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Amaya Ōmori Bio!


Level 129
~Amaya Omori Bio~

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*All the information is IC information about Amaya though this CANNOT be taken ICLY. If you want to learn these facts about Amaya ICLY you have to ask/figure it out via ICLY means*

Basic Information

First Name:

Amaya Omori

Preferred Name:
N/A! She's fine with any nickname!

N/A (Unless you count her badge number as a possible Aliasses which if that is the case then her alias is 156)

Female! She/Her



132 pounds

Amaya has a fit hourglass figure to her body. Though even with her figure she still is strong having a decent amount of muscle in her arms and legs and such.

Skin Color:

Eye Color:
Blue eyes!

Hair Style:
When off duty her hair is normally long in the back, with sometimes but not always a bit of hair in the front. Though while on duty she puts her long hair in a decently tight bun

Hair Color:

Amaya likes to wear more colorful and nature-themed outfits. She enjoys how pretty nature is and tries to incorporate it via floral designs, colors, and more in her outfits

N/A! Amaya has no abnormalities regarding anything on her body

Living Arrangments:
Currently, Amaya lives in complex F2, apartment 347. She owns the apartment though she has a roommate named Takano that stays there
[OOCLY] The roommate is just my alt account so Amaya never interacts with said roomatee

Date of Birth:
January 5th, 1995

Place of Birth:
Karakura Hospital



Sexual Orientation:
Pansexual, though heavily leaned toward women

Religious Beliefs:
Doesn't believe in any god/religion. She feels that she has to see proof of a god before being able to believe in it

Political Beliefs:
Amaya isn't really smart when it comes to political topics. She struggles a tiny bit to understand and grasp some of the things regarding politics so she doesn't really care. As long as the people aren't corrupt or trying to do bad things for the city she is fine with whoever

General Appearance/More Information


Amaya Omori has a more athletic hourglass figure. Her hair is silky smooth and untangled. Her long brown hair goes down to her lower back. Her eyes are a beautiful lighter shade of blue

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Amaya is a very outgoing and extroverted person. She loves to socialize and interact with new people and people she already knew. She's very caring and kind as well to practically anyone, even criminals. Amaya is not the brightest in some situations and it shows through her personality. Though when it comes to KPD she is more serious and doesn't struggle when it comes to knowledge or protocol or stuff like that. Though even though she is extremely extroverted she does enjoy some alone time from here and there. Overall though Amaya is just a very nice and outgoing person


Character Voice:
Amaya's voice is soft and gentle, almost calming when she talks a bit slower. Though most often time her voice is more hyper and excited oftentimes

Special Items:
Archie the Axotol: Amaya has always had a soft spot for plushies though her favorite out of them all is Archie. Archie the Axotol is an Axotol plushie that Amaya carries around her everywhere. Archie can often be seen on Amaya's head when she is off duty, or in some cases she will take out Archie and hand it to people who are in distress in an attempt to calm them down
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Calico's Panda Comfort Plushie: Another plushie that Amaya always has on her is the plushie that Calico gave Amaya when they first started flirting a little. A few days before Amaya and Calico first started dating Calico gave Amaya a few items as a gift, one of those items being a Panda plushie. Sense than Amaya has hung onto the plushie so that she could feel closer to Calico
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Amaya wears very colorful and more spring-type clothing when off-duty. She loves to look pretty and enjoys adding some concept of something floral or nature related to her outfits. Overall she just enjoys wearing more colorful and spring-type outfits!
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While on duty, Amaya wears her corporal uniform, and that's it
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Amaya doesn't have too many hobbies. Her main hobby consists of visiting her Fiance, Calico O'Sullivan, at the shrine. As well as making sure to visit and connect with her other friends too whether it be meeting up with them, calling them, or texting them! Other than that she does sometimes often fish in the KPD pond located in the courtyard

Serious Problems/Flaws/Addictions/Disorders/Disabilities:
Amaya has PTSD from an incident that happened with her ex Kai which left her afraid of stitch-onesies and Kai himself. As well as due to Megumi has trust issues with anyone who has been in a gang or has a major criminal past. Only trust those who are really close to her when it comes to this sort of stuff
As for her flaws she trusts too easily in some cases. In some high-pressure situations she may freeze up for a moment, those most times she is a quick thinker. As well as she's not the best with larger and more complicated subjects and wording
She has no addictions whatsoever
She has one mental illness which is ADHD. Though her ADHD is not that serious though. She doesn't take medication for it as it's not really needed!

Socializing with really anyone
-KPD knowledge and overall work
-Quick thinker
-Athletic Abilities like running and lifting heavy objects
-Being able to notice small details in someone's body language/body

Stitch Onesies [Small fear. She is slowly getting over it]
-Ophidiophobia. Aka the fear of snakes [Medium fear. She may be able to get over it eventually but she's not close to getting over it as of right now]
-Kai Yokuna [Large fear. She will always be afraid of him]
-Abandonment [Large fear. She will always be afraid of people she loves leaving her due to her past]




[Birth Mom] Azumi Omori
[Alive but not in Amaya's life]

Azumi Omori is Amaya’s birth mom. In Amaya’s childhood, Azumi took amazing care of Amaya, making her the loving little ball of sunshine she is today. Azumi was a single parent as Amaya's dad left the picture once he found out Azumi was pregnant with Amaya, to begin with. Even though she was a single parent she took great care of Amaya, she bounced from job to job working in restaurants and other shops to help afford a decent life for Amaya. It wasn't until Amaya turned 13 that Azumi joined KPD.
Due to Azumi being in KPD, she wasn't able to visit Amaya as often or really contact her as often either. This caused Amaya to spend her teenage years with really no parental figure. Though Azumi was still an amazing and loving mom whenever she had the chance to be.
Late into Amaya’s high school life, specifically when she was 18, Azumi quit KPD and left the city without a trace. Ever since Amaya has had no contact with Azumi, Amaya doesn't even know where she is.

[Birth Dad] Unknown
As mentioned, Amaya never met her dad. For that matter, she doesn't even know who her birth dad is. Azumi never mentioned her father really to Amaya so she doesn't even know his name, what he looks like, ANYTHING. She grew up without a father figure in her life
[OOCLY] It was also just never discussed who Amaya’s ic dad was, so even OOCLY I don't know who the dad is

[Mother Figure] Megumi Nakamura
Megumi is someone that Amaya sees as her ‘second’ mother. Megumi and Amaya have had a long and unhealthy past. Megumi is actually the reason for Amaya’s abandonment issues, as well as her fear of people she loves being close to or in gangs.
Megumi first met Amaya back when she was in college, and Amaya was in high school. Amaya bonded with her instantly and Megumi began to take on that caring and loving mother role over time. At this time, Azumi was too busy with KPD to really take care of Amaya so Megumi in a sense ‘took her place’. At first, their relationship was amazing. Megumi treated Amaya amazingly and even brought her plushies and gifts, one of those plushies being a bee cat plushie that Amaya carried around with her everywhere.
Though their first issue arises when Amaya found out that Akihito, the clan Megumi was in at the time, killed people. Amaya became afraid of Megumi. When Megumi stopped by Amaya at her work at Larenco she hid and cried in the backrooms, she couldn't look Megumi in the eyes out of pure fear. Later though they had a talk which in the end cheered Amaya up and Amaya trusted Megumi again
Megumi was once arrested for Assault with a deadly weapon and Possession of Major illegal Weaponry due to a spar with a friend gone wrong. Amaya thought that Megumi was hurt, there was no way for her to contact or even know Megumi got arrested and it wasn't until Amaya became an officer she found out about Megumi’s charges
Though this was just the start of their unhealthy relationship. Though things seemed fine for a little it wasn't until Megumi ‘left’ Akihito for a mission. Akihito was known for attacking or even killing people who leave the clan dishonorably, and Megumi had to make the world think that was the case. She had to make the world think that she did really leave. Though because of this, she only made things worse. She cut ties with Amaya and when Amaya tried calling or texting she didn't answer. Finally, she went to Megumi’s apartment where when she walked in she would see Megumi holding a bat ready to attack Amaya. This scared her, she was worried for Megumi and worried about what was going on. Though Megumi refused to tell Amaya, instead Megumi chose to run away and go into hiding. Amaya begged her not to leave, even grabbing onto her outfit and sobbing as Megumi tried to leave the outfit. Megumi forced Amaya off her many times and finally ran away, despite Amaya sobbing her heart out begging Megumi not to leave her
Megumi would soon return to Amaya, only to leave again. This time leaving without a trace, just disappearing. This is repeated another time after this when Megumi would return to Amaya’s life and then leave all over. All of this happened when Amaya was just 18 years old and dealing with the trauma her ex gave her
Even when Amaya became an adult Megumi still did the same thing. After 9 years of not hearing from Megumi, Amaya ran into her in the forest. Megumi ended up begging for Amaya’s forgiveness and giving her one more chance to be a better mom. Amaya accepted the offer and told Megumi she had to call and check up on her often. But a year passed and Megumi did no such thing
It wasn't until Amaya was 28 years old and a patrol officer for KPD that Megumi finally stepped forward and tried to become a better mother figure for Amaya. Megumi finally opened up explaining to Amaya why she left the first time and about her arrest, she said she would try to be better and finally prove to Amaya how good of a parent she could be. Though by this time the damage was done. Megumi left Amaya scared and traumatized. Because Megumi Amaya fears abandonment and fears that if her family or anyone she loves is even involved with gangs will leave her too.
Sadly, as history repeats itself, Megumi would then disappears for good without telling Amaya anything. No text, no call, not even a visit, she just poofed just as Amaya suspected. Even though Amaya was too hurt by this, it still broke her heart and only deepen the scar that Megumi already caused
[OOCLY] Sadly heyitsgwendy quit srp, so Megumi had to poof. Gwendy chose to kill off Megumi though no one knows ICLY of Megumi's death

[Adopted Child] Niki Omori Hishui
[Alive and in Amaya's life!]

Niki was Amaya's first adopted kid. Amaya met Niki back when she was 13, and Amaya was 21. Niki didn't have a mom or really any family members that could watch over her so she was often alone and Amaya noticed this. Amaya would slowly begin to take care of her, treating her like her own child and soon enough Amaya would officially adopt her. Niki doesn't visit that often or contacts Amaya though she does stop by KPD every now and then. Though even though her lack of communication Amaya still loves her to death

[Adopted Child] Teddy Jökull Osiris
[Alive and in Amaya's life!]
Amaya met Teddy back when she was a cadet for KPD. Teddy would often visit KPD and bring Amaya gifts like food and plushies. Over time Amaya bonded with Teddy and they became closer and closer. A bit later, Teddy would ask Amaya if she could adopt her and Amaya would happily say yes. Since then, Teddy is one of the closer kids out of the 3, she visits the most and is happily engaged and pregnant! Amaya loves Teddy to death and would do almost anything to protect her and keep her safe

[Adopted Child]Anita Park-Omori
[Alive and in Amaya's life!]
Amaya met Anita again during her time in KPD. Though, unlike Teddy, Amaya met Anita when she was a patrol officer. Anita saw Amaya as her idol, someone she looked up to and wanted to become. From there she began to talk to Amaya and visit her daily, visiting her off-duty as well. Over time they grew closer and closer when Amaya found out she didn't have a mom she offered to adopt Anita. Anita is again one of the closer kids out of the 3, she often visits more when Amaya is off duty. They are very close and Amaya loves her to death, though she does NOT like her ex/close friend due to his criminal record and still being locked up in jail. Though in the end as long as her daughter is happy and he doesn't do it again, then that's what matters

[OOCLY] I included her main family and then her family that she is close with. I know that she may be related to more Omoris like Aiki for example though because of Amaya not having a personal connection to them as of right now they aren't added to the Bio. Though I do know she has a lot more family members than the ones listed


[OOCLY] I only included the officers that Amaya has a more personal connection with though she loves all of her KPD co-workers! Overtime more officers will be added

[Great Friend/Gossip Buddy] Nokori Heddo
[Alive and in Amaya's life!]

Nokori is one of Amaya’s best friends in all of KPD. When Amaya first met Nokori, she slowly developed a small crush on him. She liked his personality and how he made her feel comfortable during training and less worried during patrols and other early police work back when she was just a cadet. She felt like she could easily open up to him and talk with him, not higher up to cadet but a friend to friend! Over time though, she realized that it probably wouldn't work out between a higher-up and a cadet, so she gave up on it.
Amaya doesn't regret giving up on those feelings, as of right now she sees Nokori as one of her best friends in all of KPD. She loves to interact with him and gossip about his love life as well as just talk to him in general! She also looks up to him, and one day wishes to be an amazing detective and officer just like him. She strives to make Nokori proud whenever she gets the chance

[Brother Figure] Kyuma Endo
[Alive and in Amaya's life!]
Kyuma is another one of Amaya’s closest friends in all of KPD. Amaya and Kyuma bonded over their more ‘dumbass’ behavior and over time Amaya began to view Kyuma as the brother she never had. She acts differently around him. She goofs off, makes fun of and teases him, and even loves to meddle in his love life. Though at the end of the day, she will always be there to love and protect him. She loves Kyuma to death and respects the work he does for KPD. She believes he's a great officer with great potential and that one day he will become a higher up

[Friend] Stijn Van Santen
[Alive and in Amaya's life!]
Stijn is one of Amaya’s friends that she made when she got into KPD. Stijn was accepted into KPD in the same wave as her. Over time their friendship grew as they bonded a little going on patrols together, sitting at the front desk together, and even doing training with each other. Amaya would consider Stijn a pretty good friend, someone that she would hang out with outside of work. She believes that Stijn is a great officer that has good potential at KPD

[Friend] Luca Matsuoka
[Alive but not in Amaya's life]

Luca is someone Amaya hasn't bonded with that much, though she has formed a connection with him a bit over time. She doesn't often see him in the station sadly. Though he had helped her with some physical training and patrols. She began to really bond with him when her girlfriend, Calico, was kidnapped. Luca was the first to find out that Amaya knew something was wrong, and Luca was the first person that Amaya broke down to. In fact, he was the ONLY person Amaya broke down in front of. He made Amaya feel better and even though she doesn't see him as much, she will forever remember that moment and appreciate all that he has done for her. She believes that one day he will become a higher-up detective and do an amazing job as a detective and as an officer in KPD. Though sadly Luca would end up leaving KPD due to a possible lawsuit. Sense than Amaya has not heard from him or even seen him throughout the city
[OOCLY] Apoc bitched at me to add Luca so HERE YOU GO APOC

Partners (Dating Wise)

[Ex] Kai Yokuna
[Alive but not in Amaya's life]

Kai Yokuna was Amaya's first relationship. They started dating when Amaya was 18 and Kai was also 18. They met when Amaya was sitting alone on the shore by the lighthouse just watching the water and stars. It was here when Kai approached her and began to talk with her and flirt with her a tiny bit. A bit after talking Kai gave Amaya his jacket to keep her warm during the cold night and from there they both chose to go back to Kai's place for some drinks. As Amaya drank and slowly got drunk she too became flirty with him though Kai, being sober, didn't flirt back. Once Amaya was all sobered up they shared their first kiss and from there they began to date.
At first, it was pretty smooth, Kai would hang out with Amaya every day and talk with her, cuddle with her, and do other stuff with her. He would even give her a stitch onesie that used to belong to Kai's first love. [OOCLY Amaya did NOT know the stitch onesie belonged to his ex ICLY]. Amaya would wear the onesie everywhere, only taking it off to wash it before putting it right back on
Over time though Kai kept leaving the city to go visit his friend who was in a coma outside of Karakura. [OOCLY Kai had a major crush on this "friend" even while he was dating Amaya though again Amaya never knew ICLY]. he became distant and would leave often for large periods of time only to return for less than a day, do stuff with Amaya, then leave again
This went on for MONTHS until one day Amaya sent a breakup text to Kai and Kai was NOT happy. He tried to beg her to come back and work things out though she wouldn't budge. Later that night while she was at the pier Kai would sneak up behind her and begin to beat her up. Stomping on her, slamming her face into the wooden pier and just overall attacking her. Amaya tried to defend herself, she sobbed and begged Kai to stop but Kai didn't. Kai ended up koing Amaya and kidnapping her. Taking her to a small little building in the cherry blossom garden. He tied her up and told her how everything was going to be ok but due to him trying the robe a bit too lose she was able to get ahold of her phone and call 110 while he was outside on the phone with his friend
When 110 arrived they saved Amaya and Kai Yokuna was charged with kidnapping and assault. Though he would get out only a few days later once bail was posted
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She burnt the stitch onesie that Kai gave her later that night. Amaya has not seen Kai sense that situation and she hopes to never see or hear from him ever again. Amaya is deathly afraid of Kai as even someone bringing up the name "Kai' gives her PTSD flashbacks to the kidnapping

[Fiance] Calico O'Sullivan
[Alive and in Amaya's life!]

Calico is Amaya's true love, the love of her life, her soulmate. Amaya met Calico during her time as a cadet for KPD. One day Calico brought her own made cat stickers to KPD to hand out to officers and Amaya was luckily one of those officers! Calico would begin to visit KPD every now and then and soon enough Calico asked Amaya out on a date. Though due to her being a cadet she couldn't leave the station and go on the date for some time that didn't stop them. They would hang out and talk every day and Calico even at one point brought Amaya special gifts for her. Soon enough Amaya and Calico would have their first kiss while Amaya was on duty. From there Amaya asked Calico to be her girlfriend and she happily accepted!
Calico and Amaya's relationship would go great until sadly Calico was kidnapped for a month. Amaya even got texts from the kidnapper from Calico's phone though soon enough Calico would be found and reunited with Amaya. Over time Amaya's love for Calico only grew and grew, she fell in love more and more every time they kissed, cuddled, or even when they were just together. Once Calico got accepted into the shrine and became a maiden Amaya would call her frequently and visit her whenever she was off duty
After a few months of dating, Amaya proposed to Calico at the shrine in their favorite hangout spot, with Scarlette and Eli watching and recording
As of right now Amaya and Calico are planning the wedding and Amaya is still deeply in love with Calico. Amaya feels that Calico is the love of her life, the girl that even after death she wants to be with her. She loves her to death and would do anything for Calico



[Bestie] Eli Hanazono-Zennix
[Alive and in Amaya's life!]

Eli is one of Amaya's closest friends outside of work. They met when Eli first came up to the front desk when she was a patrol officer asking something regarding a question. As they both got sidetracked they would end up talking about Eli's partner for a few hours. Over time Eli would begin to visit from time to time and Amaya and him grew closer each time until they became besties. Now Amaya and Eli talk very often, calling and visiting each other whenever they can. Amaya loves Eli and cares about him, though she doesn't like his boyfriend. Amaya sees Eli as her best friend and loves interacting and talking with him whenever she gets the chance!

[Bestie] Scarlette Romanova
[Alive and in Amaya's life!]

Scarlette is another one of Amaya's friends. They met during Amaya's time in KPD as Scarlette works for EMS. They began to talk more and bond more when she would visit EMS for duties and reports and slowly over time they became closer and closer friends! Amaya loves Scarlette, she even had Scarltte record Amaya proposing to Calico for her. Though they don't see each other as often, Amaya makes sure to visit EMS and call her and gossip to her about her life whenever she gets the chance

[Bestie] Yejun Tashiro Ukiyo

[Alive and in Amaya's life!]
Yejun is one of Amaya's oldest best friends. In fact, she IS Amaya's longest bestie. They met when Amaya was 27 and living with her roommate Takano. Yejun stopped by the apartment to see Takano but he wasn't there at the time, but Amaya was. Yejun and Amaya began to slowly talk and ended up talking the entire night. From there they would visit each other often! Hanging out whenever they could. Amaya would even sit behind the counter at Yejun's shop with Yejun while the shop was open. They became best friends and stayed best friends
Though as Amaya grew older and joined KPD she gained small feelings for Yejun though it only lasted so long till the feelings fade and she realized how it would just be better for them to remain friends! And to this day they still are friends. Amaya still calls Yejun whenever she can and often visits her shop whenever it opens if shes off duty. She loves Yejun to death and sees her as her best friend!



Amaya Omori was born in Karakura in 1996, her mothing being Azumi Omori. Azumi and Amaya grew up alone together, her father walked out once she found out Azumi was pregnant with Amaya, leaving Azumi a single mother. Their home life wasn't so bad, and Azumi bounced from job to job, working at shops and restaurants to be able to afford a life for Amaya. It wasn't until Amaya was 13 that Azumi was able to join KPD and become one of the newest cadets

Teenager Life:
Once Azumi joined KPD, life went downhill for Amaya a little. Azumi began to fully focus on her work as an officer, not really being there for Amaya. Though Azumi still would pay for shelter for her and Amaya to live in, and pay for grocery trips, Amaya was still alone practically all the time. She had to learn on her own how to cook, and how to take care of herself and the apartment while Azumi was gone. She had to walk herself to school and take complete care of herself. Amaya went through her high school life without a mother figure. From the ages 13-17, Amaya was all alone. Her mother never came home really, she was too busy. Amaya had to get a job at a local restaurant called Larenco so that she could pay rent for the apartment and for food for herself. She would do her own school work, stay after school, and use her free time to discuss with tutors how to improve her work and grades. Amaya had to do everything alone
It wasn't until she turned 18 she chose to move out of her and Azumi’s old place. She hadn't seen Azumi in so long, every time she stopped by the station she wasn't ever there, and she never really heard from her mom either text or call wise. Amaya was lonely, she felt like she had really no one. It wasn't until a girl named “Megumi Nakamura” found Amaya. Megumi quickly became that mother figure for Amaya. Megumi took care of Amaya and gave Amaya shelter, she was there for Amaya. Amaya saw her as a mother. Though that didn't last long either, Megumi was later arrested for possession of illegal weaponry, and assault with a deadly weapon, though Amaya wasn't informed of this. When Amaya went to the police station to make a report about Megumi being “missing”, it was only then she finally saw Azumi.
Azumi and Amaya reconnected, as well as with the help of Azumi Amaya got more connected with more officers in KPD like Mazikeen Smith and other Omori officers.
Once Megumi got out of jail, Amaya spent her time between Azumi and Megumi, seeing them both as mother figures! Life was good for a while again, Amaya got another job at lighting electronics, she got a boyfriend, she reconnected with her mom and her family, she got Megumi back, and life was going well for her!
Though sadly, that would all change. Megumi was secretly a part of Akihito, a criminal organization that worked with the cops. Megumi left the clan which by Akihito's rules, if you leave they can take your pinky or worse. Megumi went into hiding, not even telling Amaya where she went. Amaya searched and searched for Megumi only to find her in her apartment, curled up holding a metal bat. Amaya tried talking to Megumi but Megumi ran away, Amaya pleaded with Megumi, begging her to stay and begging her not to leave. But she did, Megumi ran away to go into hiding once again. Amaya slowly became more disconnected from her family, not a lot of them seemed to really enjoy her presence due to her more childlike nature. She always felt somewhat left out of the family. A month later, she broke up with her boyfriend only for him to track Amaya down, beat her at the docs, and kidnap her. Amaya was kidnapped and tied up, though she was able to call KPD where she was saved, traumatized, but saved nonetheless.
A month later Megumi returned from hiding, promising Amaya she wouldn't leave her again, only to do the exact opposite. Megumi poofed from Karakura without a trace, not even telling Amaya goodbye. Soon after that Azumi left too, and a lot of her family did as well. She was once again slowly, becoming alone

College Life:
Amaya always had a poassion for KPD. She loved what Azumi did, and wanted to become like her. Amaya wanted to become a KPD officer and help the city just like her friends and family. Amaya passed high school and moved out of town to a college that had a Crime and Law program. Amaya spent all 4 years in college working towards getting her master's in Crime and Law, which once at the age of 23, she finally got it. Once she got her master's degree, she moved back to Karakura

Adult Life:
Amaya moved back to Karakura, where she would live alone and jobless for a few years, Though finally at the age of 27, she was able to move into an apartment with her friend. She has no connections to the Omoris anymore, she barely even sees them around. She only sees Juno Omori on patrols sometimes. Megumi returned and ran into Amaya, where Amaya stood up for herself and told Megumi unless she was going to be a good mom, she was to stay out of it. Amaya stayed jobless for a very long time, until her 28th birthday when she finally would choose to apply for KPD after all these years in hopes of following in her mom, family, and friends footsteps
Nowadays Amaya is 28 and working for KPD! She is a corporal rank and even got officer of the month her first month of joining. She loves her job and loves making new friends. She could never be happier!

Thank you for taking the time to read my bio! I'll update it as time goes on and things change. I hope you have an amazing day!!
Main Account: [28] Enderbubs ~ Amaya Omori [KPD Officer]
Main Alt: [27] EnderBubbies ~ Takano Shizuka [Adult]
Alt: [3] ZRex2316 ~ Dai [Bird]
Shes such a nerd


Level 26
[Friend] Stijn Van Santen
[Alive and in Amaya's life!]
Stijn is one of Amaya’s friends that she made when she got into KPD. Stijn was accepted into KPD in the same wave as her. Over time their friendship grew as they bonded a little going on patrols together, sitting at the front desk together, and even doing training with each other. Amaya would consider Stijn a pretty good friend, someone that she would hang out with outside of work. She believes that Stijn is a great officer that has good potential at KPD
"lost a leg, oh well"


Level 63
Thread starter
Quick Little Bio Update again!

Added Amaya's scars to her abnormalities sections
-Updated and fixed up
Serious Problems/Flaws/Addictions/Disorders/Disabilities section, adding the most recent event where she got attacked!

That all for now! as more things happen in Amaya's life and new Relationships are formed ill keep updating the bio :D


Level 63
Thread starter
Quick Little Bio Update Woooo

Added Amaya's newest daughter, Serene M. Omori, to the family section of the bio!

Thats all, for now, I may add more people as people DM me and remind me and such!


Level 63
Thread starter
Quick Little Bio Update Woooo

Changed Amaya's surname from Amaya Ōmori to Amaya Ōmori O'Sullivan!
-Updated Amaya's living arrangments
-Added Chiheisen Takahashi, Katie Martinez, Takuya Aikawa, and Asha Silvija to the KPD section of the bio
-Updated Calico's section. Changing it from [Fiance] Calico O'Sullivan to [Wife] Calico O'Sullivan. As well as added a brief summary of their wedding to her section
-Added the fact that Amaya sees Eli as a brother now
-Added Masuyo Hashimoto to the friend's section

That's all, for now, I may add more people as people DM me and remind me and such!



Level 63
Thread starter
Quick Little Bio Update Woooo

Added Gorge the Giant Squid plushie to Amaya's special Items section!

Thats all, for now, I may add more people as people DM me and remind me and such!​

gold fish

Level 286
Ophidiophobia. Aka the fear of snakes [Medium fear. She may be able to get over it eventually but she's not close to getting over it as of right now]
She and Julein Genet will not get along

or maybe he could help her get over her fear of snakes. But his house is an Ophidiophobics nightmare lol

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