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Apartment - Inactivity


Level 3
Hi there,

There are two things I would like to request.

1. Apartments should be transferred to a person if someone hasn't been online for more than 20 days instead of 30 days.
2. More apartments as it is very scarce to find one. Or an option to find an apartment from a menu.

That is all


Level 87
+1 players who are inactive shouldnt have apartments

map could still be an entire year from now, we've had radio silence on the topic since the last announcement, which was months ago at this point
Yeah. But I don’t think they won’t update us before the end of this year at the very least because that would be depressing


Level 3
Thread starter
To be honest with you guys, it's absurd that people, new and old members can't find apartments. There should be a way to find an apartment without running everywhere around the map.


Level 87
To be honest with you guys, it's absurd that people, new and old members can't find apartments. There should be a way to find an apartment without running everywhere around the map.
Well I don’t think anyone saw it coming where the player base would grow so big to the point they don’t have enough room for players. But if they really wanted to provide more space then they should start manhunting people’s alt account having apartments and such. That would probably clear up a good 25% of the owned places.


Level 343
HS Sports Lead

I believe the main issue we're facing at the moment is development which is nothing staff members can fix alone though a housing update is scheduled for the new map. We disown apartments with inactive owners over 30 days, disowning can only be done by an Owner (Im6).

I disagree with it being lowered to 20 days, everyone has a life outside of SchoolRP & If you really wish to 'stay' somewhere overnight ICly, you may use one of the many houses around the map

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Level 3
Thread starter
I believe the main issue we're facing at the moment is development which is nothing staff members can fix alone. We disown apartments with inactive owners over 30 days, disowning can only be done by an Owner (Im6).

I disagree with it being lowered to 20 days, everyone has a life outside of SchoolRP & If you really wish to 'stay' somewhere overnight ICly, you may use one of the many houses around the map

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I do agree that 20 days is a bit low however shortage on apartments needs to be fixed otherwise we wouldn't have the problem of people running everywhere just to find an apartment. Yesterday I had about 7 people waiting for just one apartment
I understand the shortage of apartments and everything, however there are several homeowners that have personal lives. The average summer vacation is more than 20 days long for many people. Taking breaks without losing your household should be an option for players. I would therefore consider twenty days a somewhat unreasonable amount of time. -1


Level 3
Thread starter
Okay, I agree 20 days is far too little for people who go on vacation but please look into more apartments or even a better system for apartments and finding one that is open to buy easier
Okay, I agree 20 days is far too little for people who go on vacation but please look into more apartments or even a better system for apartments and finding one that is open to buy easier

A housing update has already been scheduled for the new map, though houses are accessible in the meantime.


Level 192
Thank you for your feedback!
  • The current duration to disown an apartment is perfectly fine.

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