also got some chest hair.. n some arm, a lil on hands as well. idk. cant add it all to his mc skin LMAo i think down at the bottom i got some art. I forget to draw all his hair at times tho LMAO look for the one of him in a beach outfit with like his leg up lookin grumpy
・┇Hair Color: Brown (apparently also gingery from what other said??)
・┇Abnormalities: gun wound scar in left shoulder. old minor scaring on knuckles.

・┇Date of Birth: April 15th, 1986
・┇Place of Birth: New York, USA
・┇Nationality: American & Japanese
・┇Ethnicity: Italian-Puetro rican

・┇Sexual Orientation: bisexual w/ male lean
・┇Religious Beliefs: atheist
・┇Political Beliefs: in America, democratic. In Japan, he never really paid attention to politics much as he was in school and working majority of the time when living there.

General Appearance


・┇Allen is a shorter male ranking in at about 5'4", certainly shorter then most.. it seemed in the area. He has wavy brown hair that in the back reaches to right above his shoulders while is shorter in the front... not exactly a mullet but if he grows it out more and straightens, it very well can become one. For facial hair the best way I can describe it is perhaps someone like Johnny Depp's current facial hair.
・┇He has semi-sun tanned skin and green eyes, a few old scares on his hands specifically.


・┇Clothes wise he may not dress the most professionally, mainly as he feels he shouldn't have to impress people via looks but by his personality and words. Therefore, you'll only see him truly dressed up on special ooccasions.

Remember his brown suit he wore when i first joined the server and draw him in? Well its back! A brown suit with a white undershirt and yellow tie is his signature outfit!
- Notable ones is his white shirt with rolled up sleeves w/ a suit vest ontop. And perhaps a similar outfit to that but with a yellow undershirt. He likes yellow.

besides that he can be described outfit wise as maybe a divorced dad on vacation. By that I mean he has quite the thing for Hawaiian shirts and shorts, especially to wear during the spring or fall. He may often be seen wearing a hat with the school's mascot or sunglasses on.

In these seasons, Allen wears the classic red flannel and jacket layering with jeans and those classic American tan Timberlands work boots .. for school, his white button is replaced by a black and orange striped shirt

in winter, what he wears outside of school hasn't been shown yet, but for work his white button up is replaced by a white, green and red striped shirt.

in spring he cant exactly being out the hawaiian shirt outfits yet.. so he wears dress pants with slightly unbotted dress shirts. He oftens refers to it as his Professional season


・┇His personality is very laid back or chill, however he is not afraid to put his foot down or dish back the same behavior that's dished to him which can be a flaw of his. He can be described as the "try hard" or "tries to act like a teen" again teacher when really, he's kind of just been like that for years. He truly does try to be all adult-like and even is awkward or nervous around other teachers he doesn't speak too as he fears judgement or being seen as weird, this can be blamed on the lack of adult figures in his life growing up but for the most part he can handle it.
・┇Mr. Black truly does care about his students and tends to attempt to befriend the troublemakers or even class clowns as he was in their shoes at some point. He will try to relate and attempt to help them, at times even giving little tips to helpers or counselors to perhaps check in with said students if he feels need be. His doors are always open if someone just wants to talk or need someone to eat lunch with. His only huge tick or irks with students is bullying, as in his early years in elementary and the beginning of middle school he himself was also bullied. Therefore, it can be a very strong topic for him and perhaps the main time you'll ever ser him truly scold or yell at a student(s).

Character Voice:

[ Ok this im not 100% sure on but.. Ill put a few links in order of best to least of what i think suits him. ]
・┇1. Malice Mizer - Ex: Au Revoir
・┇2. Elvis Presley - Ex: Unchained melody
・┇3. Frank Sinatra - Ex: The World We Knew
4. Michael Bublé - Ex: TBA

・┇ill add more later!!


In order from what he knows the best to least
・┇Spanish (App accepted!)
・┇Russian (App accepted!)
・┇Japanese (srp default lingo i think)


・┇of course, sunglasses, he loves his sunglasses. Another he always has is this wooden judge mallet that he really doesnt need to have, however! He used it back when he taught law and he loves to use it now to randomly spook people mid conversation or whenever it becomes too quiet in a room. Yes, even with just friends he carries it around with it. He also of course always carries the basics like his phone, a few snacks, some notebooks, ect.


・┇Allen used to be quite the hockey player back in his day, and still will play if inviting or some buddies want to do it. hes even considering maybe one day making a little hockey club at school, who knows? Same goes for badminton and tennis!
・┇For other hobbies not aren't sports related, Mr. Black loves himself puzzles, board games, ect.
・┇He also has quite the weird thing for collecting yellow items, surfing, sand castle building and Moss terrarium making.


・┇Allen lives in apartment complex F3 Left side of shopping district. He's on floor 1 right beside the elevator in apartment 105!


・┇He nearly was the supervisor for a boxing club . . . Rumour has it he's thinking of starting up a mock trial one soon.


・┇Allen is a recently fully Qualified Teacher at Karakura highschool! He teaches an advanced English Class called Professional Literatures! So far hes used his JD and bachelor's degree to his advantage by teaching law related Literatures during class however recently moved onto a new unit of journalism!.


・┇Allen has various nicknames given to him by his beloved students .. some of the most notable are:
-Pirate guy
-Mr. Block
-Guy who hands out apples / apple guy / apple teacher
-Mr. Blockenson
-Jack black
-Ms. White
-Warden Black

Serious Problems/Flaws/Addictions/Disorders/Disabilities:

[ Before going into this ive done plenty of research of all topics and even suffer myself from some of the topics mentioned below ]

・┇ PTSD:

Allen struggled with PTSD after being shot in the shoulder in his 20s while he was still employed as a Game warden. If you dont know, Game Wardens are officers in American with jurisdiction of the whole state they work in, they help protect wildlife by enforcing hunting, fishing and other laws of sorts however have all the rights of a normal officer meaning they can pull you over on the road like any other cop. Typically their job can be more dangerous then normal cops due to working with people that often had loaded hunting weapons on them. Clearly, Allen knows this first hand after being shot in the shoulder then having to wait there in the middle of no where as he was in the woods trying to apprehend two guys.


No longer dealing with this but connected to what I said above, after having to retire due to the PTSD, up until his late 20s Allen was an alcoholic. For a more in depth explanation check out his backstory


For a long term, Allen has struggled with kinda severe ADHD since a kid and even was bullied a bit for in his early years of school, for a more in depth explanation check out his backstory.

・┇Separation Anxiety/Abandonment issues:

Putting these two together since they work hand to hand a bit in his case. Due to the lack of adults in his life, Allen kinda relied on his friends to keep him around, let em stay the night, hang out with, etc for a lot of his childhood and teen years. This lead him to learn and get the bad habit of quickly feeling close or attached to people quickly, even if they only met recently. Hense why now as an adult, He may warn new friends that he may bother or talk to them often asa bit of a heads up to his clingey-ness. When it comes to people he truly cares for or closer friends, he may get overwhelmed with the idea of loosing them so even at a minor little thing he couldve done to make them upset, he'll shut down mentally. he may laugh it off on the outside but on the inside itll eat at him til' others or himself convinces him its ok.

・┇Rejection Sensitive Dysphoria:

Rejection Sensitive Dysphoria (RSD) is a condition characterized by hypersensitivity and an extreme vulnerability to rejection. Anyone can be affected by this condition but people with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) and autism are more susceptible to it. Hense why, as explained above with the Abandonment issues, he is so terrified of doing something wrong with friends or being over bearing.


Not to be confused with thrombocytopenia, Thrombophilia in most cases is a form of thin blood that usually is a common genetic mutation that can be inherited as well. In Allen's case he has the simple thing blood version that hes had since a kid. Makes sense why he nearly bled to death from a shoulder wound, right?



・┇mentioned and explained better in backstory, What happened to his parents are unknown but for his early years allen was raised by his grandparents. However after they passed away, he really didnt have much. He has aunts and uncles who never really tended to him like family but let him sleep over here and there and for the most part, growing up friends and a few teachers were the ones he considered family.
・┇Now Currently, at the moment he doesn't have any blood family that he contacts or is alive. So he sees his friends as family, wither he'll admit it or not. Most times he may seem like hes joking when he talks about his friends having big families and such, but he does envy it.

ROLEPLAY FAMILY | Met Through Roleplay

・┇[ALIVE] TOMMASO VINOGRADOV | Brother, nonbiological
"But..Our Pinky Promise-?"
Met through work, Allen perhaps cares too much about him and is.. kinda desprate to keep this guy around. Despite the drunken arguments and family drama, Allen isnt afraid to stick around to Tommaso and call him a brother.

ALIVE] "VEN" VINOGRADOV | Brother, nonbiological
"Head of family or not.. youre still my brother.."
His now.. youngest brother. Allen honestly adores Ven and doesn't take or see him as a head of the family.

ALIVE] OLESKIY VINOGRADOV | Brother, nonbiological
"you have green eyes.. just like me!"
Allen Is likely currently the brother closest to him compared to the other two.. hes more welcoming surely. Allen was also drawn to him as compared to the other two brothers, they look most alike!

ALIVE] "MADRE" VINOGRADOV | Mother, nonbiological
"This is real.. youre.. youre my first mother in 36 years!"
He.. doesnt even know this woman's name, but for the fact it's a person who was willing to take him in and be a mother to him, words can't express how grateful he is. He finally gets to call someone Madre..
・┇[ALIVE] KATALYA VINOGRADOV | Niece, nonbiological
"If you need me to dig that kids grave, ill do it for ya'! Im.. joking.. kinda.."
Katalya! His first Niece! Though non biological, Allen cares so much about her despite perhaps not expressing it.
・┇[ALIVE] NATALYA VINOGRADOV | Niece, nonbiological
"....why was i Inivted to Family therapy-"
Th Quite frankly... hes just glad she doesnt want him dead! Kind of honored SHE even said hed their uncle so... guess its a win-??
・┇[ALIVE] NATHAN & NATALIA BLACK TATTACHI | Legally Adopted children

"Their main christmas present was the papers .. as theyre over 18 i didnt need to get in touch with their family .. simply needed the signature. I am truly blessed to have these two dorks, im even more blessed for my first christmas with a family, is with them"
Needless to say, if anything happened to these two thats serious enough, hed be devastated. He officially adopted them on Christmas day after about a year IC build up. He watched them for from his students to how grown adults in college!

・┇[ALIVE] MOKOTO SHIMADA | 12 Grader - his.. son?
". . ."
The son of Makoto, his former lover. Allen didn't see him perhaps as a 'son' at first, still doesnt in a way .. perhaps it's guilt that keeps Allen thinking of Mokoto


LORE FAMILY | Backstory and souly Allen's Past oriented

・┇[???] "MR, MEYER" | Former Teacher, Father figure
"oh.. Meyer. I wish you could see me now! aha.. Is it weird to miss you so much?"
Mr. meyer! Allens history teacher his freshman year and Law teacher his sophomore. He meant so much to Allen and to this day, he takes inspiration from his classes and credits him for being the reason Allen decided to teach.

・┇[DEAD] MARGARET BLACK | Grandmother, nonbioligal.
[No comment]

One of the two people that raised Allen before their passing, It seems he doesnt talk of her much or have many photos of her.. apparently she was the second woman his grandpa married and not the woman that gave birth to his mother.

・┇[DEAD] RAYMOND BLACK | Grandfather
"Pop-pop! I miss you.. you left me alone too soon"
One of the two people that raised Allen before their passing, Allen has a few photos of him and often talks highly of him!

・┇[???] JENNIFER BLACK | Mother
[No comment]

A woman who never married. Allen only has one photo of her nor ever met her.

・┇[???] MICHAEL DI PIERRO | Father
[No comment]

He never married. Allen has no photos nor ever met him.



・┇Allen of course cares about his friends, maybe a little too much. He'll stick around even if theyre a fake friend in fear of abandonment and drama, hence why he claims hes neutral on most drama...
・┇His friends mean the world to him, just below family as well, for awhile his friends were family!


ROLEPLAY FRIENDS| Met Through Roleplay

I probably will only add those i talk to regularly BUT IF I FORGOT U OR U WANNA BE ADDED TELL ME'


"Hi Hye!!"
Theyre for def one of his BFFs, they are polar opposites yet relate to eachother sm and just overall have fun and teach eachother so much stuff...... I envy their quick friendship LMAO. But anyway, Allen does care deeply for Okana as if shes a sister. He tries to look out for her and speak to her when he can.
・┇[ALIVE] TORU YU | Close Friend

"How do you know my address- w,where did you get that photo?? STOP TEXTING ME"
mainly became friends over the fact they both were new to working at the highschool. Allen still doesnt know how Toru got his address but nonetheless, Allens always down to help Toru out and get obliterated in Volley ball..
・┇[ALIVE] KEVIN ROSALEZ | "Close Friend"

"I cant help but feel like youre a bad influence on me haha.."
They really started talking one day after school and kinda been buddy ever since. Usually they speak through text but often meet up to hang out or to chill. As of right now, Allen has no idea Kevin highly Dislikes him.
・┇[ALIVE] ASA KAI | Former Friend

"I..kind of feel guilty haha,,"
Allen does really try to look out and be friendly with him! He does feel guilty about their "little" kiss as he didnt really see it as romantic.. He still has some- bad habits or feelings from his young Player years LMAO

・┇[ALIVE] SUR KATO | Friend

"Loyal friend? haha, youre going to boost my ego!"
They met recently at work and honestly Allen doesnt see why hes so special! hes kinda just.. being himself around her and in return they have a good friendship!
・┇[ALIVE] IRIS CORTEZ | Close Friend

"Yes you do have a sick ride"
They have, an interesting friendship. they met through her trying to set him up with her 'brother' and now kinda been friends ever since.

"When are we planning Saint's wedding again??"
Allen had spoken to her more outside of school and has been sticking around her at school. hes been trying to look out for her, as she has been sick often at work due to the pregnancy.. but alas! hes there to hold back her hair and give her water. As ibuki's admin said, theyre a golden retriever and bimbo duo and i live for it. But .. all things come to end end.. as he thinks ibuki is still- dead.. unaware she's alright now..

・┇[ALIVE] EDITH MISONO | work Friend

He has... a bad habit of following her around and scaring the shit out of her.
・┇[ALIVE] R. HALLWARD | work Friend

"Yes! You Understand!! Finally someone who gets it!!"
Despite not knowing him for long, Allen cant help but get a little giddy around him. He has quite the hyperfixation of Law and all that kinda stuff so for the fact hallward understand and can keep a debate or conversation going with him, it means a lot!! Not to mention they share similar interests and view points on the students. Allens surely going to be attending his class more often.
・┇[ALIVE] ANNIE COHAN | work Friend

He prays they have a uh... Companionship- of sorts- so he doesnt fall victim to her... Books.....

・┇[ALIVE] WONG LEE | work Friend

"I dont know.. nail language??"
Certainly a more recent friend! They arent the closest yet but Allen still enjoys his personality!!
・┇[ALIVE] WASHU DRAKOS | close Friend

"How did Block become my nickname again?"
One of Allen's first students .. and one of his newest coworkers! Hes known Washu since he began teaching in karakura.

"You .. remind me of two very important people i once knew"
Blind And .. burned? Allen knows people like that far too well .. in a way he found Julein as approachable as Julein found Allen. At least for Allen's end, it was due to some slight familiarizism
・┇[ALIVE] MILO DUTCH | Work Friend

"Dont tell me its the govenor im thinking of.."
One of a few of his beloved bearded Co workers! Not much is to be said currently friendship wise.

"Cmon! Tell them how much you love raccoons!"
A person Allen truly adores in a sense. Starting off as a work friend, Allens grown to enjoy seeing him outside of work but especially getting excited seeing he is at work too! He is one of his few beloved beared coworkers as well.
・┇[ALIVE] AVERY BLOOM | Work Friend

"Watch out Bloom, he has cooties"
He genuinely.. knows very little about her, but considers her a friend nonetheless.
・┇[ALIVE] ODETTE | Work Friend

". . . Why do you keep thinking im gay or married??"
He Thinks she's interesting to talk too or fun to be around to pass time. he actually has no idea of what their last name is.


LORE FRIENDS | Backstory and souly Allen's Past oriented


"IVAN!!! My MAN! I wouldve probably had a crush on you if it wasnt for your cousin haha"
The cousin of his high school sweetheart and still one of his closest friends to date! He and Allen were in the group that was called the three musketeers.. why? well, in russia, Ivan is pronounced many ways.. and in their friend group there was three ivans! He also may or may not have connections to the Russian Mafia but its ok Allen doesnt mind. This one was pronounced (I-van).

"AYYE my man! Where the hell have you been?"
The oldest out of Allen's little friend group in high school..He and Allen were in the group that was called the three musketeers.. This one was pronounced (EE-van)

"...why. you KNEW that was a stupid idea.. didnt you learn your lesson the first time?"
The youngest out of the three Ivans! He and Allen were close due to being pretty young compared to others. He passed away the last of Allen teaching law at the previous school he was at. This one was pronounced (evan)
"My Chief Yasushi! I worked with him, he was in my police department.. i hope he gets out of that marriage"
The chief at Allen's old department during his cop years. Jim and Allen were never close til recent years when apparently Jim began the divorce process of his wife. Their daughter is currently staying with Allen while the process is.. getting settled

・┇[ALIVE] K. H. SADA! | Friend
"You were a pleasure to work with tough guy"

Student relationships:

・┇Mr. Black truly does care about his students and tends to attempt to befriend the troublemakers or even class clowns as he was in their shoes at some point. He will try to relate and attempt to help them, at times even giving little tips to helpers or counselors to perhaps check in with said students if he feels need be. His doors are always open if someone just wants to talk or need someone to eat lunch with. His only huge tick or irks with students is bullying, as in his early years in elementary and the beginning of middle school he himself was also bullied. Therefore, it can be a very strong topic for him and perhaps the main time you'll ever ser him truly scold or yell at a student(s).
・┇He may accidentally overstep at at times to help his students due to him being a former cop. If he hears something about family that he doesn't like, it wouldn't be ooc for him to research, get a statement from the student, report it, tell a school counselor, maybe even asking to do a parent-teacher conference to confront said parent as well. Hense why he didn't do lawyer work, he's too passionate and gets to fixated one detail. He cares so much and isn't afraid to show it, even if he can get in trouble by helping the student.


RP STUDENTS | Those Allen is MOST Familiar or Close With!

"I may not have any official kids, but i DO have a..."

┇[ALIVE] Lola "Caitlyn" Allen-Hozumi | 12 Grader

・┇[ALIVE] Kaori-Yi Kitagawa | 12 Grader
・┇[ALIVE] EDEN. | 12 Grader / suspended ..
・┇[ALIVE] TOBIAS GREEN | 12 Grader

・┇[ALIVE] MINTO T. HASUKE | 12 Grader
・┇[ALIVE] LUNAR V. | suspended ..

┇[ALIVE] NEO | College student
・┇[ALIVE] LILY ROSET | College student
・┇[ALIVE] 'BEL' | College student

・┇[ALIVE] ALBERT SOLAS| College student
ALIVE] KILAORA MJ. YUE | 12th Grader
・┇[ALIVE] MICHAEL SADA | 11th Grader
ALIVE] AETHER B. | 12th Grader

Romantic Information:

・┇Allen hasn't exactly.. dated anyone since his mid 20s and earlier. The main relationship from his younger years he'll mention is named Fiona Braginsky who was a Russian female he met in highschool through his buddies. Due to her and his friends, he knows kinda.. some love language words in Russian and some songs, but thats the most.
・┇Currently, He is single. He has.. low standards.
・┇He doesn't really care about height or what they look like honestly, as long as they aren't like.. below 29 years old, hes good.

・┇ His type is kinda, all over the place tbh. I'll explain that later and give a quick description for both sides n stuff here.
Men. So, allen is bi w/ male lean so easier to romance him. For guys he seems to go for hard to get types or those he can playfully go back n fourth with for sure.
and for girls? Strong. Women. Height dont matter. Just strong independent lady that can like, probably beat his ass but also snuggle? SHIT...*fuck boy face*

Genuinely, if you treat him right, understand him, understand he has ADHD n other stuff so he may fidget or do silly things with you or are willing to listen to his rambles or random tangents, you're all good.
・┇ Did I mention that theres no way in hell Allen can be the "dominant" one in a relationship? Yeah. No. He can't get the balls to ask anyone out unless he knows for SURE they don't like him back, plus, the way he dresses? Ppl, cmon, we been knew.
・┇For Allen to consider it romantic, it has to go beyond a simple makeout session or sleepover. Allen used... to be QUITE the player in his late teens and early 20s, so.. a quick thing one night or anything thats just kissy or huggy, wont make him actually love you. BUT if you stick around and keep coming back and make the first moves? Then perhaps we can work with somethin there.
・┇His love language is definitely gifting and just hanging around, following those he loves or cares for including friends like a lost puppy. Hense why he always gives out snacks and such!!

・┇Allen doesnt really understand it yet but, he is open to a poly relationship!! Ofc if he does get with someone he really likes and they aren't interested in smth like that, he won't mind and respect it.
・┇due to his "player" days, he's used to keeping his options open and flirting with others.. if you like em, you gotta go for him!! Kinda first come first serve with this guy.
・┇He won't consider someone his lover just cause they kiss. So heads up!! Sorry, he's just like that. Kissing doesn't seem like a big thing for him so.. good luck? I think I said this already but. REALLY making sure this is known

ROLEPLAY LOVERS| Met Through Roleplay

・┇[ALIVE] KEIKI E. ZALAATE | Girlfriend
". . . Aha.. This seems truly unreal! Youre ,, mine! Like .. ACTUALLY mine! but .."

He's in a little trio with her n Faust. Currently, he's head over heals for her and shows it often. He takes any chance he gets to rub it in someone's face that he's practically wrapped around her finger .. he especially been making a lot of jokes about it too. He absolutely, adores her. And so far, sees a pretty bright and decent future for them.. but does feel bad for her 'kids'. He'll never admit it to her, but he understands Dylans POV and why he must've been so desperate to keep her around.

MAKOTO SHIMADA | Ex - boyfriend
"I.. gosh everything happened so fast! I, i dont know what you see in me. Hell i was only commissioner for a week back in the day due to my accident.. but you dont care. You say you love me regaurdless if i was one or not! I.. I dont know if thats true yet but, I will not complain. Im lucky to have you even though the way we met makes me feel almost sick thinking about.. nonetheless. I love you dearly. And.. its.. nice to know someone cares for me so much. This'll take a lot to get used too."
former doctor Makoto Shimada.. Allen met him in the middle of Keiki, Faust and his own little.. break down? ending of ties? Keiki planted Allen with Makoto to distract him for a bit and well.. it worked a little too well. neither parties seem to complain too much.
Their relationship status was uncertain at the end as the vinogradov family disapproved of their relationship.. seems it doesn't matter anymore though, as Makoto took his own life.. last text message Allen sent to him was "I love you".
・┇[ALIVE] "FAUST" | BEST friend / ???

"...Why arent you around anymore? We talked daily.. I slept at your house nightly.. i,, why?"
Allen and Faust have recently been hanging out and getting quite close as time goes on! By now Allen is comfortable calling Faust one of his best friends' and truly does enjoy hanging out and being around him. matter of fact, Allen feels faust is one of his closest friends, he admires this guy and appriecates Faust keeping Allen around and dealing with his antics. though, this does lead Allen to overthink and worry he'll do something wrong, Hense why he gave faust a 12 page apology note after an little accident.. guess thats what you get for being friends with an English teacher?
He's ws in a little trio with him n keiki.
However recently..
For a short time now, Faust was or.. is back?! Hes truly overjoyed but due too certain circumstances.. he fears loosing him again. Especially since the other member of the trio may be gone as well


LORE LOVERS | Backstory and souly Allen's Past oriented

・┇[ALIVE] FIONA BRAGINSKI | Highschool sweetheart
"Oh Fiona.. what a woman!"
Fiona Braginski.. She arrived in America with her family from Russia right after the cold war. her cousin, Ivan Braginsky was one of Allen's best friends, hense he met her through him! Allen may not know much but,, the little russian he does know is from her and buddys. Mainly... lovely dovey stuff. She and her cousin may also or may not also have connections to the russian mafia buts thats ok. He speaks nothing but highly of her! Funny how his first relationship was this a russian, and now his currently relationship is with someone who also speaks it.. ohh how everything comes full circle
・┇[???] RANDAL JONES | Ex-boyfriend

"Randal! I.. I miss the way you.. I dont know.."
Randal was a blind man who Allen fell in love with when he just joined the police force. He felt so comfortable around him as well, He knew Randal truly loved him for his personality rather then looks haha.. Sometimes Allen wonders what went wrong between them.. or went wrong with Randal at least. Its also been revealed that supposedly.. Randal may or may not have killed one or two people? Allen wont go into details besides, the deaths werent the reason they broke up. Surely does make you question a former officers morals, right? Allen's also recently revealed that they broke up for a few reasons, most notably revealed when drunk, he stated "He got mean towards the end of the relationship"


[This all only applies to adults ofc.]

┇so, one way is as simple as seeming interested or asking him about stuff hes passionate about, so law, debate, his old career, etc, he'll happily ramble about it if you make sure to seem engaged!! If you kinda just sit there, he'll do a 180 from being flustered to think hes being annoyed LMAO
・┇Normal flirting as well is a good way too, Allen kinda laughs to cope or react when he doesnt know how too, so If he gets all giggly and laughy its usually a good sign!! hes bad at expressing emotions oddly enough, so him laughing may be trying to.. Hide hes flustered? or he just is projecting the flusteredness as laughter

・┇Inviting him to hang out!! again, simple and bare minimum stuff but, stuff like this reminds him or tells him youve been thinking of him! and he HIGHLY appreciates it! even if hes busy, he still enjoys it. THIS ALSO APPLIES to just texting him randomly or talking him!! the fact hes not the one engaging shows you care!
・┇Being playful! Allen never really.. got the oerfect childhood? He often had to make big choices and blah blah on his own so as an adult, hes a bit silly n goofy. So playful stufff like fake bickering, or even playful little.. tackles and games, he very much enjoys! Allens also pretty handsy so, if you notice hes willignly to randomly hug, hold hands, poke you, etc, return the favor!
・┇ playing with his hair or scratching his head.. OHH MY GOSH

・┇ ..praise? Praise. Maybe it was the lack of parents but, oh boy. The only thing Allen will EVER get embarrassed about is that surely. Red faced n all..
・┇If hes debating or playfully bickering, thats his form of flirting 75% of the time
・┇Remember little things about him also makes him happy! or if a conversation was cut off, continue it another time! again, makes him know what hes said or does doesnt get forgotten or that you cared!
・┇ He. idk why he just like the 'hard to get' ones LMAOOO like he knows how to take a hint to stop but, if there is not hint?? he gonna be the blush face emoji


This section was requested n' I thought id add it! ALL OF THIS was stuff revealed IC or Idm people knowing ooc. Ill update it as stuff is shown in rp!! This will talk about Allens time as a Game Warden (wildlife protection officer) in his early 20s cause as most know, his years back then affected him a lot for how he is now!

・┇Allen was a game warden from age 21-26. Game wardens, often referred to as wildlife officers, conservation officers, or fish and game wardens, are members of state and federal wildlife conservation teams, serving as commissioned law enforcement officers who enforce the laws in place to protect wildlife and natural resources on state, federal and even privately owned land. They have all rights of a normal US state trooper and still have the ability to make normal arrests or assist other officers on cases. Their jobs are often more dangerous then other officers as 75% of the people they encounter have a weapon on them. So! this was basically the just of what Allen did!!
・┇His overall title, by the time he retired was a commissioner! Police commissioner is a senior rank in many police forces of the world. In other jurisdictions, it is the title of a member of an oversight board. In his own words if asked, he'd say " Game warden commissioner of block 15 in Maine Warwick County." He was only commissioner for one week before having to retire.
・┇As known, Allen was shot on the job at age 26 at about 8 Pm at night at sundown. He was in persuit of two drunken hunters and got shot in the shoulder. The reason he was in persuit was one, its illegal to hunt at night, and two, obviously, cant hunt when drunk. So far, Allen hasnt gone into detail on why the shoulder wound was so severe and why his PTSD was so severe from it, but it is known he nearly died, he wasnt found til awhile later due to being in the middle of the woods, and he supposedly was on a phone call before passing out, said person on the phone call kinda like.. yelling helped search n rescue help find him
・┇Allen has yet to name all of his co-workers / his squad team. The most he has mentioned is he had a tempory relationship which his assigned partner, that he more or less describes as a 'friends with benefits' relationship. Despite not much being known, he does have a photo of his team hanging up on his wall, and he will happily say he was very close with everyone on his team.
・┇not long before being shot, Allen was given a raise to be a police corporal, which is above a detective but below a sergeant. In addition to supervisory responsibilities, corporals still patrol and investigate. They may take over the duties of police sergeant in case of absence.
In addition to supervisory responsibilities, corporals still patrol and investigate. They may take over the duties of police sergeant in case of absence.
・┇Through talking about his job, it was revealed Allen has very good aim, hes quite the marksman. it was also revealed he was long-sighted. He could hit a target to this day from far away, but it seems close up his depth perception is a bit.. off.
・┇Allen has this old beat up office chair that he happily admits he stole from his old PD station/office. Many.. many things have been written, replaced and took place on that chair.



this is just me info dumping idk

┇When speaking in English he does has the classic NYC accent so when speaking he may add an extra 'A' to the end of words when speaking. Its also said in his backstory then his friends he met after moving to Japan make fun of him for being kinda fluent in Japanese but having a god awful American accent.
┇Adding this as well, not totally relating to last thing mentioned but also kinda at the same time. Allen does had ADHD, it being much more severe as a kid then it is now but this may be reflected into some things he does. Such as prefering lecture form of teaching as rambling on of explaining something he's passionate about is way easier for him. He also has a bit of a fixation for sunglasses which I'll probably mention later on. Lastly on this topic he also has RSD which means Rejection sensitive dysphoria.. this condition basically is different per person but overall is often the fear of judgement, rejection or the over thinking of minor details. Hense why Allen is so awkward with teachers or colleges he doesn't know well since he fears they'll judge him or think he's weird
┇Allen I'd say is special due to the somewhat irony of his character, as he's an ex-cop and a law major which in media is usually seen as a tough, big, strong, intimidating even person while Mr. Black is a shorter male with on the surface appears that he could care less about some things.
┇Overall, he really tries his best to teach and finds it easier to do more verbal lessons or lectures rather than write many assignments or notes on his board, hence why one of his rules are that if you don't pay attention and fail, that's on you. His exams and assignments would be either a quick written assignment such was identifying when can some form of writing can used or good vocab words that he feels are actually worth learning. While larger exams may be students acting out a scene from literature of sorts. In general, he plans for it to be a very hand on and more of an experience than anything as he does base a lot of his class on his former teacher's class that he himself took in high school. If also say what maybe makes him special isn't just him himself but also his class. Of course, English isn't a unique course but some of the things he could teach would be more unique, as said in my motivation part of this form, legalese and legal language, though more connected with law, is a topic in English that can help students learn how to write more detailed reports in a different type of professional style that usually students wouldn't write in but by all accounts, is still totally correct.
┇For his future he isn't sure what he wants, since a kid he's been living from day-to-day and is ready to see what the next day will throw at him. Quite frankly he does wish to perhaps get into a relationship or get a nice house all to himself but in general those aren't priorities to him. As he says, what happens, happens.
┇As of right now as well due to the subject he teaches, his first year or two of Law and criminal justice was most likely an "elective" course aka not on the usually schedule and students choose to take it or not.
┇Also just adding this because i believe it falls under character knowledge. Due to teaching Law at another school previously and missing it a bit, if accepted as a teacher to this new school he'd totally would try to make a mock trial club in attempts to be able to fully teach law again in his free time while only being able to just slightly touch upon it in his normal Englis class.
┇Allen may also often do a gig or joke in class where he'll refer to it as his law class, of course yeah its cringy after the first few times but its harmless and he is totally aware the subject hes teaching is English. Nonetheless it wont stop him from pretending to teach law jokingly if a friendly college walked in or if a student arrives late to class. ┇He truly doesnt mean any harm but quite frankly besides his Hawaiian shirts, sunglasses and NYC accent is the only on-going joke he has so hes gonna role with it.
┇Second to last thing I can think of adding here?? Due to being shot in the shoulder, that side / arm is a bit weaker then the other due to minor nerve damage. he will most definitely joke around about this and may even ask students to help him in the hallway if hes carrying a lot. Of course, Allen is in great physical condition as he kept up some work outs and athletics even after leaving the police force however things change when one one arm / hand works a little better than the other.
┇ok I lied adding this in, hes one of the teachers that as is will remember all his students by name however will remember you way more then the rest if you get him gifts... but not normal teacher gifts. Silly cheap ones like idk cactus sunglasses or really any silly goofy sunglasses come to think of it or silly posters or even stuff law related like. Just things that show you pay attention, you enjoy his jokes, ect since it means a lot for a student to go out of their way to give a teacher something.
also adding this, Allen Black's Spotify Playlist -- his character Playlist! It's horrid with early 2000s songs yet have a few cavetown and mitski songs mixed in. Very relatable


I'd like to quickly say before getting into the application is sorry for any Grammer issues or run-on sentences in the backstory part at least or maybe other sections, Ive lost my glasses and havent been able to find them so i may have not been able to see any missing periods or grammer ^^;


Allen Black was raised by his grandparents mostly as his parents weren't really in the picture. He was diagnosed with ADHD at a young age and was quickly put into extra classes to help with deal with it at Warwick central School District. Throughout elementary school he was often bullied, or people were pretend to be his friend out of pity or to be in good sides with teachers, as kids are they didn't understand his condition and usually referred to him as "annoying" or "weird." In the extra classes he attended they caught kids like him and others how to mask their conditions so they can function properly in a school environment, and they did a good job at that, however they didn't bother to teach kids how to unmask or why they even had to do this in the first place which led to issue later down the line.
Once in middle school Allen began gaining more friends and by 6th grade his teachers and counselors wanted to see if he could "test" out of his extra classes. Once completing a few tests, he was told that thanks to a striking above Average IQ and along with other factors they believed he could attend full normal classes, however if he begins to fail any, they'll put him right back to where he was. Allen of course didn't understand how overall wrong and nearly corrupted that was to say just because a student is decently smart, they can drop a class that helps and attends to their needs but nonetheless he went along with it. Once in 7th and 8th grade Allen began attempting to fix bonds with those who messed or even bullied him in elementary school for apologizing about his behavior. He pretended he realized how annoying he was before and tried to play everything off, and it worked. He quickly managed to befriend those who used to mess with him, which he was happy about. But deep down he always felt he couldn't be himself as clearly when he did act normally, he got judged. This led to his class Clown phase in high school.
In high school Allen never disrespected his teachers, however he didn't mind going back and forth with them playfully. In his freshman year he got very close his one teacher Mr. Meyer who taught his history class. There he learned people often disliked Meyer for his personality and called some names, but Allen never found him a weird, he found him as relatable. Once sophomore year came Allen lost his grandparents, his grandmother died of age while grandfather soon died after of a broken heart. Of course, he was devastated but was quite the good actor after so many years, so he didn't let it show in school. For the new year he quickly signed up for law and criminal justice class in school as it also was taught by Mr. Meyer. It was a half-year course and more of an introductory class as there was an advanced one open for seniors. Allen ended up being one of the most active in class discussions and truly felt a passion for the topics and cases. Soon after the class ended as he had a free period now, he'd just show up to Meyers other criminal law class and sit in the back, relearning and remembering all the stuff he had learned before. By the end of the year Allen practically took the class twice!
Junior year rolled around fast, Allen had been staying with other family members and friends this whole time and genuinely got used to the lifestyle, it didn't bother him anymore. He was starting to be more himself this year and felt comfortable doing so he had good friends now. On top of that his class Clowny-ness was more of just the way he was, he wasn't afraid to be a bit goofy or silly and teacher knew be didn't mean any harm. This year was big for Allen though as he got accepted a year early into the advanced law course for law enforcement and forensics. Later he learns he got in thanks to Meyers recommendations and somewhat due to his IQ. The new teacher he had for this class was a man named Mr. Candia who was a veteran and ex undercover narcotics cop.
Allen took the class for his junior and senior year and overall graduated high school with a normal diploma, only special thing added was for a lot of community service hours. After graduating a few of his family members reached out confused by his diploma as they expected him to do way better in school since they've heard so much about this IQ of his. Allen of course was confused as yeah; he knew he could a bit smarter than others but never felt the need to truly apply it as he was happy being an average student.
Allen did let the comments get to him slightly however he tried to ignore it as his family was never a huge part of his life anyway. For college Allen at first only did two years to get an associated degree straight out of high school and went into the police force by the time he was 21 years old. Here he went into a specific type called "Game Wardens." A game Warden was a type of cop who specifically helps protect wildlife, makes sure people hunt legally, have their licenses, etc. He ended up doing this for about 5 years before retiring due to a work-related Injury. His job was more of the dangerous types of law enforcement as you often deal with those with loaded firearms. Allen happened to be unlucky and experienced that danger firsthand. One night he encounters a few hunter deer hunters at night, which is totally illegal and night hunting can lead to jail time. Long story short, he got shot in the shoulder by one of intoxicated hunters and help didn't arrive for a bit due to the rural location. His office told him that he'd be able to return once he is all patched up and healed however... the accident affected him more mentally then physically. He wanted desperately to go back to work but he developed PTSD from it. he took the safe way out mentally and decided to fully retire from the police force at age 26. From here he of course was devastated, he lost the job he wanted to have since his teen years, got shot, pstd.. it really took a toll on him. From about being released from the hospital to October of the same year, Allen began not caring about appearance anymore. He started to dress lazy in light-weight clothes around his house like his Hawaiian shirts or shorts. Eventually turning to alcohol as a bit of a resource. For a few months he was a bit of an alcoholic till as said before, October. He sort of just had an awakening moment that month. He was laying on his bed, hungover, his classic outfit on, just staring at the ceiling. There for whatever reason something just.. clicked. Some switch turned on that was a "what are you doing?" Kind of thing. From that point on he began trying to help himself. He slowly eased himself off the alcohol and applied to a few colleges, most of which far away. He wanted the new start and wanted to go somewhere far away. This is what lead him to Karakura, Japan.
There Allen went back to college for a new full degree, his Being the Juris Doctor degree, also known as Doctor of Law or Doctor of Jurisprudence. This is a graduate-entry professional degree in law and one of several Doctor of Law degrees. He also decided to go for a bachelor's degree while he was at it as he just overall wanted to stay in school, apply himself and keep his mind off of his past. between juggling work and other activities, he ended up graduating at age 33. He wanted to do so many years and get those specific degrees to one, keep his possible job options open and two, kind of do it out of spite as his family earlier in years were upset at him for not applying himself. So now, he did. while studying in Japan he obviously learned the language and considers himself semi-fluent however some friends he made there often said he had a ' god awful American accent ' which was whatever to him, at least they found it funny. his main motive to do this was to prove some family members wrong when they stated all those years ago that he doesn't apply his brains and wouldn't really get anywhere unless he did.
After college he waited a few years to really looking into a high paying job, for the most part he was simply a security guard at stores or bars, nothing major. he was happy living like this though as he was used to just going day-by-day, not bothered by any possible budget tightness money wise. After about two years of the same cycle of waking up, putting on his uniform, going to work, stopping for a snack on the way home, then going asleep, he decided it was about time he started getting a job that'll benefit him. A job that promised he can retire at an old age and live comfortably.
Though the thing was, Allen didn't quite know what to do, he still loved law but feared becoming a lawyer as he'd be too heavily biased for the cases. So as a near Impulsive decision, he decided to apply for a teaching job at a high school, taking inspiration from his former teacher Mr. Meyer. The first school he taught in, he stayed there for about 2 years and taught an elective course for criminal law and justice but eventually quite as he didn't like his co-workers and just didn't feel like he belonged there. that's when he came to the schools he's now currently applied for, there clearly, they didn't have the same courses, so he used English being his native language to his advantage. when applying he instead went for an English teacher and plans to teach some of the writing he learned when getting his JD. now what happens from here is really up to fare depending on if he's accepted or not.


Just all the doodles n Art ive made of him! (Not all of em are on here yet. . . )
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fucken love this dude hes funny af

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