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An "Official IC School Rules" Document on the "Roleplay Documents" Thread


Level 7
Thread starter
Ok so, after reading the messages on this thread and looking through the arguments that were against the document Idea, the main issue points I found were:
  • It would limit the faculty’s roleplay as they wouldn’t be able to be more harsh/soft if there were a set of rules;
  • There is already an ic list of rules close to the mascots;
  • Keep it ICly;
  • Punishments being included would be bad;
  • Do it more like in real life.
(if I missed any issue please inform me)

And this is what I think about each topic:

Limiting Faculty’s Roleplay: While I see how this could limit how harsh or how soft the faculty workers can be and how this could affect their roleplay in a way, on another way, with this set of rules being public, not only are they going to have less arguments with players Oocly because a player disagree with their decision (which ik they can technically just ignore the player but still) their decision would also be less questioned even Icly as there would be a document backing it up, as well as the faculty still being able to execute the rules on the same way as they do now but if they are too harsh the student is able to question it, and another reason this list would be nice is that after I made the post, I saw a situation happening where even the teacher didn’t know the actual rules (he was one of the new teachers so I understand the mistake) and tried giving detention to a student for something that wasn’t enough reason for it (the student yelled once), luckily another more experienced teacher was there and stopped him, but if he was alone that student would have been punished for absolutely no reason, so a list of rules would help specially the new teachers at least know where to go off from;

There already being an existing list: Some of you said that there was an Ic item listing those rules close to the mascots near the school’s entrance, and while that is really good and I’ll check it out later when I am able tho, if there already is a list available, personally I don’t see any reason on why there couldn’t be one available on the “Roleplay Documents” section on Forúms, as if that’s the case, the limiting of faculty’s roleplay would already be happening (which from what I got off the other messages is not happening) and there wouldn’t be an issue with the information it contains as it could just be the same list as we already have but updated and a bit more detailed;

Keep it Icly: Although we are on a roleplay server, and doing roleplay is the main goal of the server, if we are roleplaying a school, there should be a list it’s rules available to the students, we shouldn’t need to “F around and find out” for them as with this logic, there shouldn’t be a Laws document because we can “find out Icly” about it, as well as I’ve already asked other student council members and some teachers for those rules, and every time I asked, they told me that they didn’t knew where to find them, and there are some ways that we can make a list like this but still keep it Icly, it could be considered a page of a Ic School Website displaying them;

Punishments Included would be bad: I can see how this would affect the roleplay in general and personally I completely agree that the punishments should not be included if there as a document, maybe the more important rules could be written in red but not the punishments as if they were it would most likely only be available for teachers and not students and it would limit the roleplay a lot, so yeah, I don’t think they should be there;

Keeping things more like IRL: Another argument I saw was that, the teacher’s should be able to punish the students how harshly or softly they want just like in real life, but I think that while they should do it how they want, when we are talking about real life, we need to take some factors to consideration, those being: there would be a list of the rules on the school website accessible to the students, while a teacher can be more strict irl the student can also talk to the principal for example which is barely ever available on srp, we can’t really compare irl teachers that are professionals to the SRP teachers as they don’t have as much experience and their students range from much wider ages, Irl the teachers are still able to be stricter or softer even with there being a set list of rules so that wouldn’t stop the SRP teachers from doing so as well. And because of those things and some others, I don’t think we would be able to properly compare IRL with SRP and if we do, I only see more reasons on why there would be a list of rules available.

I know I don’t have a final say on any of this as I am not an admin or anything like that, but after reading the discussions on the topic I felt like kinda “backing up” my idea somehow lol, I didn’t mean to “attack” anyone with this so I’m sorry if I offended you somehow, and also I’m sorry for the grammar errors, I made this mid school so it’s kinda rushed ;-;


Level 355
HS Sports Lead
Thank you for your suggestion!

- You can find the School Rules on this thread:
- The only rule that wasn't updated was one regarding motorised-vehicles which is an Out-Of-Character rule, not an In-Character rule. The thread's rules is a more detailed version of the ones on the signs, there's no possible way to make it less 'broad' as doing so would only make it harder to understand, or much easier for some players to get away with breaking certain rules simply because "they aren't listed on this list"; using broader rules can be more helpful, you can always ask Senior Leadership for clarification should you need it.​

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